What's the longest anime you marathoned?
What's the longest anime you marathoned?
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SDF Macross
Jojo's bizarre adventure
I am small time
One Piece
600 episodes of One Piece. Or maybe Gundam if you count all the series.
Hunter x Hunter 2011
I want my time back
Easily Detective Conan.
probably Inuyasha
Lupin part 2
Both seasons of code Geass. It was marvelous to be sure.
12/13 episodes a day for 9 days
Prince of Tennis is one of the few anime I can keep rewatching and never get tired of it
U-17 World Cup OVA soon, right? right?!
All if love Hina, bonus eps and ovas in one day.
My brain was fried by the end and it took basically all day.
Amagami ss and its sequel...
Legend of Galactic Heroes, 6-7 eps a day for several weeks.
Bakemonogatari + Nise + Neko. I rarely marathon series.
LotGH no doubt, finished it in about a week.
>tfw that was a year ago
>already feel like rewatching it
So good.
Depends on what counts as a marathon.
If we go by "All in one go" type of marathon, nichijou, k-on and other stuff that has 2-3 seasons.
If I can count watching only one thing in a few days, that'd be DBZ, watched that a few years ago in less a week.
Naruto 3 years ago when finished the high school, summer vacations literally watching from the start to the ep 200-250 maybe (I enabled my NEET mode)
I regret that soo much
Zettai Karen Children
Once when I got really sick, a person I met in an AOL chatroom loaned me her complete collection of Rayearth on VHS and I watched all 49 episodes in one sitting.
LoGH, 110 episodes.
Coincidentally the longest non-anime show I marathoned was the Chinese drama Kingdom about the three kingdoms with 104 episodes.
Those political dramas are always gripping.
This, and Ashita no Nadia a couple of years ago in ten episode allotments, allowing for rest and meals in between.
2 months
Digimon from seasons 1 to 4. I only kinda remember the plots of the shows and a certain scene in Frontier.
there's no way you marathoned this.
Depends when he did it.
Initial D, I'm on 5th stage currently.
But I only marathoned the first 500-600 episodes to catch up where I stopped reading the manga.
Entire monogatari series in 2 weeks
Dunno if it counts but Universal Century Gundam.
Finished 0079, Zeta, ZZ and CCA in about a week. Fun stuff.
Dragon ball-DBZ-GT-and I just caught up to Super on Saturday.
Twas a good run...
Space Brothers
Detective Conan when it was ~750 episodes. It took me 3 months and most days I watched around 10-15 episodes.
One Piece for separate days.
Eureka 7 for all in one sitting (whole series).
I actually watched Punchline in one day.
Hunter x Hunter at a pace of 30 episodes a day.
Gintama. It took me a 2 weeks I think.
Dtective Conan, yet I just got to the first 400 first episodes and then moved on with my life.
no really i'm serious
Detective Conan, and I'm still going at it. Currently at episode 631.
Gintama. That shit is hard to binge early on. took me 70 episodes, and everything went smooth
Bleach probably watched the first 3 seasons back to back when i was sick
The first episode of Maid Dragon
Mr Ando of the woods.
Probably DB Kai
Hajime no Ippo
Kimi no Nawa
All FMP! seasons. did it over the weekend. I actually ended up doing it again a couple months later
I watched almost 40 episodes of gundam seed in one day.
Macross 7
Don't watch 20 episodes of this on one day
I swear this song was playing in my head all the time back then
One Piece back in 2012. Was an awesome ride. Dressrosa was shit though. Honestly I'm looking more forward to the Cracker battle being animated than the Doffy battle.
Monster, gundam seed, naruto
>not youtu.be
Gintama. About 200 episodes.
I fucking love that episode.
I've always thought marathoning means watching in one sitting, or at least with minimal breaks. But that can't be the case when people name things like Naruto.
The longest I saw in one sitting was Princess Tutu, or at least it took me less than 12 hours.
But if we allow anime spread over multiple days, my watching of the second half of Cardcaptor Sakura was very intense, took me maybe three days
No girlfriend or job, right?
Came here to say exactly the same series in exactly the same time frame.