Be honest , would you be a villain
Boku no hero thread
I don't have the guts to make suffer other people, so no
Yes, but not with these faggots.
All depends on the quirk I got.
Let's be honest, around 99.9% of the population has some useless quirk that can't help with being a hero or a villain.
I for one would join you NEETS on villainy. We would most likely shame this guys into suicide.
Does this have an translation of any sort?
The hero side has cuter girls though
Why do the villains have a better theme than the heroes?
Yeah I get to hangout with my fellow stainfags
I want to protect that smile.
No, I'd be too scared to be a hero, but I'm too much of a "nice guy" to be a villain. I'd probably complain on anonymous imageboards about bad boys Chads who get all the hero chicks while I have to wait for someone to upload Midnight foot femdom vidoes on HeroTube. Maybe if I had Shinso's quirk, I'd be less lonely, but otherwise? Effectively quirkless life for me.
There were some translations of individual pages floating around on the hellsite, but I didn't save any. If I find them I'll post them.
the diference is you would have power in the bnha universe user
thanks user
I'm wondering because I heard it mentions Parco Folgore in the context of Aoyama and am curious about that
No, pure is where it's at
If I get a healing factor for a quirk , then I'll join for her
Another reason to become a villain. Your job would be to fight and abduct the cute girls. Having AfO or Tomura as your nemesis? Gay. Having an insomniac or midget quirk and facing Midnight or Mount Lady all the time? Awesome.
fallen angels is translating it but they are a few pages per week
I want to kill the Symbol of Peace!
I want to lick the feet of Amajiki!!
And everyone else and their mom would have powers too. It's unlikely mine would be better than theirs. If anything, their society is much less equal than ours, having overpowered quirk is the definition of privilege. People with OP quirks wouldn't date nearly quirkless losers and form cliques to keep the trash out.
Wher would I find that?
Its funny that Stain who preached against the commercialization of heroes now has his own merchandise.
yes but a professional non edgy one
i'm thinking bank heist funsies not MURDER EVERYDAY
calm down kirishima
Now you've just gone soft, Amajikifag
I'd do it even if I didn't have a healing quirk. I think the wait she would have to go through while I heal regularly would just make it better.
>mfw it's revealed that her fetish is missionary in the dark for reproductive purposes only
I wonder how popular it is?
Friendly reminder that Toga is the traitor
We need a stain disapproved version of this
Like this?
i like the aproved version more
>Toga was at UA all along
>wanted to be a hero
>was forced to do bad things
>with Deku's help, will get her wish
No, I am a nice person.
I would probably just keep to myself.
If Toga is based on vampires, and Dabi is based on Frankenstein, does this mean we'll eventually get a villain with a werewolf/beast motif?
Stain really seemed to strike a cord with the BNHA populace, even people who disagree with him understand why he feels the way he does and the hero killer incident was huge in the news, hes probly become a culture icon akin to Magneto in the marvel universe.
pic related:these shirts are fairly common among young rebellious mutants.
I'm more interested in how many people would chose to not be a hero nor a villain.
We know you can apparently license your quirk for use in other professions.
I think when we're being really honest, most people would rather find the best professional use for their quirk that DOESN'T involve crazy hero politics and risking your life constantly.
Think, Momo could be an amazing mechanical engineer, Ochako would be really helpful in construction, Jiro would be a great musician like her father, Kouda would be an amazing zookeeper (probably could tell animals to fuck to help with endangered species that don't do it in captivity).
There's more to the world than cops and robbers.
you must be fun at parties
He was the first person to really bring into light the hypocrisy of modern heroism. We'll probably get a villain one day who's alot more right than people think. Without the outright murder obviously.
> I am a nice person
if you have to say it you probably arent
stop pushing, let him be pure for once
Oh shit is that really her?
This just puts a hole into the whole Camie situation then. Why not just confront Deku at UA?
>Purple swept back mohawk
This kid needs a punch in the face.
The beast villain will be rockguy , we need a mummy Villain
She didn't become gay for Deku until she saw him covered in blood during the field trip arc.
I do hope we get more backstories for why everyone in 1-A wanted to be a hero, like what we're getting with Kirishima and Mina now.
