Why aren't there more food related anime? Koufuku Graffiti was the only good one
Why aren't there more food related anime? Koufuku Graffiti was the only good one
There's literally a food anime airing right now this season.
Koufuku Graffiti was crap.
>Koufuku Graffiti
Also, nice rec thread faggot.
I liked your anime, fat middle school girl
Now that they're living together, I hope they know a good plumber.
Asuka Ogame needs more roles.
>cooking papa will never be subbed in full collection
>neither will iron chef japan in its new bd seasons and newer seasons.
Gal Gohan will eventually get an anime and all will be right in the world.
It's boring.
Agreed; it was a decent show. Useful for many reasons:
- Something you can show someone who's not into anime.
- Not be embarrassed to watch it in public places or around relatives.
- Learn practical cooking skills & menu ideas
Koufuku Graffiti 2: Unclogging the Toilet
I miss this anime.
At least Isekai restaurant has the same "enjoy food" element that is so nice.
Koufuku Graffiti 3: Diet and Exercise
JK Meshi
lots of shows set in restaurants (Working!, Hataraku Maou-sama, Gochiusa etc.)
Fuck food anime, I want another food porn anime. Kofuku Graffiti is the only one to fill that niche so far. Nothing else can even compare. That fucking pizza scene gave me a boner.
Did Shiina really confess her feelings to Ryou? I remember reading something like that on a thread this year but couldn't confirm it because TL never.
>Not be embarrassed to watch it in public places or around relatives.
party v&
>Why aren't there more food related anime?
There's been nothing short of a food related boom in recent times.
How American are you?
She almost looks like the real thing.
>dat meat
>its really just strips of something else meat wrapped around a bone
Yuru camp gonna be the next best cooking anime
by god this looks incredibly comfy. thank based kirara