What's the worst episode of an anime you've ever seen your entire life?
Just watched this and I have to say this takes the fucking cake.
What's the worst episode of an anime you've ever seen your entire life?
Wizard Barristers 11 TV version
The last ep of Eromanga Sensei
>Wizard Barristers
the PV was very promissing, the show was a trainwreck, rip wakamoto frog
>Wizard Barristers 11
How did you make that far?
Kemono friends ep 8.
Last ep of Erased was pretty bad as well.
Any of the last 20 episodes of Arc-V
The last 60 are all garbage but the last 20 were something else
Terrible fucking show for a man with that talent he should go back to making action stories with big dicks and cum.
The last few episodes of Mirai Nikki were painful
Nothing will ever match how awful this was
Try watching it dubbed.
Princess Principal episode 1
There was this episode of City Hunter with a goofy mad scientist who wanted to kidnap a supposedly telekenetic baseball player that I remember being low quality in nearly every aspect
TTGL episode 4. Absolutely disgusting
THAT filler episode of Tiger Mask W.
Damn, didn't expect to find my choice here.
To be fair it was shit from the start, but ep 4 really was the low point of anime in a transcending way.
Attack on Titan ep 1. Absolutely disgusting.
>Kemono friends ep 8.
Definitely this. People that somehow enjoy that show say the first two episodes are the worst, but episode 8 is incredibly painful to watch.
If this is the episode with the singing stuff, it's so terrible it transcends and becomes fucking amazing.
That final episode man. Yu-Gi-Oh series tend to have good final episodes, but arc v just left me bitter.
At least Lucifer's ass was nice?
Charlotte episode 11. Went from salvageable to a complete trainwreck.
Episode one of Texhnolyze. No one talks until 10 minutes in, it's cool for about a minute but just gets infuriating when characters decide to grunt instead of use their words to communicate
First thing that comes to mind is that episode in Kiniro Mosaic when they decide to frequently speak Engrish
Of course. The episode itself was funny as shit too.
The last arc of Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry. It went from fun battle academy harem to grimdark mind breaking drama.
If that was idol episode then I agree.
Boku no Pico.
It was pretty shit.
I generally don't go out of my way to watch shit.
For TV broadcast, any episode of Linebarrels of Iron. That shit was just bad on all levels.
What happened? I keep hearing people say this but I stopped watching Arc-V but I liked Yuya a lot more than Yuma
>inb4 someone posts THAT scene
Ep.6 of Pupa.
I really dare anyone in this Earth to find something worse, it was clearly made on purpose
Kara no kyoukai 4
just mindnumbingly boring
How the fuck did you get to episode 6?
It was ten times better than 6
Probably Pupa episode 10 or 11 where nothing interesting is happening and everything sucks.
really took a nose dive after episode 2
Casual filter
although I love how they BTFO homofaggotry, I still felt violated how Toei basically trashed a fucking good show
>BTFO homofaggotry
You didn't pay too much attention to the lines, did you? The homofags were the only ones who sort of won in the end.
The Infinite Stratos s2 finale.
The Eureka seveN AO OVA. Worse than Dewey being right.
>getting this delusional
It's almost sad to see how hard it broke fujos when Shindo and Tsukai had a child.
this. physically cringed
Not even a fujo, but you clearly didn't read the novel or the post-airing interviews. Shindo was a huge asshole precisely because of the way he treated Tsukai and his kid.
The worst episode I've ever seen is your favorite episode of your favorite anime.
Chapter 6 of mushishi 2, the show was pretty chitty compared to the first season, but man this episode was bad, I couldn't take it serious anymore.
well and Darker Than Black 2 final ep. it even ruin a whole show
I absolutely loved this episode and watched it 2 times in a row when it aired, are my tastes that bad ?
How so?
>nobody posted berserk yet
im disappointed
I have no intention to ever watch Re:Zero but I see this posted a lot and still have no idea what the context is.
That's a movie
MC spergs hardcore because a girl doesn't fall for him like in his anime and manga.
And it's the absolute best Berserk has to offer.
>I have no intention to ever watch Re:Zero
So you're just gonna meme about it then? Fucking autist.
saw that ep yesterday holy shit their voices
tiger mask plot is nothing especial but this was beyond retarded
I actually finished Pupa. I guess it's time too rewatch
That just means you have not seen alot of Anime. Hating on Re Zero is just a meme at this point.
Amagami SS episode 25 was easily up there as one of the worst episodes of an anime I've ever seen.
what happens in that one? i dont remember a lot of amagami
The 25th episode of Eva is pretty fucking shitty with is successor only being slightly better. What a waste of fucking time, EoE too.
I go out of my way to not watch things that are widely considered terrible but the last episode of Erased completely caught me off guard how bad it can get
The endless eight
It was basically the introduction to a character I never thought I'd legitimately hate out of the entire female cast.
I like 6. Can't even remember what happened in 4, was it the one with the nun rape?
4 was the hospital one
The Nozoki Ana OVA if that counts
Otherwise i guess one of the Symphogear GX episodes, cant really say which one was worst
Probably one of the Nagai filler hell episodes in Railgun. I feel like it has to be between the random swimsuit filer or Big Spider arc but it's all so boring and bad that it's real tough.