Anti-christian propaganda

>Anti-christian propaganda

What the fuck? How is this funny? Is this really what passes for "humor" in nippon?

what am I looking at here

Missionaries. The joke is that they only care about rich people. Pretty shallow honestly.

Kumeta is a staunch nationalist and missionaries have had a long history of raping Japanese culture.

What the fuck? How is this funny? Is this really what passes for "humor" in the west?

>oh no, they made a joke at the expense of a group I like! This ruins the show, unlike the jokes at the expense of other groups!

if this was set in America you'd think they were a Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, or Seventh-Day Adventists and you wouldn't bat an eyelash

Well Christianity is already a pretty good joke by itself.


>oh no they're making fun of religion!!!
Only Sup Forums would get triggered at such a thing.