Season 1 will end right here.
I hope to be proved wrong.
Season 1 will end right here.
I hope to be proved wrong.
Other urls found in this thread:
What chapter number was it again?
first for best dad
Original ending
That's the last page of volume 3. Chapter 24 iirc.
It'll probably end here imo, but pretty close to your prediction. Ep1 cut a lot from chapters 1-3, smart pacing would be 2-3 chapters an episode with fewer chapters per episode on the more dramatic moments (Ozen, Tama-chan, Mitty)
This anime reminds me a lot of terraria, is so cool.
I hope you would stop making these threads. the past week have been nothing but speedreaders asking dumb shit and the same theories being posted ad infinitum. sooner or later when the anime progresses it'll will drag into nothing but shitposting and contrarians will be the least of it.
Tsukushi sure likes lolis.
If they get to the Bonedrewd fight it's going to have a powerful end.
>everyone, stop talking!
We all know that wont work, user.
Sure does.
What does being blessed mean?
How does the Zoaholic work?
How did they get to the 6th layer if Bonedrewd's whistle doesn't work?
Is the abyss the afterlife?
Is Faputa Riko or Lyra?
Is Reg a dog?
There, they've already been asked so nobody else has to now. Now we can talk about real questions like how long can Riko's shit possible take?
You can either keep whining and complaining like my grandmother and demand that everyone stops talking about the show because you wish so. Or you can discuss the show here, answer questions, have fun. One of the options makes you look like an idiot. Your choice.
I was really impressed by the first episode, and i'm planing on diving right into the manga, it stays good right
>like how long can Riko's shit possible take
More like will this actually have some payoff or is this just a shitty (no pun intended) joke.
leave this thread immediately
Yeah, it's a wild ride. You can read the manga on Batoto. Use Sup Forumsnonymous translations. Leave before you get spoiled.
Why is everything better when it involves lolis?
Apparently the cover for volume 6.
The style looks really different though.
The anime actually fleshed out the manga and (in my opinion) made it better. There was more of the world and the characters interacting before shit starts to happen. Also holy shit it was pretty, I had to keep reminding myself that I wasn't watching a movie. I know that level of quality is impossible to maintain but I'm sold, the remaining episodes can all be shit and I will keep watching.
Who's directing this? Are they known for being a wizard or some shit? Because I'm really happy to see a relatively unknown studio like Kinema Citrus surprise me like this. I liked what they did with Barakamon but it wasn't anything special- just above-average directing and comedic timing.
those better than the scans on kissmanga? I don't like batoto's register to read bullshit
>white hair
>yellow eyes
Read it on Batoto.
Batoto's are most up to date.
>relatively unknown studio like Kinema Citrus
But they made Yuyushiki, the masterpiece of this century
You can use kissmanga too I guess.
They also did Kumo Miko; I'm surprised that show didn't kill them.
But Kuma Miko was great until they ruined everything in the last episode
hollup does this show get suffering?
One of mankind's great mysteries.
I like how his people are usually soft and simple and everything else is incredibly detailed and complex. It almost feels like he's more interested in drawing everything about humanity except humans themselves.
The anime will probably end just before shit gets serious. So all you'll get is a flashback and Reg trying to cut off Riko's arm after she gets poisoned.
If you don't want to get spoiled, leave now. Otherwise read the manga.
The contrast is great though -- it really highlights the child's innocence and purity
too much detail and lines and shit on humans makes them not cute
I hope she won't end the same way as the previous cover girl
That's actually a shota.
Next time I'm going to post this in one of those ITT:over designed characters thread for shit and giggle.
Naaa, she's flat as a board. She will live and join the crew. It's the law.
>Reg trying to cut off Riko's arm
what in good fucking god's name. I thought this was going to be whimsy
Animating those might be a bit of a challenge.
Nothing whimsical about deadly poison.
I will marry Riko!
did you not see the first episode where two kids almost get eaten? the abyss is very fucking dangerous
try this
I thought that was fucked up too. Then I read Mitty's Chapter Then I read Prushka's arc I actually couldn't sleep from anxiety the night after I read that
It gets better and better, but it also gets darker and dark. It's not dark and gruesome just for it's own sake though, it gives some great character motivation and development. Let that influence your decision to keep reading
>I actually couldn't sleep from anxiety the night after I read that
People like that actually exist?
No, anime will end with the end of volume 5.
Yes, judge me all you want. But remember where you are too.
welp time to kill myself
I'm just surprised because it wasn't really anything too terrible. Yes, Prushka's fate is pretty sad and Boney's human experiments on little kids fucked up, but I don't see how those can make you afraid enough to lose sleep over it. I mean, do you consume nothing but happy go lucky media normally where nobody ever gets hurt and nothing bad ever happens?
>But remember where you are too.
The fuck is that even supposed to mean?
She's a stupid little brat who descends into the Abyss without proper training and against all advice from the veteran scavengers. The Abyss doesn't grant mercy armor to childish, self-entitled airheads. They end as red smear on a cave wall a few hours into their "adventure". Or as monster snack. Quick and unexpected.
why, because you stuck around in a thread and got spoiled? that's not even the worst moment, get the hell out of here
It'll end with them getting on the elevator.
