How many levels did the Nazarick get to play around with? At one point it says that around 200 NPCs with an average level of 80 were in the throne room. That's 16000.
[Spoiler]Also Mare to win the Ainz-bowl[/Spoiler]
How many levels did the Nazarick get to play around with? At one point it says that around 200 NPCs with an average level of 80 were in the throne room. That's 16000.
[Spoiler]Also Mare to win the Ainz-bowl[/Spoiler]
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It's called pay to win aka cash shop items. Tabala used a bunch of money to make that horror room. The base has a "base" 2750 level however.
That's alot of cash items, I assume. Though Ainz spent all of his money on the game so maybe he helped contribute
If you could desing one maid what desing would you use?
What race and what role would it fill?
So the case of spoiler matters.
AOG was known for spending real money. Though Momonga was in a league of his own. If you read the LN extras, he bought cheap liquid food to minimize expenses so he could spend more on the game.
As far as I get it, not all of these NPCs are guild base NPCs. They just count mercenaries. For example, Honzos from volume 11 or Eight eyes assassins.
They got a World Class Item (Throne of Kings) and also a bonus for the base level. The base amout were 2250 levels with a bonus of 500 levels
Quite literally he did.
>yfw Peroroncino's daughter lost her virginity before he did
Good to know
>pouring hundreds of thousands of dollars into a game
It's a dive mmo which is superior to real life but still, it doesn't even have all the sensory functions and sex.
Any idea what ToK does?
Overlord's Earth is a dystopia. Games are the only way for people to escape their shitty lives and get some enjoyment. It's worth all their time and money.
There are many mercenary type mobs who you shouldnt count in it cause you cant customize them and you can have as many as you can as long as you have resources. Not living creatures like golems and undeads are useful in long terms cause they dont eat .
They didn't. But most of the npc's are minimaxed to hell
I think the tomb of nazarick had something like 2,500-3,000 levels to spend when they first aquired it, but they also purchased more levels via micro transactions. I think 3k may be a soft cap untill you spend money for more levels.
There was a thread meme about a guild that had 30 lvl100 golems instead of a miss mash of different NPCs to protect it.
it is both a guild base and wold item. It is basically the dungeon heart. I think if anyone manages to make it to the throne and capture it, they obtain the ownershop of the tomb. no one made it past floor 8 tho. Throne room is floor 9.5/10
What does Albedo's pussy smells like? It seems to have an effect even on undead like Ainz.
She is a literal succubus with a full bush and she is always beside the person she loves beyond religiously. Her clothes do provide some slight auto-clean magics. But it's safe to assume you could smell her stanky cooch from across the room.
Smell is just one of the very few indulgences a lich can keep. Albedo knows this and thats why she is trying to stank up his room with her magic SUCC pheromones to rekindle his libido. Ainz has stated that he would easily have given in to her if he could. He can still feel heat, moisture, and pressure on his bones. He just lacks the one specific bone.
If she can drench his bed sheets then doesnt she also dirty the walkways?
Then why don't the other male Guardians get random boners or the lower level NPCs for that matter?
probably. The homunc maidos are probably very familiar with these sorts of cleanups. They also get to touch Ainz's naked skeleton body when they dress him. Lucky bitches.
Shalltear probably has her vampire brides lick her clean while bullying them.
Albedo needs to wear slip-resistant shoes since the slimy lubricant sliding down her legs gets all over the floor.
You know that's a good question. I wonder if demiurge participates in the breeding experiments. Shaltear can't be the only guardian getting it on with her subordinates.
I wonder if aura uses her beats
Mare is rather asexual or at lest not interested yet. If he did he would likely go for the elf slaves first. or more likely Ainz
Demi might, but hes a sophisticated devil not an unruly demon. He also likely already gets pleny of tail from his demon lord subordinates. Some of the lesser demons under his command might pop boners when they are around her.
Sebas is much too gentlemanly to have such thoughts. He has tsuare now too so all his desires go to her.
Cocytus is a closet pervert, but not necessarily attracted to albedo. He would likely just get overwhelmed by anything slighly lewd.
