What was her fucking problem?
Love Live!
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it's joke
She's bourgeois and belongs in the gulag.
Mari is my wife and don't you fucking dare talk shit
I'm starting a new game in Etrian Odyssey IV. What should I name my guild/members that's LL! related?
Wrong she will always be MY WIFE. MINE.
No one else cared about her until episode 3. It was KNEE NIN BURY DESK CAR jokes and before the show she was completely ignored.
Anyone who claimed her after episode 3, which was EVERYONE but me, can go away.
I will fucking fight you.
Square up motherfucker. Meet me outside after class on the blacktop
You, Mari, Yoshiko, Wooby
what is this show about
I've only seen episode one and like her.
Mari and Kanan were both idiots and caused unnecessary drama.
Cute idols.
Mari did nothing wrong tho
Deep complex characters.
And to answer the OP, it's natural to be slightly vindictive to the person who hurt you more deeply than anyone else in your life.
Except she did. All 3 of the third years are terrible at communicating despite being friends since childhood.
>tfw you realize that retarded drama was the cause why Ruby wasn't allowed to enjoy idolshit
Dia > Mari >>>>>> K*nan
Riko = You >>>>>> Ch*ka
Hanamaru > Yoshiko > Ruby
my general!
Why did they make anither russian?
That's also class president
And blonde
>Mari is italian american / japanese not russian
>Dia is the student council president, not Mari
>Because every idol group needs at least one blonde character
I could have sworn she was russian
With the blonde hair class president deal
Wait, she seems so class president so far from episode 1
I love Hanamaru-chan~
Good for you Ruby
Sniff sniff
Mari being best girl
How can people here say they love Love live, if they can't dance to one of their songs in-front of a group of people.
Kanan > Dia > Mari
Riko > You > Chika
Yoshiko > Maru >>>>>>>> Ruby
All the third years are great though.
Why does everyone hate Chika? I thought I wouldn't like her at first either but she was pretty entertaining compared to Honk.
I sincerely hope you don't do this Sup Forums
She's not the class president. She's the director of the entire school.
They probably just see another orange haired girl as leader and write her off. I know I did at first but she is actually likeable and doesn't have any stupid drama like Honk did.
Most people don't like her hairstyle. It's an acquired taste. 2nd years are the best.
I want to fucking die on his behalf
Smart Chika posters
I don't like her hairstyle, but I'd be pretty fucking 大丈夫 if she pressed her tiddies against me like that.
What about the part where Chika hit herself in the head while crying?
Are you referring to the part after their first performance in Tokyo?
Chika is pure sex. So is Riko.
Why is Kurosawacest so perfect
Maki is best girl
good lads
I hope we get more incesty in S2
We got some good ones in S1
She's not the class president, she's literally the headmaster of the school, because loaded family
Melted fingers?
Don't lewd my wife.
i FucKinG LoVe lOVe LivE
When you're the leader you often have no real traits except being the leader.
Chika is cute!
This one is nice too
Don't watch this
The cutest!
Holy shit your tastes are beyond saving.
>ratniggers always have to shit on honk when everyone else is shitting on their ugly girl
The insecurity is real.
I don't even hate Honk. I just thought her drama in S1 was pointless and made her character worse than what it was.
Nobody brought her up though. It's obvious its the same ratshitters every time cause you niggers shit on Honoka just to make your shit raibu look better. And posting bad fanart of rat girl wont make people like her.
/vg/ out
>not being a rikobro
I thought chika attentionwhoring was pointless and made her character worse than what it was
>/vg/ out
>when the same ratniggers are shitting up /vg/
Never said Chika was perfect. She's not my favorite.
eww rat piss!