Symphogear AXZ

Alchemy can turn boys into girls. Will this grand revelation spell the doom of team Symphogear?

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can't wait for her to die

References in AXZ when?

I love dmjii

Maria already had CHOUDENJI SPIN and a Satellite Cannon

Only got around to watch and join the threads today since episode 1 aired. Do we have images for this season's Gaijin meme yet?

The seizure filter really hits this series hard

satelite cannon is overused at this point

>I can never forgive you for saving my brother
Being zenbu is suffering

>get all the blame even though they are a team

They better drop this unnecessary shit soon. The "you saved someone I love but hurt them in the progress" trope is so fucking iverused and unbelievable wherever it is used that I can not not be mad at it anymore. Every single character pulling it always seems like a childish piece of moronic shit.

it's even better when used at someone who's already kind of unstable.
a good tool for drama.

Not to mention Chris getting drama in every single seasons is incredibly annoying, even Hibiki doesn't seem to get any this time.

I don't think it's really unbelievable at all. This kind of emotional thinking is a normal part of human existence.

Complaining it's a vector for cheap drama is of dumb because Symphogear's drama has always been overly cheesy.

>They better drop this unnecessary shit soon
If my memory of GX is accurate (still have to rewatch it), I don't have high hopes for that.

I just want Chris-chan to be happy

Cheap and cheesy aren't always the same thing.
S1's Miku drama was cheesy as fuck but it wasn't cheap at all. In fact, it was a lot of fun and contributed a lot to the silly craziness of S1's best episodes.

Conversely, most of G's drama wasn't particularly cheesy but it was all cheap as hell and flimsy to boot.

"I hate you for saving my loved one's life" is about a 'fresh milk' on the cheese scale, but a fucking clearout sale at the dollar store for cheapness

This is the 4th season. You really should have gotten used to the stale clichés by now, especially where Chris is concerned.

The track record for Hibiki drama is pretty awful so that's not necessarily a bad thing

It makes sense for them to react like that for the first few moments of shock but not to carry that grudge for several episodes and after spending some time sitting opposite of each other awkwardly in silence while the one at fault is clearly looking like shit and visibly angry/sad.
That dumb bitch is going to drag this on for the next 6 episodes and all of Chris' drama will be because her 'adoptive sister' is pissed because her brother lost his leg for keeping his life.

I'm not really disagreeing but Chris has been stupid and overly dramatic about everything for 3 seasons now and her backstory characters being the same is par for the course. Deal with it.

Chris' backstory was much more fun when it involved sapphic electrotherapy and two years worth of brazilian spunk endlessly glopping.

>no more Chris raping
what's the point

stop bullying Chris.

The alchemists got what they came for and were able to test out their dragon. We're staying in Val Verde for at most two more episodes. Chri's drama will be fixed before the second half of AXZ then it will be time for Tsubasa drama with her grandfather.

make me

Yeah ultimately, that's the thing. I would even have been fine with her getting the shota and be happy with him (not like she has any other girl to yuri with, poor girl), but the literal worst thing that could have happened did happens, I don't want her to be a cripple really. Who would?

Of course, this time we're getting the full rectal inspection course.

>read "rapping" and checked if her VA ever did that
I must say, I am disappointed.


maria sugoi!

AXZ is fucking great.

Should idols be this ripped

Pirate Fine is perfection

>Ogawa makes two illusions just for the sake of it
when will the boys get to shine

Yes, they need to dance and run on stage all the time while also singing which sounds exhausting as fuck. There's a reason why Nana is fucking ripped.

All idols should be this ripped.

Is Senki Zesshou Symphogear 3.5 the same thing as any of the bonus episodes listed here, or is it an additonal one on top of those?

And are there any other OVA's/bonus episodes on top of that and the ones wikipedia list?

If the Yaoixhupetl broke the universe what did Hibiki do to break the breaker?

The dude kinda is the amazing one there.

someone post nana's arm

Hibiki is god.


The impossible

I like that the drama is an analogue to what Chris was going through ever since her parents got squished - she keeps trying to do good and but keeps ending up hurting people.

They never completely addressed the whole "getting over her past guilt" thing - it's part of the reason for her 'defection' in G but that ended up more being about feeling like she belongs with the crew. Based on the ED lyrics I guess they're aiming to tie up those loose ends with this drama.

I hope there's a way she can come back for the inevitable fight on the moon so we can have space pirate Fine.

I'm curious. She ripped?

Everyone has been so fucking cool so far. I just hope the shota tells his retarded sister to lay off the Chris hate so we won't have to see her beat herself up for 10 episodes.

How can Maria job so hard even when she's training?

3.5 is just an extra story they'll to XDU, the mobile game.