Most of the other inhabitants of nazarick arent even humanoid or of some crazy heteromorphic race that isnt even compatable.
Shalltear is the one all the girls should be wary of the most.
*Beasts damnit.
If all of Ainz repressed lust came back while he was in the throne room in a meeting and he tried to take Albedo infront of all the NPCs would her shame get the best of her and try to refuse until they get to another room? same seiyu
Choose one.
Ctrl+s, user.
she would be the one that called the meeting and had placed the magic item that inadvertently caused ainz to magic a dick and lose the save roll. She would force everyone to watch. especially shalltear.
>Ainz uses Shalltear as a stool while Albedo is humping up and down on his bone
How would Shalltear react, would she be angry or horny?
Jesus Christ yes.
>Ainz is acting so savagely that the NPCs try to get near and help him, Albedo just growls like a bitch at everyone that tries to get near as Ainz takes her from behind doggy style.
New ppp shirts and key frames.
>thread meme about a guild that had 30 lvl100 golems
It was the floating city with 30 overpowered guards, it only makes sense they are all lv 100.
Did Peroronchino make Shalltear a cuckete who gets off watching her beloved be stolen by some devil slut?
>Ainz and Albedo go on a honeymoon
>They bring Shalltear as a lovechair
She has all the fetishes user. ALL of them.
Someone draw it
I really wish they would do an ainz figure
The new albedo one is quite nice, but I'm not happy with just the nendoroid (especially because the gems in the staff aren't colored, reeeee).
>all the fetishes
>Shalltear asks Aura for some pets in vol.8
It all makes sense now.
The big question should be what kind of pets she wanted.
>Asks for a giant rabbit
Guess why user?
>Shalltear watching as Ainz declares his love for Albedo and asks for her hand in marriage
>Shalltear as Albedo's first lady in their wedding
>Shalltear as the one who confirms Albedo gets knocked up during their first night
>Shalltear watching their first baby being born
>Shalltear as the caretaker of all their children
>Only relief is masturbating while Ainz and Albedo continue to have marital duties
Keep going.
>Albedo approaches Shalltear and says she is willing to share a night with her and Ainz, cause Strong Men attract women etc.
>Shalltear is superr grateful, says she will forever treasure Albedos Kindness.
>Gets ready for the night
>Comes in with Albedo
>Ainz says he isnt into polygamy
>Albedo smiles and goes to bone Ainz while Shalltear watches with a shocked smile and teary wide eyes.
>She starts masturbating in the corner
>Ainz and Albedo's kids are stronger than any guardians
>Shalltear loses her position to one of them, Albedo suggests that she does maid work to still be useful
>Her only duty is to clean up after they have sex
>She masturbates with the dirty sheets before washing them, and licks Ainz seed from the ground before trying to insert it into her dried womb hoping she gets pregnant.
Did you like it?
It's pretty great so far
How would lv 100 having kids work? not like the kids will be stronger since it's lv and build based.
Your blood is powering the wrong organ, bud.
>Ainz reaches godhood
>All of his kids become Atropals
>TFW being an outsider deity doesnt stop you from having an oedipus complex
if we are going by DnD rules Ainz could EASILY become a deity. you only need a couple thousand devoted followers thinking you are a god to literally become one. Would solve his level cap problem I think and likely allow him access to divine magic to boot.
>Yggdrasil 2 launches
>Its about some evil lich who achieved godhood and is trying to conquer/desstroy the world also he sexually harrases his servants/employes
>Ainz in-game model is sitting on Chairtear while fondling Albedo
Why are there no Slutbedo or NTR doujins?
It also has some biblical stuff, like ainz pouring aura and mare water and demi reenacting abraham/isaac on sebas and tsaure.
How wet would the maids get if Ainz cleaned their feet? and how jealous would the bitch duo be?
Ainz describes the sheets as a flowery perfume.
>yfw you realize Peroronchino liked Momonga and that's where Shalltear gets it from
Try ctrl+s next time when posting.
Slightly Yandere maid that secretly takes pieces of Master's private possessions while cleaning and continuously tracks his whereabouts in the Tomb.
Guys. What are the odds that...
