
Sluteora is best Metchin

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Sluteora > Infodump Meteora

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Cumdump > Infodump

Will moeblob defeat Altair with the power of yuri?

I sure love slut mages.


Im going to draw Altair with pet cybercat with advanced weaponry.

>when even the real version knows it's shit so it creates a better one within its own mind

Let me guess, Soda's plan is to create a fictional version of Setsuna that'll be the "Creator" of Altair.

yes, more powers

Soda's plan is to self-insert himself and meet Selesia while she fights Altair.

Boy meets girl. Just like it should be.

I bet she's from not!Muv-Luv


Meteora needs to meet Sluteora for real. The embarrassment would be cute.

What will soda's creation be?

I want to turn this infodump into a cumdump.

> Boy meets girl
> Awkward silence
> Boy meets girl again
> Mrrrgh I'm leaving
> Boy meets girl again
MC of the year all years


Robot maid catgirl (male) samurai with time stop powers.

Oh shit. This could only get better if it was CvS2 Claw.

I like it.

Just how OP is she going to be?

She is the strongest because she is Altair

>Dere Hime

Did any of the writers realize that they just need to give Altair a bit-part cameo in one of their shows and job her out quickly (maybe even off-screen) to win? You don't need a huge-ass crossover for a fanfic bastardization character with a niche Internet following.

That wouldn't effect Altair. They can't nerf her.

no one would accept that garbage

>Mamika died for this

They couldn't stretch it to a 2 cour show if they did that unless they spend that time doing sol shit after btfoing hime.

She probably has videos where she dies tragically, it doesn't really matter if most people still think she is alive. In fact it might be worse since it could make just consider that she can resurrect no matter the circumstance.

She's a niche, storyless edgy version of a pre-existing character. She's not even a result on their image searches. A cameo appearance as a grunt in a horde that a hero beats might work, and it's even their best bet at putting the character in a story since it was an OC and the author is dead. No one would raise some catastrophic stink if Coldsteel or that Teto Vocaloid was a cameo and jobbed out to a popular star in said star's own work.

She'll be back near the end with a magical splash flare to Altairs face.

That would just be another version of her. It's not going to change Altair. It would be no different than another random nico video of her.

And no one would care either, just like any actual vocaloid cameo, or stuff like the black rock shooter anime.


Maybe you could try actually watching the episode. They shot down that idea already.

Oh yeah, let's take this popular internet meme and quickly kill her off in a cheap cameo, that will surely leave a positive and accepting impression on people. If anything people would meme her harder about being able to reincarnate/being immortal and shit.

Do you even internet?

Canon ending

> Elimination dance off

Better plan, put Altair in a sad music video made by some popular NND guy and give her super cancer.

Himegimi's dance is too stronk.



>in the middle of the season Meteora actually becomes the tall, busty tanned sexpot because of doujins of her being distributed (made by Meteora herself)


Ahegao ruins it.

>he still watches this

You know if Hime gets her powers from fanart. Why doesn't the gov't hire doujin artists and make fanart of Hime getting gangraped ahegao and all as her ultimate weakness.

Because it doesn't work like that, dumb frodoposter. She can pick and choose whatever she wants from fanworks. Otherwise we'd have chibi Altair running around destroying the world.


Has to get fan approval or be popular enough, refer to Selesia's power up.

I don't think there is a hotter girl than sluteora

Telekinetic cyborg

Do it

24h till PV

Tho at this point I'm sure they'll use this one episode to establish the creators and finalize the event details. Interested to see if Charon or Syo show up at all or what the pink's powers are.


>inb4 another slow as fuck episode then followed by the special

>PV is either Meteora talking or Suruga's ass

What happens if Altair writes fanfiction of herself and the community likes it?

she gets kicked out of the universe because her fanfiction is too powerful.

She wins.

I wonder what she is in her series? She gives off that childhood friend vibe but I could be wrong.

>Suruga's ass
I don't mind this. The time she was on the episode it was covered by subtitles.

dumb grasshopper glasses

This 2nd OP is really good. Much better than the 1st.

So it would be just like when we all agreed that Mugi is a nigger fucking slut

She can't push herself to her limit, that's her problem. She's already way to o powerful. She wants to be able to do her deed without getting herself kicked from the universe.

The creations interacting with eachother really makes this series worthwhile.

>you will never see this ship sail

>we all agreed

Is this show any good? I want to join in the fun.

Yeah too bad we barely got any lately. Now that their plan is established thats all the show needs: character interactions and action



Post lewd Red.


No, however hop on in

So is that a Yes! (No)?

No. It's glacial, nothing matters, and everyone is a fool.

>thicc Selesia

no? (NO!)

Impregnated by Souta

What's his endgame?

Not really, I hate it and think it's one of the worse things I've watched this year. IBO and Masamune were just as terrible. Maybe IBO still takes it, but I think the second part started in 2016.

Ok im convinced ill start watching now.

it's the best

a creation to surpass Altair

Did Sota drew these?

Just remember that you were warned when you come back here bitching

Very nice. The hair annoyed me though. Not moppy enough.

It'll become canon and reality.

It was the end game.

If I tolerated Cross Ange, this should be no problem.

Aliceteria is so beautiful. What do you think her pee tastes like?

Angels and sunshine

Like gonorrhea.

Blood and regret.

You either agree or haven't read that doujinshi