>Leave Jiren to me
More tan for Goku because tan reasons
Thanks, based user.
Was fashion even a thing in this universe?
>Roh being the sugar daddy
Sounds about right.
Why did you post an image with non-existent characters, user?
Leave Jiren to me!
What's their endgame?
Reminder that Son Goku is beautiful.
Leave Gohan to me!
Leave erasure to me.
Leave Caulifla to me!
>Leave Jiren to me!
>What's their endgame?
>Leave Gohan to me!
>Leave erasure to me.
>Leave Caulifla to me!
King of jobbers.
Kai of jobbers.
>Jiren! You hurt my Gohaaaaaan!
How much is Jiren gonna stretch her bumhole? Is Caulifla next? I hope He brutalizes Caulifla and she begs for Gohan to save her.
*sniffs your butt*
Read Jaco.
At ep 3 of GT subbed.
It's not bad so far, Japanese Pan is pretty cute. Black Star Dragon Balls is a pretty stupid way to move the plot forward but I don't expect greatness in DB.
Also goddamn did they give Pan a nice ass.
How many Saiyan babies do you think Jaco has shot while in a pod and left to suffocate in space?
Damn right.
At least 10.
Were Shin or Beerus ever even told that their job was to raise the average power level? Were they ever told the potential consequences for failing?
All was good and cozy until son Goku decided to killl trillions of people for his autistic love for fighting.
what is dr briefs cat scratch doing right now?
What anime it is? I don't remember those character existing in any anime I saw.
You don't understand, these are REALLY strong guys.
Reminder that Vegeta is handsome and is the best flavour
Banging Dr. Brief's wife
Playing with that button Goku left behind
So do they need a destroyer so that the space dust left over from blowing up a planet can be used by a kai to make new life?
I have trouble seeing the benefit of a destroyer god for creating the strongest universe. Especially if it reduces the sentient life to only exist on 21 planets like U7.
Even with a mustache?
Reminder yuro's are toyo shitposters
I bet dr. brief's wife does lewd things with that cat...
>ranking is full of extremely mainstream mangas, 3/4 of them being shonens
>then suddenly Levius
>unironically rating dbs higher than one piece
kek every time
The moustache makes him only look more smashing
although the vanilla Vegeta is best Vegeta
were all pretty butthurt about the episodes. I think its the perfect time for island filler.
Leave Iron dragon to me
I am sry spics for calling you guys toyofags
Freddie Mercury
What universe?
>destroy the weakfags
>leave the strong ones be so they can become even stronger and bring the universe's power level up
Raising their family. And laughing about the fact they got away with committing crimes.
If a planet's power level is low enough to lower the universal average and it doesn't look like they will get stronger, I'd think that is when a god of destruction is supposed to destroy the planet and let the Kais rebuild it into a new planet capable of supporting life that will hopefully be stronger.
They could also be used to protect the universe from threats like Buu or Broly if Beerus would have gotten off his ass.
Its time
I'll honor your sacrifice
Delet this.
Thank you.
And here I thought I wasn't gonna Fap today
So you guys think they brought back all the old stuff in this arc because of fan reception?
I liked the new outfits, gohan being a family man, and the other shit. Seems like a reaction to the beginning arcs of super.
How the fuck is this OK but my posts aren't?
>begs the eternal jobbobobbohan to save anyone.
Jobbohancucks and their fantasies.
mama i don't wanna die
only reason they went back to their old outfits in the trunks arc is because toryiama was too lazy to design vegetto with the new clothes
Honestly I'm just glad for it. Like Gohan needs to get the hint that as a half saiyan he's doing a disservice to Earth and his family by not training at all.
Fuck, what did I miss?
I hope youre joking.
Mr Napkins can sketch something out.
>everyone liking cell gohan and not sword kid gohan in teh wilderness eating dinosaurs
just some pan chan from gt.
Somebody posted uncensored GT Pan rule 34.
Because Sup Forums.
Akari >>>> Caulfifla
Invisible SS is op.
island filler needs to hurry up so i can see what they try to do with MARON
Kill yourself Pedro
No, he wasn't, because that was an afterthought born in the mind of a senile old Jap and Super isn't canon.
One Reason why Gt failed so miserably is because there were no memorable moments and the same could be said with super. super might have a more interesting world building then Z but it lacks in magic that made dragon ball so popular in the first place.
>make Marron have fighting potential
Would you approve muscle Marron? Honestly for me she can go either way but needs to grow a nose like in GT.
>in b4 tumblr
rou looks like a child
That looks fucking horrible
I could agree with that.
I mean to all the people who actually like SS4, how many remember that getting the form requires a golden ape form, having control over yourself in that form and then going beyond it?
Fucking awful
Doesn't even fit her appearance at the end of Z
I do.
no one will have muscles toei is lazy.
If all the kids become times cops or some shit I guess maron can get some cool role.
>no memorable moments
bitch pls
Call me slowpoke but I just now realized that Krillin named his daughter after his ex-gf.
Why did he think that was a good idea?
the fuck is this tumblr monstrosity get the fuck outta here
no he didn't his ex was just filler and his daughter name is marron not maron
at least he beat goku before going down hill
Isnt marron something rude in weab language?
>his daughter name is marron not maron
Po-tay-to, po-tah-to
Are you retarded? The pronunciation is way different in japanese, they even made a joke about it in the episode where 17 meets 18 and Krilllin
>The pronunciation is way different in japanese
Let's not get carried away now. The pronunciation is only slightly different.
It's still noticeably different.
>So that's your daughter...moron right?
I want to bop his schnozz
I want to off screen several universes so we can keep being tight wads.
whats the japanese spelling
Could a Saiyan breed with a fridge?
Zeno would delet this
If they can breed with humans, they can breed with Fridges.
>Leave me to me.
>leave jobbing to me
I don't understand the point of the manga. It's so far behind and it has no suspense because everything is spoiled by the anime
It's not different enough to be treated as a different product either. Why not go full alternate universe like they do with the Yugioh and Pokemon mangas?
These threads are so peaceful before the kids join them. Even the fights are low key compared to the chaos that's gonna happen in a few hours