Imagine this was you in real life.
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If I was that alpha I wouldn't be on Sup Forums in the first place. Also I would not settle for a shit girl like Murano
I did it irl
I saw kids ganging up on a pup. I just said "Stop that" got between them, let the pup run away, then I walked away too.
There was no discussion. The body language was enough. I just hope they did not try to chase the pup again after I was away
That's cool and all but are you really Shinichi-kun?
Shinichi was so based
Made a lot of webm back in the day. All wiped out in the archive.
Dogs are vermin that should die
Spoken like a true Muslim or Chinaman.
>Epic Moment
this show was so edgy I loved it
Prove me wrong
>take a stroll on the street
>cat is walking past and doesn't bother anyone
>dog however tries to bother you and possibly bite you for no reason while SHOUTING
Fuck dogs, noisy annoying fucks
Stop climbing up on peoples homes, Tyrone
Which one am I supposed to be?
Stop thinking the sidewalk is your territory, Fido.
he even plowed her
You stupid fuck
Its the dogs that are with Tyrones that are violent for no reason.
>Nearly 2000 children savaged by dogs every year as attacks soar to record high
The dogs in my neighborhood all bark at any passerby on the sidewalk and at each other from behind their fences because their owners are shitheads who never walk them so they can get used to other humans and dogs. It's annoying as fuck. You don't have to teach a cat to not sperg out at other living creatures within a 30 foot radius
she was cuter in the manga
did he? been so long since i've read this
cmon it was written in the 80s.
let some teenage angst slide
Yes and it is also dogs that are not with Tyrone who kills Tyrones
Dogs can sense negative vibrations, Tyrone. Just stop emitting nigger signals
>Dogs can sense negative vibrations
Dog people are a bit soft in the head
Dogs are wiser than you, Tyrone
This was a neat show. It gave me the feeling that it was axed towards the end when all the humans killed them all, they never explained where they came from and the last "surprise" at the last episode. Shinichi was really the best part of the show. Red head being used as a plot device and asking if Shinichi was really Shinichi got old fast.
But so much bad shit happened to him it wasn't worth the powers.
Where do you live, some sort of ghetto shithole? Sounds like hell. I'm glad people actually know how to raise pets where I live.