What a naughty little assassin
Hunter x Hunter
fucking redditors making nonstop threads for no reason
Why are there so many of these?
Why the FUCK didn't Gon just slaughter the King instead of that FAGGOT ass IRRELEVANT fucking BITCH wannabe female BITCH ASS CAT
These are literally the comfiest threads on Sup Forums, 99 vs 2011 shitposting aside
Him and his friend are little perverts
Calm down there buddy
No, Gon is pure! Killua on the other hand..
Fuck you and your piece of shit plot device
Does Pika want to see the Bandit's Secret?
Pitou is cute!
I want to softly blow on his hair
Please tell me there's one for Leorio, the person who is a canon chronic masturbator.
This made me laugh more than it should of
Pitou is a guy, what's wrong with his chest?
Please don't start this
Hop in user! We are going to 2D world~
I want your hxh folder, phone-kun.
>some shitty slut makeup
Tumblr just finds a way to make any character so disgusting to look at you want take a shower.
Ooh yeeah!!
Please don't encourage the retard to stay here, either that or stop talking to yourself you depressing little cunt.
Unfortunately there wasn't a Leorio one when the first user posted them
But all of his images have been renamed "image.jpg".
All 1,350 pictures?
Stop feeding the schizo.
Don't reply to phone posters, don't berate phone posters. Ignore them.
And do the thing that shall not be named.
post your ultimate best single super image
what is with the spike in HxH posting? it isn't just on Sup Forums
yes quite the tumblrtard
>1,350 images
Fucking weak man.
You got it
>17.7 GB
Fucking weak, come back when you're over 100 GB.
I miss best aniki Illumi
Crossboarders are cancer. Who knew!
It's also okay if you promise you won't leave hxh threads.
Why are there so many of these nuts?
I think it has to do with the Nen beasts. People have been posted them on other sites and being like "look at this crazy shit".
Isn't hxh running on Toonami currently? Might be Sup Forums crossboarders. It's also become really trendy for youtube anime reviewers to talk about how deep hxh is all of a sudden. Also, new chapter releases.
My device of choice right now doesn't hold that much, I only got into the series April of last year and have quite a refined taste
Let's see your folder, tough guy!
Newfag, last year was even more insane.
Why would Sup Forums talk about the shitty dub? Do they talk about dubs there
There's no.
t. initial poster
He doesn't!
HxH came back. 2011 happened. It's on Toonami.
Basically 75% shitposters.
I don't know. They watch cartoon network, don't they? Maybe they just leave the television running in the background and realized hxh was good when it happened to be on. I don't know how Sup Forumsmblr works.
Bisky demolishing her prince's enemies when?
Oh god. You can't even distinguish nipponese from fat tumblrinas anymore.
It's over, anime is finished. America ruined one more thing.
The dub's pretty good though.
Was this drawn by that tokyo ghoul faggot?
This weeks comment:
>The intro song to the A Dog of Flanders anime and the ending of the series combine to create such a sad feeling. I think the butterflies are angels.
>Implying Ishida can draw that good.
>actually good
In a word of dreams, user
Sounds better than the YHH dub.
>Having this shit of tastes
I'm the guy who posted that but YYH's dub is a masterpiece.
I saw that dub when was 7 and I remember how stupid kuwabara sounded in it, poor guy
>Kurama sounds manly
Immediately rejected
His voice is charming and charismatic. It fits his character.
It's probably a personal opinion but women should never voice male characters older than 12
"From the fourteenth through the late sixteenth centuries, the Ottomans practiced open succession – something historian Donald Quataert has described as "survival of the fittest, not eldest, son.""
"Accompanied and mentored by their mothers, they would gather supporters while ostensibly following a Ghazi ethos. Upon the death of the reigning sultan, his sons would fight amongst themselves until one emerged triumphant. "
Togashi you rascal.
It injects way too much comedy to be good.
That's like making Kurapika have a manly voice, it clashes with his bishounen looks!
Mehmet has shit taste in pairings
It doesn't need to be extremely manly but it shouldn't be girly
Well they did later change it to that the other brothers just became forced NEETs.
gon is canonically the whale island toyboy
Uvo sounds okay, maybe deeper would be better
kurapika sounds like an angry dyke
I also could not watch that dub because of Kurama. I could look past Kuwabara, and I actually prefered the english Yuusuke more, but Kurama was unforgivable. His voice just did not work.
Kurapika having a male voice would be amazing desu.
I want that screen shot of Killua. It's cute. Does anyone have it?
>implying Gon knows what dating is
He probably just showed the tourists around, he's that pure.
This is how pakirape starts
Killua IS that kind of boy.
Wait dub Kurama has a man voice?
Fuck Muricans are retarded.
>those cute little socks
Uuuurrrgggg I want him!
>not posting best dub performance
get it together user.
Manga came back and 2011 dub.
The only male voice I see him having would be his
Did we read the same manga? Palm was practically dripping by the end of their date. That kid's a clear player.
Watch Italian dub
It's soft as shit but definitely male, it actually decent.
Why do they like stomping their enemies so much?
Thought pika was a woman first in that shot
>not using him for Alluka
Does Hunter x Hunter have a shotacon problem?
>He doesn't know about the italian dub
Please tell me there is a Goreinu one of these
>that thick juicy cameltoe
>kurapika sounds like an angry dyke
So he was voiced accurately, then?
nigga that's balls
>Gon & Killua have male voices
Is this South Park?