I hope you're all buying up Eromanga sensei novels, manga, BD, figuries, and other merchandise.
You better if you want season 2.
I hope you're all buying up Eromanga sensei novels, manga, BD, figuries, and other merchandise.
You better if you want season 2.
>paying for anime
I want a spinoff of bookstore-tan only.
shit man we don't even want a season 2, this show was pure garbage
Hello merchant-girl!
S2 is already guaranteed, V1 hits 10k this week.
Is there anything I can buy so season 2 won't happen?
The rights to IP.
Why so much unironic hate for this series?
Only if Tomoe gets 20x more screentime in season 2.
It's like Oreimo but not charming.
>Only if Megumi gets 20x more screentime in season 2.
>if you want season 2.
anyone with even a drop of taste would not want this.
Daily reminder that anybody who hates this show is in the same boat as this
I'm fairly sure that 90% of the people who complain about modern anime are toonamifags who watched less than 50 shows.
>best selling show of the season for fujos was Yuri on Ice, a unique sports original anime with progressive portrayal of gays with fully functional adult characters from different natonalities and constructs a narrative of love through ice skating
>sold 67.9k average BD/DVD sales
>best selling show of the season for otaku was Eromanga-sensei, an LN adaptation about a teen ero writer who discovers his waifu-bait loli sister draws fucking hentai because to pander to loli siscons
>will average less than 10k BD/DVD sales
I was going to complain about how anime's turned to pandering degenerates, but thank fucking GOD fujos will save the anime industry.
None of the characters in Yuri On Ice are gay.
Need the Jew face edit.
Sup Forums hates themselves for enjoying a series that is a manifestation of everything we hate in anime
Why are you talking as if they aired in the same season?
>not degenerates
There's absolutely nothing more degenerate than faggots
I want her to take my shekerus
Buy the BD, goy.
I'm not buying anything until there is a Tomoe or Megumi figure.
Elf sensei > Eromanga sensei