ITT Anime girls shooting up schools
ITT Anime girls shooting up schools
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Why do anime girls shoot up schools?
Must be tired of getting bullied for being disabled.
Cause all they want is user's love.
This dump goes in Anime/Cute.
crap sorry, Are they any animes/mangas about shooting up schools though
this is now an upotte thread
You could try Revenge Classroom though there is a lack of shooting
>Watched her friends get shot
>Most are out of the pool
>This bitch is still above water
wew lad
I never knew that artists catered to this genre
I fap to guro but sometimes I have to pause and wonder what kind of person draws these
It all happened very quickly
tfw no school shooter anime gf
>i fap to guro
>but i wonder why draw it
i wonder why you'd fap to it.
Even when you consider perspective her body is too long and her legs are too short
That character is poorly draw and all I feel drawn to is the writing in the back.
Oh I was just making a joke.
Nigga that aint the way it werks
Mass shootings are also welcome
>tfw you're watching a Taiwanese claymation forum solidifying and normalising someone's school shooter desires
>shooting up the school with a .22 rifle
is this even possible?
if they're teenagers without any protection sure why not
Where do you find these, 2chan's guro board never has them and gurochan is fucked
>in close range
I don't get it
What was of the life of Nevada-tan? Why not an anime yet?
Had a few of them for a while, there was a thread on /k/ where I found the rest.
>there was a thread on /k/
That explains why all the girls in these pics have trigger discipline
Kek that wouldn't even go through your clothes
They're all by the same artist.
There's also scat. So why not.
No bully Saten-san
"As I stood there looking at Hime, she brandished a glock ready to kill me. I don't remember what led us to this point or why she wanted me dead, but all i could think was, "What will Tourou do without me?"
"Psst Nothing Personal"
Where is the gas block?
>"As I stood there looking at Hime, she brandished a glock ready to kill me. I don't remember what led us to this point or why she wanted me dead, but all i could think was, "Does she know that the gun locks open on an empty magazine?"
>pull trigger
>gun doesn't chamber the next round
That is actually a better version, wasn't really paying attention to the gun.
>she shoots up a school while adorably yelling in that deaf accent
Here you go bud :-)
What gun is that?
It looks like a shotgun at first glace until I saw the mag
>actually drawing fanarts for raging virgins who never get laid
Is that some sort of respect?
ruger 10/22 with long mag
most of the pics in this thread are from one artist. check his pixiv and twitter. he does a mix of guro and stalker-killers
I wish all school shooters were cute girls.
So you wish to be a cute girl?
Who doesn't? But now I have to be a cute spree-killing office lady.
Hearing what kind of bullying happens in jap schools maybe they should relax their gun laws a little.
Bullies would get pop pop popped.
Fucking stupid, how i she going to fire the shotgun more than once? She would have to drop the other gun just in order to cock it.
These are all highly unrealistic because they are all very cute and slim girls, none of them are fat, ugly virgin neckbeards like they often are.
If they were cute girls, they wouldn't be rioting at the society. The more likely thing to happen is fat girls doing the shooting because the society doesn't accept their shape.
I know right? I wish it was more realistic too, because you can tell it's just anime people and it's not real people.
They want to join Ember's ghost squad.
this games not real enough they need to beg for life
They did, IIRC
Why is it that the vast majority are flat as a board? Is (are) the artist(s) trying to convey something?
Fuck off normalfag. You can fuck a hundred bitches but you'll never be as cool as The Supreme Gentleman.