I really need to finish the Wild Arms games so I can know if there's references.


>for the sake of it
He's probably checking that booty and back

Wikipedia lists one OVA in the "bonus episodes" after GX and before AXZ, but it's actually 4 shorter OVA episodes.

I wish we still had Carol with her sexy voice instead of 11-9 the useless moeblob though.

So it's seperate from the bonus ones wikipedia lists?

Well, shit. Is there a better complete list of content then somewhere so I can make sure I watch everything


Oh shit this has aztec shit in it?

No disrespect to Ogawa, but Maria isn't training with Genjuro or anything.

If you think something in Symphogear might be a Wild Arms reference, it probably is.
If you don't think something in Symphogear is a Wild Arms reference, it still likely is.

> Team song
> Weak
> emotionally unstable
> Too lazy to make linker

> Team """bad guy"""
> vintage soul collectors
> immortal
> can alchemy you into a cute girl

How can Hibiki even compete?

now, if the geahs had even one more competent ally things would end up being too easy.

She can cast FIST

She's going to punch them even harder than Maria.

>Is there a better complete list of content then somewhere so I can make sure I watch everything
Wikipedia is accurate except for the post-GX, pre-AXZ OVAs.


It gave me good season 1 vibes even though it's couched in a crappy G-style character development arc.

I figured the train jump thing was a refence, but I've got no idea.

With her fists, dummy.

But I shouldn't have trouble figuring out/locating them otherwise?

I'm watching the series on crunchyroll, which doesn't seem to have any of them; are they juston nyaa.pantsu?

Is this your first time using the internet?

So in the moba

Did AU Kanade fuck Canon Tsubasa in front of Maria yet?

>Oh wow, they're in Val Verde so they'll be able to do some good drama, I hope it's not just some characters going completely full fucking retard
>Oh wait, that's exactly what it is
To the idiot who spammed GX threads with "People aren't perfect logical robots so you can't complain no matter how fucking stupid they are!" we get it, you're a mentally unstable failure.

>2nd episode isnt Hibiki punching shit again

Maria bragged about how she got to sing on stage with Kanade.

Then Maria and Tsubasa had a little concert together to draw out some Noise and Kanade had to watch.

I'm not too sure, but I think in the story parts where Kanade is alive, Tsubasa is dead.

*with Tsubasa.

I'm pretty sure they had a threesome right after EV1-14

Is punching through the invincible snake not good enough?

looking good so far. what are the black marks on the gaijins' faces for ep 1? Is it supposed to be them disintegrating?

>Is it supposed to be them disintegrating?
Looks like you can see the couch through the second from the right, so I'd guess so.

i meant the 2nd panel should have been hibiki's too

DMJii airlines was more ridiculous.

>should we kill them right now since we can and there's literally no downside, and if we don't kill them it'll probably cause problems in the future?
>no, let them go
So is this going to be two steps forward, one step back: the season?

>Fine was the one who trounced our plans centuries ago!
>Surely we should let people still using her technology run free! There's no way she might have implemented things in her tools to help fight us.

They got on stage together at the end of the story and Tsubasa acted all cutesy in front of Kanade that Maria had to go
>Ko-kono tsurugi... kawaisugi!!
I don't have the screenshot here, though. Btw, Kanade said before the farewell that she wanted to try meeting Au Maria too if she existed.

They had to get Tiki and if they dicked around too much which they did end up doing Hibiki's team would have and did come to support Maria's side.

>They're stronger together, should we take the chance to take out half their team now while they're weak?
>I can foresee no circumstances in which to could come back to bite is in the ass. Let them go

Did you miss the part where they punched a hole through their "invincible" snake thing? Fucking off to regroup with your fossilized loli seems like a better plan.

It's possible that Saint Germain doesn't want to kill them while Cagliostro and Prelati do.

> Should we finish off the heroes now?
> No. Once they see how happy femgenjuro is they will see the futility and error of their ways

That was after Germain decided to let them go because "it doesn't matter, we have a giant invincible snake monster."

I hope they end up with FIS-tier bad planning after attempting to be so menancing.

>People who defend Symphostupidity are this fucking stupid
Watch the show again.

FIS planning was such a hilarious shitshow. If they were an anime studio they would have hit a recap episode 3 weeks in.

I think it's the commander dude's sunglasses breaking.

I will post this every thread until they dock.

So how exactly are people watching this? I do not want to watch commie subs.


Raw or praying for nakulus

Between this and New Game!! nosubs I see no reason to care about this season.

>not paying for Commie Gold™

How exactly having a female body makes you more powerful, how is having the ability to lactate improves your body

New Game will get subs when the first episode officially airs tomorrow(?)

False rape allegations