Our beloved series is now a fantasy anime, how good is it now Sup Forums
Boku no hero academia
FUCKING isekai
>Doesn't involve a retarded NEET who got sucked into an alternate reality
Kinda hate it tbqf
Good enough for you to post in the thread thats already up.
Isekai= fantasy, that retarded
There is?
As long as we get Momo tits I'll be happy
Momo middle age doujins when?
The lack of doujins over hero academia is an atrocity. 90% of the discussioin about the series is pairings, Hiri himself shills very specific pairings even:
>Deku x Ochaco
>Shoto x Momo (luckiest guy desu)
>Mineta x Tsu
>Kaminari x Jirou (sometimes Kaminari x Ashido)
>Ojiro x Toru
And forgot best, Bakugo x Kirishima
I want to lick Bakugo from his filthy navel all the way up his chiseled abs, up his sternum and shove my tongue in the dip above his jugular notch.
I want to smell his nitroglycerin sweat
Better in every conceivable way.
Isn't hard to beat cape shit.
So how far into the future does this series takes place? I've heard people claim hundreds. One For All has been used by at least 8 people at the very least, and there's that remark that the societal upheaval after quirks manifested caused a technological stagnation that otherwise would have seen mankind colonize space by now.
>Mineta x Tsu
Hmm. You know, that doesn't seem TOO farfetched.
It's been 80 years since the first Quirk manifested, so it could easily be later than 2100.
she wants his grape D
US popularity polls are somewhat different from Japan:
1.) Deku
2.) Tsu (of all people)
3.) Ochaco (are girls reading this manga more than boys?)
4.) All Might
5.) Bakugo (was #1 in latest Japan poll)
6.) Shoto
7.) Tokoyami
8.) Stain
9.) Mei/Ashido (tied)
10.) Gran Torino
>making shit up
Nice try, but fuck off.
>Gran Torino
Yeah no.
Contrarian plebs, it seems. All Might still can't get into the top 3.
Deku's still wearing his Jordans, it's Isekai.
Based US
>using the first
It's that time again
tokoyami x me
>he likes capeshit
Isekai means traveling to another world being a diffrent dimension world,another planet,or a Digital/virtual one while have prior knowledge of your original world.
>Best Bird gets his due
>All Might in the top 5
Can't they just make an ova of this au?
I'm gonna dump the wsj chapter
desperately trying to keep the thread alive
I mean, maybe it'll stimulate discussion, idk
Gran Torino should be at least in the top 5.
NOW kind of but not really looks similiar enough for me.
Post source for this
This isnt the second poll's result
Read thread pls
He posted the first poll's result while ignoring the second's
This confirms Kirishima knew Bakugou was the kid in the slime accident, but he doesn't know Deku was the one that jumped into action
Ochako as an inept mage sounds cute
that's not the us poll.
So i wonder what the next chapter will be.
Something that apparently superboosts his quirk up to being able to destroy robots. And make him decide to go to UA.
But clearly not something that cures his self esteem issues.
Omake is out. Nejire a cute.
I mean, Kiri still has like, 6 months before the Entrance Exam, right? He could have trained like hell just like Deku
Something that helps his self esteem for sure. He was pretty confident when he took down the blade guy on trigger.
>pony girl is a japanese american.
Why do foreign main characters in japanese stories always have to be partially japanese? Rarely are foreign characters completely foreign
He has shown repeatedly through the story that his self esteem is kinda low. Hes pretty hard on himself throughout.
>All Might is now a sword that gathers the strength of its previous wielders, him being one of them, they can speak to the current wielder
>Deku gets the sword because he shows reckless valor when his hometown was being attacked by the Demon Lord's army or whatever
>goes on a quest to defeat the demon lord
>every sword attack is named after a province in the world and it's Slash instead of Smash now
Could be a cool OVA
>deku eventually becomes the sword
How sad
>Hes pretty hard on himself
Yeah but not nearly as low as it is in the flashback. He got some sort of boost from something.
Same desu
I mean when they die they become part of the sword, yeah
Seriously tho.
Asuka, Lupin, L, snake from mgs, etc.
Japan loves making major foreign characters part japanese
>Something super boosts his quirk
If there wasn't such a large time gap I'd say it was a neat way to tie in Illegals
>snake from mgs
What? Both Snakes are clones of a full blooded American.
Okay, I haven't been keeping track of BNHA, why the fuck is it fantasy now? What happened? Is this a glorified omake?
The surrogate mother was japanese
It's just an ED gimmick. The manga is still superheroes.
Its just the third credits
The new ED uses fantasy versions of the characters. The designs came after one of the popularity polls, Hori drew the winners in fantasy attire.
That's why I thought, but the cover of this confused me
That was the popularity poll results. Its where the designs came from
No. Tsu belongs to Aizawa.
That was the cover of the second popularity poll. It was the inspiration for the ED
dang, this art is pretty good
honestly, I tried liking BNHA and I loved everything but the pacing, the anime is just so fucking slow, practically one real scene per chapter
is the manga better about that? might read it then
>all for my master
so it's not religious?
Manga is pretty fast paced, especially after the first few arcs
The first season is really bad with pacing but the second improves it
Ironically the manga is faster paced up until the most recent arc
Guess not. Wouldnt be the first time niggastream fucked up. Tho too early to say
Huh, fuck me then. Always thought that they used Eva as the surrogate, and not this random assistant.
In MGS1 Raven mentions Snake's supposed asian heritage. If I remember right their surrogate mother was originally supposed to be japanese, but MGS4 retconned that by explicitly stating it was Eva.
Oh woops, i was slightly mistaken
EVA was the surrogate mother, she gave birth to snake, but the egg was a japanese woman's for some reason.
So i was reading the hero licence exam arc when I noticed the time the exam takes place and also the time the resit takes place.
The Japanese school year begins in april and ends in march, the Exam they took was the September exam. So that means that the resit Exam is literally at the end of the school year. Todoroki and Bakugou won't get their Licenses until they're 2nd year students.
What is Hori planning? Did he seriously bench 2 of his most popular characters for the entire school year? Bare in mind that by the exam they had been in school for 4 months while after failing they'll be taking remedial classes for the next 6 months.
You and me both user.
>No Kirishima
Why do americans have such shit taste
Time skips are always a thing. The VA could go silent for a while
>Keisha Quave
I thought Mina was the black chick here.
Thats the first poll user
And kirishima didnt place top 10 in the first poll in japan either
You're going to be even more perplexed when you see the second US poll
You already posted this last thread
For being the next big shonen series Boku no hero hasn't had a single good opening.
The Second US popularity poll does have Kirishima in it
>next big shonen
>this is what herofags actually believe
Why the fuck is Toga that high?
Probably gonna get an OVA out of this
Artist name