Meat > all
Meat > all
Other urls found in this thread:
Kobato is better.
Yozora, Kate and Rika are better.
Such a simple yet god damn sexy design.
>any of those better than Sena
Good one
S3 when?
This thread reminds me of when we still cared about this series.
I can't recall, is there enough material left over to make a S3?
Yukimura = Kallen?
You almost had me.
Yozora is best girl.
Best girl
Did Sena win in the end?
Nostalgia thread?
Post excellent doujin.
Cait is so dedicated to her.
Alright lads, shall we post best girl now?
Now this is a thread I can get behind
meh, seems too bland for my tastes.
Bad taste.
Get that disgusting church lackey out of here.
bad fanart
Muh black person
I'm making a color version of this doujin. Any advice on ways to improve it?
God tier: Yozora, Rika
Mid tier: Hinata, Kate
Low tier: Aoi, Sena, Maria
Shit tier: Kobato, Yukimura
My tastes > Your Tastes
>My tastes > Your Tastes
You agree with me though.
Literally backwards, fag
She's basically the only one left standing in the Kodaka bowl. Followed him to his college. Girl is commited.
Objective ranking:
God tier: Kobato
Mid tier: Sena, Yozora
Low tier: Maria
Shit tier: Rika, Yukimura
Take out the screentones, if possible, I know it's a lot of work but it would look infinitely better.
For the nipples and blush, use gradient instead of a solid color, it looks really lazy.
Hair, eyes and tongue should be a bit darker/vivid colors. Hairpin should look at least the same color as the eyes.
Use a different color for nails, even if just a bit lighter/darker.
If you're gonna color the censor bars, either remove the screentones of the whole thing or clone it over the bar, it looks weird that a single part is clean.
If you're gonna post dicks and nipples at least spoiler it to avoid getting b&.
which is that?
Yozora > Sena
I've tried masturbating to her. It's fucking impossible.
It's not because I'm an assman or a lolicon or anything of that sort. She's just not that attractive, in my opinion. She's curvaceous and all, but she's really poorly drawn. She's not ugly, but she doesn't make me wanna fugg her or anything of that sort.
The real question is, is he even worth it at this point
The anime art is definitely off-putting but check out some of the fan art or doujins. Much better there.
It's even worse with the LN art, Buriki cowtits are awful.
i think the anime drawn eyes and head to body proportion badly but LN is nice
>God tier: Yozora
Has the novel ended yet?
Thanks for the advice, I'm really new at this so I appreciate anything which will help me improve