>implying she would wait and not just kill you outright
>implying toga sticks to one man
Amajiki is not pure
Extreme ideology always polarizes people. Some would be fascinated while others would be horrified. It's just how it is
That's the intent. Quentin Quire has always been an insufferable pretentious asshole.
Villains are creepy and foul. Can't I be an anti-hero?
>"who was that handsome stranger who saved us?"
But she could still confront him at school after that
man after the dog post, I can't respect anything else you post. You're so boring now
I remember him getting TOLD hard at the end of this run but it was like 10 years ago so im not really sure.
Hold it right there. Where is your hero license?
How pissed will shiggy be when stain comes back and takes all his stainfag followers for himself and leaving shiggy without a team
i was talking about amajikifag not torturing his waifu this time, but i do have a hard time believing sunny isnt a pure moe virgin.
It's like how on some populace the majority of the youngsters aspire to become an idol (or a medical doctor, or movie star). It's just, in this universe Hero-ing is a complete package of money, fame, and cool
T'was I, The Gentleman
I mean, a lot of them likely were like the faggots in Deku's middle school class, just wanting to be heroes because that's what every kid wants to do.
Mineta apparently just wants to be cool.
In fact, they're all kinda like that.
The whole "heroes act without thinking" stuff doesn't really affect how most of them still wanted to be heroes just cause they were inspired by other heroes.
Ibara wanting to be a hero for somewhat religious reasons is actually kinda unique among motivations.
She probably already got kicked out , leaving her to become a stainfag
Bakusquad posting needs to be a thing
Not at the end of the run, but I believe by the end of the arc the Stepfords force him into spaghetti mode with girl contempt.
You mean hauler
Stain seems like the type who works alone(being gritty and 90's and all that)
I concur. I wish they were canonly as tight as all their fanart makes me believe.
I'm heartbroken.
Do you think there is a whole class of people with erotic quirks that they use for prostitution and S&M?
Do you want to turn the poor anti-hero into an anti-villain with your oppressive licensing?
He'll always be The Gentleman in my eyes.
But he was willing to join league of Villains , he seems like he would like some help in his crusade
Being a villain in a society of heroes is basically the most retarded thing you can do. Its like being an open homosexual in Saudi Arabia, you just dont do it
Also I doubt anyone here has the psychopathy required to actively hurt people as a profession, because its really not that common
Midnight is still a hero, so I doubt it.
you're shit now is what you are. You can't just raise the stakes like that then not follow through.
Plus Ultra or go home
>shoji can make his tentacles replicate any part of his body
>any part
>"Nice guy"
>If only i had the rape quirk
You know Amajiki would enjoy everything Amajikifag would do to him
A part of me really does hope he was serious about being in all the previews from now on.
But then I realize that we need to have Stain do a preview later so fuck it.
I wish the current arc was a little less cluttered. Our character baggage is getting heavy. I like Kirishima and Fat Gum, but I can't help but feel this arc should be more focused on the parallels between Shigaraki and Deku both working with and proving themselves superior to their potential replacements.
Basically, I wanted more of the League of Villains.
I would prefer to be an outcast
I can't be a villain because mu own morale but can't be a hero either because mu lack of balls
I would just do my shit and live how i like, sometimes of course helping people but no so often so i wouldn't get caught on it, and little villainish stuff like stole and vandalize the advertisment and stuff that makes me cringe
>Toga can turn into any girl you fancy, just bring her blood
>Zero-G by Ochako
>real giantess vore
>Mineta's sticky casting couch
>handjobs by Tomura
The adult world must be pretty wild in their universe.
this image implies that the bra/panties belong to Bakugo
Quirk kink is probably the most vanilla shit in the setting
Reminder that starting from this post speading around SJW's will later on harass people hori, people that like the series, and people interested in it by calling them pedos. That's how they destroy everything.
Here we are.
I think the introduction of the Yakuza makes sense. AfO left a pretty large power vacuum, so of course there would be people outside the League that would want it. Overhaul makes from a great foil to Shigaraki, so I would hope Shigaraki does something pretty great in this arc.
Remember when villains were charismatic and not autistic?