I'm sorry Sup Forums...

I'm sorry Sup Forums, I have asperger's syndrome and I can't quite tell what emotion this facial expression is trying to convey. Any help?

That's a butt

Its not a face. Its a drawing of a 2d character's butt.

A what?

It's expressing a strong desire to receive user tongue vigorously.

That thing you sit on

A chair?

That's actually an ass and it doesn't have any facial expression. Trust me, I have assperger's syndrome.

I was gonna say brap but I don't wanna get banned so here's another picture of Kou's face.

More like assperger's amirite.

the same thing as this

I want to be dominated by Ahagon!

Sadness and depression

>A thing that sits on you

Go drink piss elsewhere.

Think she has ever slept with an American soldier before? Does America station women over there or is it just black men?

>Black soldiers in japan
Nice meme.

A face?

Ok listen to me you little shit. That's not how it works.
Asperger may have their differences, but if there are two things they share, it's their big obsession for big butts (some of them with big boobs) and the fact that just looking at something like this (even in real life) is enough to make you go into a big heat.
Yes, some of us are awkward and other straightforward, but we in general love butts and seeing something like this is like a dog who hasn't eated in a long time because the master was training him, have a food in front of him and he is waiting the moment his master let him eat the food. This is the same, I (or we) see that ass, and I seriously hope that she knows what she is doing, but in my case, if she let me, the I do the same as that hungry dog, and go for that ass.
tl;dr use the word asperger correctly, we are not the same as autists and we love butts more than boobs
>in b4 new pasta

Saved and uploaded to reddit :^)

I don't like that they made her a gun lover

>Nice meme.
It's not a meme. There are black male soldiers down there. Ahagon wouldn't be interested in guys though. A white female soldier might catch her eye though.

You'd think that the disdain Japan has for foreigners and black people in particular would make the niggers fuck off.

It's an invitation you virginal dipshits.

>>A thing that sits on you
A hat?

I already know that.
I honestly wonder how many non virgins (male) are here and how did they felt the first time



It's a cute hobby to have, stop hating.

I don't think you quite understand the situation in Okinawa. Those people are stationed there, most of the time not by choice. The locals don't really have a say in the matter either.

But isn't one of the many reasons people join the navy and military is to get stationed in places like the UK or Japan? If you hadn't figured it out yet, I don't know much about the military.

That's true, but it's not as true as it used to be. Most people join the military for the economic benefits nowadays. There are some cases where you can choose where to be stationed, but joining is not a guarantee you'll be stationed somewhere nice. The problem with Okinawa is that it's full of Marines, which is composed of the bottom of the barrel of the US military, basically retards who can't manage to get in the navy or air force. That's why rape is such a big issue in Okinawa because America is unfortunately sending its worse. If all those Marines had a choice they'd still choose to stay there anyways despite the Japanese disdain for them because a)they're illiterate retards who won't realize the locals hate them and b)they have the backing of the US military and the Japanese national government.

>Most people join the military for the economic benefits nowadays.
Especially the programs that help you pay for higher education.

Yeah, and I forgot to add many smarter servicemen are avoiding Japan because the local commanders are so afraid of catching bad publicity that they put restrictions on liberty and/or drinking. One nigger goes out and rapes an Okinawan or beats up a taxi driver and ruins it for everyone else.


To be fair Okinawan women are pretty slutty. Ahagon probably isn't an exception.

>Making excuses for niggers

I need to go to Okinawa.

Upshorts panty shots are the next level above upskirts

It's not just niggers. There are clubs in the area that cater to gaijin and are frequented by local girls who want to get blacked/bleached or even sample mexican dick before planning their trip to Mexico itself.

Please go back to wherever the two of you came from.

You still need to not be a disgusting autist.

Your point?

Going to Okinawa wont be any improvement

>The locals don't really have a say in the matter either.
the locals don't have a say in the matter when they're raped by american soldiers.

Shit now I'm imagining Ahagon getting raped by American soldiers. Thanks asshole.

Doesn't stop the Nigerians from taking over Roppongi streets.

You and I both know that the only reason Japan isn't gassing away at the niggers is because they're scared shitless of being nuked again.

Japan sees whites and blacks as being equally barbaric. You aren't special white boy.

Japan loves the blonde blue eyed white person. The best a nigger could hope for is prostitution, and Japan doesn't even think about nigresses.

>Japan sees whites and blacks as being equally barbaric
Great job showing you have absolutely no clue what you're talking about. You're thinking of Korean males.

I'll go to Okinawa and fuck 2 girls at the same time. Watch me, bitch.

Post proofs then.

what better proof than to take a vacation there?

>Did you mean: A drawing?