Is there a scientific reason why she is so stupid?
I have a hypothesis. Everybody knows that Aho loves Bananas and she eats a ton of them. And its a well known fact that Bananas contain Potassium-40, a radioactive substance emitting ionizing radiation. Each Banana has gives a dose of about 0.1 µSv ionizing radiation. Therefore, I believe that Aho was irradiated stupid
Not possible. There was a video by veritasium on youtube that calculated you'd need to instantaneously ingest 7 million bananas to be severely damaged by the radiation.
She was already aho before she had her first banana.
Brandon Cook
>Is there a scientific reason why she is so stupid? She was born that wa
Jeremiah Rivera
Then WHY is she so stupid?
Cooper Gray
Because it's funny you fucking retard. Also, misogyny.
Dylan Davis
She's not stupid,just that's how she're written.
Dylan Green
>4koma gag manga adaptation >MUH SOGGY KNEE sure feels like summer
Jeremiah Taylor
>Also, misogyny. Haha, that's a really funny joke my friend. I'm glad you're just joking and not seriously implying that because that would be pretty fucking gay if you were.
Chase Hill
it's probably a geopolitical allegory but I'm not familiar with east asian politics to say for sure
William Myers
these queers got angry and mad lmfao that's so pathetic
Christian Peterson
her mother enjoyed tuna too much and so ako got mercury poisoning in the womb
Kevin Perry
Jaxson Scott
Tyler Sanders
Why would Marie Curie have a laptop? Is this place managed by a monkey girl?
Carter Wright
Divine punishment for her mother.
Mason Reed
>i was only pretend like have not broken the asshole
Logan Long
End yourself nigger.
Jayden Garcia
>End yourself nigger.
Now poltard manchill HEHE.
Cameron Davis
>thread about a show about a retard is full of retards if only this wasn't amusing so I wouldn't watch this show and look for these threads.
Elijah Cox
This show is just irritating it's not funny. Dropped
Jackson Lee
Hit a bit close to home, huh?
Hunter Rogers
Don't underestimate Aho.
Isaiah Watson
Apparently there's a poop scene in the manga. Could someone explain?
Benjamin Kelly
She's not actually into scat, she swears.
Sebastian Perez
I mean, apparently I read somewhere that she poops herself in volume 7. Is that true?
Logan Roberts
>Is there a scientific reason why she is so stupid? >misogyny
Oh man I think I just lost some brain cells.
Chase Kelly
She is playing the long game with Akkun guys. You don't think she's realized by being a retard he'll never leave her side? He's so wrapped up in her he literally didn't even have any other friends, let alone romantic interests. Not to mention the fact everyone who has sustained contact with her becomes stupider as a result, I find it hard to believe she isn't employing a modified version of her mom's plan to trap him. He's already said he'll spend his whole life either trying to make her into a being capable of living in human society or keep her in check if he can't.
John Scott
Sounds believable to me.
Christopher Cooper
Genetics. Didn't you listen to your teacher in school?
Nathan James
I did, but I dont recall genetics anywhere in the text book.
Jayden Scott
Is she /ourgirl/?
Evan Reyes
literally me
Hudson Moore
Me in the middle.
William Cook
do not question the banana m8
Ryan Brooks
Tell me about her father.
Christopher Russell
He was raped, repeatedly.
Jaxson White
How many episodes until the forced breast feeding chapter?
Jackson Gonzalez
I'm not the only one who thinks Aho is extremely cute, right lads?
Hunter Barnes
She isn't stupid, she just doesn't conform to the conventional Japanese model of intelligence. She often demonstrates quite high levels of emotional intelligence in the way she's able to outwit her peers.
Camden Murphy
Who here is willing enough to have sex with such a stupid girl?
Daniel Evans
She can eat my banana anyday
Cooper Cruz
>Geiger counter
I'm having horrible trauma hearing that word after reading that one doujin.
Grayson Cox
Fuck, I told myself I wasn't going to read the manga.
Hunter Wilson
Henry Evans
Is this a series about keeping your pimp hand strong?
Isaiah Martinez
For an adult that is. I believe this addiction started in her young infancy. Furthermore, she is japanese and they are known for being irradiated.
Angel Williams
She's actually a genius. She's doing it all on purpose.
