So what's up with all those shitty battle school harem animes. Why are they so painfully similar?
So what's up with all those shitty battle school harem animes. Why are they so painfully similar?
This show had a pretty killer opening song
They're easy to make and sell.
this particular one was quite good
Battle Harems are the ideal narrative setting for red blooded man with a good t-count.
Sex. Violence. You've got everything there in one quality package to service your every need.
>but mc ends up with only one girl...
As far as they go Ive been rather enjoying it all things considered
he's still got a whole bunch after his junk
>No one really gave a shit about battle harems
>Infinite Stratos comes out
>Sells like crack infused candy
>Suddenly every studio needs to do a battle harem to match
>None do because battle harems are shit to begin with and IS was a fluke
>Battle harems fade from existence because none sells
I know battle harems came out before IS but I feel IS started the trend every season due to how well it sold.
was it IS? I can't help but feel like there was an earlier example
Easy to make, you just need to fill the template.
This. What makes more sense; putting in effort to write an actual story, or make a shitty harem and make just as much if not more money?
I just look at a lot of this stuff and wonder what the writers are thinking. Clearly not a love of the craft and if so, well, ouch.
>Clearly not a love of the craft and if so
it could be though, as you could just pick a premise that you know will sell well, so that your series will stay afloat, and provide you plenty of opportunities and time to hone your craft
To milk the normie market like factory farmed abducted African milking slaves.
Nah, he's right. IS sold unfathomably well for what it was. Made like 1.5bn yen and outsold fucking Love Live.
Hey I ain't gonna deny I wrote far worse in high school and if they can get money who am I to complain. It seems like a hard hole to dig yourself out of though
And yet many have poor action and the erotic part is made uninteresting because the characters aren't engaging. It's not eally due to the genre itself, but simply to how bad the writers are (and the shitty anime adaptations those manga and LN get).
>and outsold fucking Love Live
That's impossible, I refuse to believe it.
Yeah the attraction generally stops before anything gets good. The MC remains a timid clueless puss bucket almost the entire way through and even brushing a girls hand is enough to make him go full spaghetti
if it was just the base fanservice and escapism Id understand it more. Maybe Im too American to get it
1 6 38,885 2011/03/30 Winter Infinite Stratos
2 6 34,105 2011/05/25 Winter Infinite Stratos
3 6 33,696 2011/06/22 Winter Infinite Stratos
4 6 32,834 2011/07/27 Winter Infinite Stratos
5 6 32,313 2011/08/24 Winter Infinite Stratos
6 6 31,344 2011/09/21 Winter Infinite Stratos
1 7 35,694 2013/03/22 Winter Love Live!
2 7 28,618 2013/04/24 Winter Love Live!
3 7 26,209 2013/05/28 Winter Love Live!
4 7 26,379 2013/06/21 Winter Love Live!
5 7 23,858 2013/07/26 Winter Love Live!
6 7 26,547 2013/08/28 Winter Love Live!
7 7 40,517 2013/09/25 Winter Love Live!
Volume 7 event ticket skewed the averages, just like how vol. 1 of S2 did. Fuck event tickets and in game promotions. Fuck idols. Fuck battle harems too desu but at least they're 'real' anime.
Underage retards enjoy them.
if you're successful, you might have more clout, as well as a fanbase, to give you more freedom to do what you want to and not necessarily take the safest option
Fuck love for the craft, you need to get your dollar per hour 12-14 hour work day so you can live in your 10 ft by 10 ft apartment.
the problem is that they're never lewd enough. if they were even half as interesting as tlr they would have something going for them, but they always have the combination of shy girls and gay protagonist. then the few that do deliver the goods like dxd or shinmai testament forget after a few volumes and turn into stupid powerlevels.
Usually I love battle harems; they are my guilty pleasures.
But that show was so god awful I dropped it. There should be a limit to how shitty a show is. And I rarely drop shows too.
My dream was to become a LN writer and write the ideal battle harem.
>gaijin LN writer
It won't sell even if they don't find out you're a gaijin.
>gaijin LN writer
He doesn't know...
M-Masaka ?!
The only idolshit I could get behind was Idolm@ster season one because it was genuinely fun and the 2D concerts were a blast. 3DCG dancing ain't doing it for me.
Even if the MC went all the way in episode 1 it would still be bad because they put no effort in characterization. The best harem with fighting elements for me was Highschool DxD because the MC was fun and the girls interesting. They were archetypes but didn't feel completely rehashed. I don't know why Battle Academy Harems have to be that cliché, there must be some law about it.
I have yet to watch Strike the Blood though, I heard it was a good one (not battle academy though).
Because the formula doesn't allow for creativity.
You see one you've seen them all.
That's a stupidly narrow way of thinking.
Yes school battle harems are samey, but that doesn't mean an average-above average writer can't come along and make one that does more than just the formula to make an actually good one.
Because it sells.
>titty monster or flat
They can't even make the character designs interesting, let alone the characters themselves.
look at those characters. they could be from any generic shit tier anime. what's the matter with Japan ?
Truly the thinking man's harem
where are their noses ?
On the contrary, gaijin can be your gimmick.