Victim is Rubedo's child? Rubedo roughly translates to red, which was the color of the cinnabar, a main ingredient in the elixer of eternal life for alchemist. Victim is killed only for Rubedo to birth him again. That, and Nigredo and Albedo both have their own baby fixations...
I'm actually disturbed thinking about it.
Why does Shalltear defend three entire levels of the Tomb?
If Pandora's Actor was pretty much a Nazi then does that mean Ainz posted on Sup Forums?
I think it's because the first two are entirely labyrinthine and trap floors. So other than managing minor things there's little she has to do with them.
Yeah, but she doesn't exactly seem like the right one for the job.
She's fine for the job. She only really has to fight if they reach the third floor. And she is designed to fight player parties on top of that.
Because that way everyone can avoid her in their way out.
>"p-please re-respond" -shalltear
1 more month of enduring these rubbish talks and salvation will come.
We hope.
Did the Chair bullying already stop in the LN? In the first volumes Albedo and Aura were very adamant in making Chair their bitch, but both seem to have mellowed to her now.
Doesn't she also have those succubus vampire monsters under her control? I'm sure the labyrinth is built in a way to force enemies to split up and have to deal with those minions she controls.
What am I looking at here?
The upcoming plot.
There is no magical item that can give Ainz a dick.
The other (similar) image does a better job on overlord breast simulations.
Well, they haven't quite explore all of the new world. And there very well could be with YGGDRASIL race changing items.
Well, that's a given. YGG wouldn't have dick skills/items.
>what is transmutation magic
>what are mind control items
This doesn't sound very difficult to circumvent. I'm pretty sure Ainz can make a surrogate body as well, allowing him to feel the pleasures of the flesh.
You know as well as I do Ainz has a cash shop item for race changing just lying in his inventory.
>Ainz discovers Beta items left by the devs
>One of them is a magical dick whose length is determined by the users MP
>Only way to unequip it is to use it
>Ainz tries to hide a 16 inch boner
It didn't have sentient NPCs either. Albedo might be secretly researching new magic. She quite a bit of secret shit she's up to.
>Albedo goes "crazy" again.
>It's a battle like with Shalltear.
>Burns through all his MP.
>Albedo: "Oh, Master. But I saw that fight! I know what you're up to!"
>Ainz: "Oh really?"
>Albedo: *shocked/worried anime expression*
>Ainz: "Cash shop item: Change race!"
>Ainz now has a dick.
>Albedo surrenders.
>Cocyutus: "A. Warrior. Without. Equal."
>Demiurge: "Truly his ability to scheme is endless!"
>Aura & Mare: "I don't get it."
>Shalltear: "I--I was a chair once." *sniff*
Because the 1-3 floors are mostly filled with POP monsters, replaceable and weak. Like Shalltear.
>Albedo immediately hones in on it like a bloodhound.
>Entire episode is a, "Let's explore Nazarick," theme with creepy horror overtones with Albedo stalking Ainz.
Who is Climb? Is he some high level pvp specialist?
He is Princess Renner's soon-to-be pet kobold.
If her pussy juice is so strong, then why didnt any of the kingdoms nobles try to get near her during the ballroom dance?
Let us take a moment and appreciate this ass together.
One of those weird things that never got explained.
Because she still scary as fuck to normal people. Also, you know, Ainz and the Dark Young was a recent memory.
She might not have been trying, either.
>pet kobold
Wait, what. He looks pretty human to me in that pic. It's not like I'll ever read it, but whenever LNfags talk about Overlord it always seem like they are talking about a completely different series so it perplexes me enough to be curious about it.
It's a running joke the race change item isn't for Princess Renner but for Climb to turn him into a puppy. She has a fetish.
How nice it would be if v12 intermission is about Clem whereabouts.
>It's a running joke the race change item isn't for Princess Renner but for Climb to turn him into a puppy.
Ah, yes. Obviously.
>She has a fetish.
Is there a single female in Overlord who isn't a sexually perverted fetishist?
This is what I want to happen for quite some volumes.
Renner is stupid. She just have to ask Ainz for a charm item and Clem will forever look at her with puppy eyes no matter what kind of evil she does.