For starters, remember the proficiency tests? They were multiple choice tests, so scoring exactly 0 on all of them is nearly impossible without knowing the correct answers. She proceeded to brag about them as if that were a great accomplishment. When discussing her future, she was eager to be a NEET or housewife. She's trying to drop out of school without actually dropping out by setting expectations that low.
Later, she made a complete fool out of the disciplinary committee girl. She easily changed the subject and created a distraction sufficient to get everyone to forget about the magazine, humiliated the disciplinarian in a way that made her blame herself, got to grope a nice pair of oppai, drew the attention (and envy) of a huge crowd, and exhibited herself in a sexual situation in front of the boy she likes (just like she does every morning). And then she got beaten up, too. There's only one explanation: she's an extreme masochist, an attention whore, and so lazy that her goal in life is to do nothing but sit around at home all day eating bananas and having brutal S&M sex with a scary guy. Her life is currently on a crash course to make that situation not only unavoidable but also manipulate everyone around her into thinking it's OK compared to whatever else could've happened to her.
I'll probably get a bunch of replies along the lines of "that's the joke, everybody already knows, aho."
Owen Torres
I think you're on to something here, user.
Landon King
It's only useful for interrupting her. Her aho power is too high, she's protected from both injury and learning anything. Even sustained pain like electrocution only starts turning her on.
Jacob Phillips
Good theory. You've made her even hotter in my eyes now.
Hunter Cox
What a "surprise" that the user who posts the autistic potato agrees with that inane post.
Robert Evans
You've made me a fan of the cute retard. I'll keep watching for clues.
Jackson Cox
How's your first week on Sup Forums?
One has to wonder how the majority of Sup Forums came to think that doujin means lewd manga.
Levi Torres
>implying I wasn't making a connection between two idiot characters >implying it's not just thinkinganimegirl.jpg >implying anyone cares what you think
Jackson Hill
>trauma more like a raging boner.
Jack James
>implying I just don't want attention from user-kun
Andrew Phillips
Is this yuri?
Easton Martinez
Would she be willing to show me her skidmarked pantsu for a banana?
Chase Richardson
>I'm just pretending to be retarded.
Jackson Perry
Anthony Price
Moralfag comittee girl
Aiden Nelson
Not that user but I often write doujinshi instead of h-manga or somilars because I like the sound of it more
Thomas Ramirez
I understand, but you're encouraging the aho anons.
Leo Robinson
Mr Peter?
Shady fake anime companies.
Lincoln Johnson
its so retards get addicted to creation that was made inside some male gook. it was accepted because it affects the minds like yours
its to keep you spinning around the roses like a chicken without a head
wake the fuck up
William Gomez
What's the appeal of a retard?
Grayson Ramirez
Jonathan Smith
Next ep in 50 minutes.
Chase Flores
She'll suck your dick for a banana
Connor Stewart
Who knew such a stupid girl could be so endrearing. Now that I mention it it's human nature to be sympathetic to inferior beings. I want to hug that aho.
Nathaniel Ortiz
Sounds like Sup Forums
Christian Scott
Jason Hernandez
Evan Sullivan
Momma dropped the fucking baby.
Sebastian Baker
Cute loli
Christopher Moore
Michael James
Matthew Harris
God, I want to fuck Yoshiko's voice.
Elijah Hughes
Wyatt Moore
>even imouto's VA is top-tier
Thomas Campbell
Jose Murphy
Dylan Cruz
To be a curse on her mother as punishment from god for raping her dad and then shotgun wedding him.
Parker Kelly
Tyler Phillips
It's called Aho Girl. She's an idiot because the author thinks this is funny. It's like toilet humor.
Jaxon Anderson
Lincoln Sanchez
Brandon Hughes
Hunter Cruz
Lincoln Cruz
She just plain doesn't want to change. She's stupid because her parents and Akkun enable her. Why should she change? She has a home, her parents have low expectations of her, heck, her mother is trying to force a shotgun marriage to the poor dude, who sadly has to bear with her, since her stupidity has burdened him with anger issues and has made it hard to get friends other than her.
She literally has her life solved. Why make any kind of effort?
Nolan Sanchez
Grayson Clark
>fondling balls
Ethan Long
Joshua Adams
Andrew Thomas
Hudson Hall
The disciplinary girl is best girl in this She's even willing to be his slave