Could you love a girl with hands like this?

Could you love a girl with hands like this?

You know what they say 'bout girls with big hands.

I just hope she doesn't stick the up my butt...

Big hearts?

I can think of worse places to stick them.

? Is this Outbreak Company ?

But it's part of their charm.

Hitsugi no Chaika
Bring your own spoon next time.

Close enough.

To me it's most of their charm.



I agree

Adds up to the cuteness so yeah.

Sexy doll butt.


I really wish I wasn't completely uninterested in the setting and story of Kancolle. She looks like a qt.

Sure why not.


I enjoy the setting, just not the game or anime or most of the characters.
The Himes are nice though.

Hand claw blowjob woooo wooooo

Too soft. Don't bitch out user.

The big hands make the body look smaller and cuter


Sexy doll everything.

Doll-joints + sharp teeth = Would fuck.

Good taste user.


sure, why not?

You could never feel warm soft fingers interlocked with hers, she would leave cuts all over your body when you make love, and she could never wear a matching wedding ring.

What a semen demon, I don't even know where I would start lewding.

I want a shark doll blowjob.

I would rather have a clawjob, but suit yourself.

Both sound good to me, I hope cumming inside the mouth doesn't damage the mechanisms of her jaw though.

It'll be like lubricant.


Cool, I'll lubricate her hands and doll joints too.

No I have dibs on her hands.

I'll lubricate the blue doll too then, I hope she likes it from behind.


1. there's other places where warm flesh can touch
2. wear the scars as trophies of love
3. just get the same design in different sizes or get two in her size an wear yours around your dong

Based on some of her sadistic looks she seems to prefer it face-to-face.
They are only minor villains in season 3, but you should watch Symphogear anyway.

Look at this cutie, I want to (sensually) scrub the grime off her claws.

>Based on some of her sadistic looks she seems to prefer it face-to-face.
Cool, although I wouldn't mind some face sitting from her with her cute doll jointed butt.
>They are only minor villains in season 3, but you should watch Symphogear anyway.
But I don't wanna see her being bullied or worse.

You have proven yourself as a true man with this post.
>wear the scars as trophies of love
I love this, imagine having a gash from your wedding night across your back.

If I can love a girl with legs like these I don't see why not.

yea, just make her put on some gloves. Problem solved.

>Deadly claws
>Cute smile
Guess I'll take the hit.

They do most of the bullying.
When worse happens they're okay with it, they're just dolls.
But I really hope they come back.

And she'll make you put a bag over your face.

I'm fine with that as long as we get to fuck.

Wedding rings are scam anyway.

>When worse happens they're okay with it, they're just dolls.
>But I really hope they come back.

What happens to them?

No, but amputation is always an option

>that end
What the fuck did I even expect?

Too rude.

This, but it's all keikaku dori.

Damn something so cute doesn't deserve to explode into pieces. What happens to the other one?

Same thing.
Just watch it user. They get screen time and even a cute OVA, and they might still come back this season.

No screenshot?

How big is too big?

Not a good one.

Why would you destroy something so cute in such way? Post more cute pics, my heart needs healing.

Damn it user just watch it already.
You still have time to catch up before S4E3 comes out.

There's something arousing about destroyed robotgirls and dolls, would cum on their remains. Do you have shots of how the other older dolls die?

That's weird user.
>Do you have shots of how the other older dolls die?
I think I can do you one better.

>Could you love a girl with hands like this?
I'm fine with any kind of hands or even a lack thereof, but missing or weird legs are a dealbreaker.

It's the reason I can't really get into monstergirls despite really wanting to.

Good shit.
Does she explode afterwards too? If so post it too please.

She does but it's just a generic fireball from a distance, you can't see shit.

I think the Needless manga had a decent amount of robololi murder as well you might want to look into.

>I think the Needless manga had a decent amount of robololi murder as well you might want to look into.
Already have.
What about the yellow doll with no pants?

Looks like another fireball. Ok user that's all of them, take your own screenshots if you want to see anything else.

Thanks user.


I want her to hold me.

I am literally incapable of holding any sort of affection for a woman that doesn't have big meaty claws.

What about a boy with a hand like this?

Meat you say?

I want to hold her sis.

I love Papi, but I'm a footfag. The thought of a talonjob doesn't sound appealing at all.

I prefer metal to meat.

I wish I was a cute 2d girl with prosthetic arms.

My first and only waifu desu.

She might looks outright hideous in person.

Doubtful that a mutant who live her whole life in the sewer and feast on living animal would be that pretty.

my nigga

I should really finish it, I love stories about MCs protecting their children.
The OP still gets in my head every now and then.

She looks cute as fuck to me.

>She looks cute as fuck to me.
It's just how she perceive herself.

No one with claws like that could be uncute.


The combination of really hard looking parts and really soft looking parts is so nice.

Found her perfect match