>Fitting over 750 pages in 13 episodes
Batoto is the scanlator's site. It's where the updated chapters get posted. Kissmanga, madokami and pretty much everything else are just leech sites that have outdated garbage.
get over your own autism and make an account using 10minutemail.
Nah, because after I saw episode one I thought this was going to be the show to make me not want to kill myself.
well if you do, you won't get to see what happens next
thanks for the support user
well, for what it's worth nanachi is a miracle of the universe and she'll keep you from killing yourself
This is a manga, not a novel. Animated battle scenes can run at speeds of dozens of pages per minute.
You're talking as if this was one of those garbage fighting mangas.
Not that user, by the way.
Yes. And this is an anime adaptation, not a manga. Pages can also move at 2-3 per minute or even less is really dramatic or dialogue heavy sections. There's also 100% going to be anime only content. The buzzed through so much of the abyss in the manga. Mitty is a natural endpoint if you don't want things to be incredibly rushed.
Bondrewd is a role model worth living in its footsteps.
I don't think you realise how over illustrated this manga is.
They'll do it.
Never forget...
She gets better
She also gets an awesome scar
Yes, because there's so much action in this manga. They have so much extra time to adapt 38 chapters that they could even add anime-original scenes in the first episode.
There's like maybe 5 fight scenes
The mimic birds
Bonedrewd MK2
Don't forget the monologueing that happens in fight scenes too. They take longer than you might think.
Who did Lyza sacrifice to obtain her white whistle? Was it her husband?
What is a white whistle?
Is Mitty dead?
How do blessings work?
Is Prushka dead?
How does the Zoaholic work?
How did they get to the 6th layer if Bonedrewd's whistle doesn't work?
How did Lyza get down to the 6th layer without her whistle?
Any other stupid questions you've seen around here?
Pretty much this, some chapters can be done in literally 2 minutes of runtime. People don't seem to realize how fast the pacing of this manga actually is
>Is Mitty dead?
considering the latest chapter that isn't a stupid question.
1 possibly husband
2 a white wistle
3 yes, possibly reincarnated though
4 you get fucked up but Boner thinks its cool so calls it a blessing
5 yes she became a whistle for the main girl
6 Just like CIA personality implantation
7 see 5
8 she got therewith a wistle and sent it back.
it can't be the husband because she already had the whistle when we first saw him. i think maybe the mangaka hadn't thought up the "they're humans" thing by that point, otherwise he'll have to write yet another backstory about how she got the whistle
They cant fit the whole 5 tomes into one season and perhaps they wont need to cut too much or rush the pacing.
>1 possibly husband
Kill you are self you fucking speedreader.
I am a stuid phoneposter look at me
>The mimic birds
That barely qualifies as an action scene. It's literally just Reg firing the incinerator after Riko is taken.
And Bondrewd doesn't happen until chapter 32, so that leaves just 2 action scenes in 30 chapters.
that style looks very familiar
>some chapters can be done in literally 2 minutes of runtime
Just finished all the chapters so far that fight was the hypest shit.
You know what saddens me the most if they don't get to volume 5? No OST for Bondrewd by Kevin Penkin, I can't even imagine how epic it'll sound if the madman goes all out.
what would be fitting WW names for the squad?
Her dog clearly became the white whistle. His soul drifted to the bottom to become a shotabot, who reminded Lyza of the dog and sent it back to find Riko.
>your soul
>may it cycle again
>Mitty's Chapter
I was not prepared for those feels
White Woman names?
I'd call the science girl Brandine, the rabbit Sheena-Lee, and the robot Ricky.
Would be nice to have a Terraria map that's vertical rather than horizontal.
But since all the bosses are usually fought on ground level I guess that won't happen.
Riko the shitter
What did he mean by this
I read the whole thing so far last night. I wonder if Mr. Bonedad's Wild Ride was just a random outlier like the cancer dungeon in Aquaria, or if crazy shit is going to keep happening now.
I wonder
Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Bondrewd? Let alone defeat him
And I'm not talking about regular Bondrewd. I'm not talking about white whistle Bondrewd either. Hell, I'm not even talking about white whistle Bondrewd with his full inventory of cartridges. I'm fucking talking about white whistle Bondrewd enhanced with the blessing of the 6th layer and countless artifacts of the abyss such as the soul slave machine Zoaholic making him capable of immortality, equipped with his curse needle capable of inducing the burden on those who touch it and ascending the morning star(Gangway) which can strike multiple targets, his body armor (canopy unto dawn) which is custom fitted with biofibers and other weapons, control of the moon touch, an abyssal creature that can capture any target, with his ego implanted in his praying hand followers and can perform origin-guiding light sparagmos which has the power to overwrite the rules of the abyss.
Nope. Didn’t think so.
I held it in but this panel broke the floodgates on my bitch tears
It's hard to even reread it
The next page is worse