Which one of these are likeliest to be the official Sup Forumsnime of the board?

Which one of these are likeliest to be the official Sup Forumsnime of the board?

Feel free to add your own.

>Lolis skateboarding competitively. (boards.fireden.net/_/search/text/lolis skateboarding competitively/)
>Keit-Ai (knowyourmeme.com/memes/keit-ai-finds-a-way)
>Imagine punching somebody so hard that they turn into a door (pbnation.com/showthread.php?t=2795296)
>Ghost Slide (lurkmore.com/view/Ghost_slide)

Other urls found in this thread:


They're all terrible memes and you ain't gonna get your 4chin anime no matter how many of these threads you make.

That one about a hip hop mahou shoujo.

Haruhi S3. But with Sup Forums references.

any collective project is always corrupted by tumblr or reggit fags

soon this anime will have a diverse cast and be animated like steven universe, is this really what you want OP?

the anime that consists entirely of a cute loli hanging herself and then spending 12 episodes decomposing

Door Punch for sure.

I liked the cute crippled girls doing cute things but not Katawa. Skateboarding is a metric fuckton of animation, keit-ai already exists, door is stupid.

>Which one of these are likeliest to be the official Sup Forumsnime of the board?
The making of RWBY, by Studio Madhouse.

Lets just say Sup Forums did actually decide to make one of these

>Lolis skateboarding
Would be a pain in the ass to animate
>Ghost Slide & Keit-Ai
These types of series always have a lot of stills and slow moving shit making it easy to draw
Would be the kind of stupid shit to go viral and bring even more cancer to Sup Forums

It's also bad. We've had this discussion before.

Ghost Slide

There is nothing that would be more meme-ish that punching girls into a doors, and the hero that would come in to stop her.


Your average supernatural Romance movie does not have enough plot to sustain a Anime series.

It might not even be enough for a movie.

What's bothering me most about these threads is that it says "Original Animation Project" but those thread never create anything.

What happened to people making oc?
Though, if it's just a gay thread like this I can't blame people for not putting much effort in.

>What happened to people making oc?
1) 4channers were never very creative. A small creative minority produced most of the OC.
2) Sup Forums "grew up". By disassociating themselves from random jokes and low quality efforts they limited the window in which creativity would find an audience. (there are some recent efforts to amend that, BlueChiyo and WikiHow being examples of this)
3) Larger portion of phone posters and casuals that will never produce any real OC.
4) Nostalgia condenses the past into the most interesting moments.

Do the venetian doors you shits.
Are you going to pull a Katawa Shoujo on this one?

>No Sky Lanterns

Shit setup, try again.

It's actually bretty gud and covers the alternate universe aspect more than the webcomic.

The thing you are suggesting makes suicide by crushing seem like a pretty good way to go.

"I'm the MC of a Harem anime but I'm gay so every day I live is hell."

"My childhood friend is 30 years old and also a genki brown elf but won't stop lounging around my house in a sundress!"

"Cripple Gals." Obviously.

And I don't know, a Madoka-esque comedy story following the adventures of a christmas-cake Magical girl.

Half Life 3

No, we're gonna pull a Keit-ai on that one.

Door for sure. It was original to this place, and has the most over the top potential. Something Sup Forums is known for.

>Keit-Ai (knowyourmeme.com/memes/keit-ai-finds-a-way)

Shaggy Dramatically Reads Keit-Ai.


Wasn't there an animation project that has a cat and girl in it?
What happened to that?

Still waiting for my Katawa Shoujo adaptation.