Rich Whites

Why do rich white people do nothing for their people?
I know you faggots are here reading. Why dont you make some album label like niggers do? Why don't you make some films?
Why do you make youtube videos of agrueing with leftist from your house instead of creating something new?


I don't want to riot in the streets. I want some culture!




they are boomers. individualist jew loving boomers. they literally love jews and foreigners more than their own children

it's republicans

To get rich you must isolate yourself from the masses of retard niggers, jews, and women. It is very difficult to go through the 'getting rich' process and then turn around and start caring about those dumb ass socialist losers again. Even if that leads to ever more power, you now have the option to drop out and chill on the beach instead of work your ass off to help a bunch of niggers.

came here to say this

Richard Spencer is old wasp money

>white industrialists get rich by building all of modern civilization

Wash your balls and buy my rug, bucko

>Pst, hey kid, wanna protest at a statue and hail?

Generally speaking, to become "rich" in today's economy, it is almost a requirement that you be a sociopath, incapable of empathy and an expert in pathological lying. Once you understand that you understand it all.

Some dudes installed a mantle for me today. It took about 45 minutes. I gave them each $100 as a tip.

Because they have abandoned God and Christianity for Satanism. Worshipping yourself is Satanism.

Word. Private Property right are based on excluding others. (all that you can not tolerate)

You might need the jews for a bit of finance, now and again. Also, professional services. Lawyer, CPA, Medical. It is OK to hire them like a tradesman as required.

>Why do rich white people do nothing for their people?
Hey dumbass who do you think makes jobs?

Me. Rich white guy

Like the bill and Melinda gates foundation or the millions of scholarships or free clinics. Or how about the thousands of free libraries Carnegie built wtf are you on about

Are you a fascist bastard?

>thinks music and kiketube videos are pinnacles of culture

The absolute state of modern education

Because white people are lazy. They only want to work for other people. Absolutely no drive and too stupid to run their own business

rich whites are a separate race in the same way jews are a separate race. they look like you, you may even be so lucky as to get into one of their universities and work at one of their firms to make lots of money like them, but they breed among themselves for the most part. sometimes non-rich get rich enough to be absorbed into the tribe, and rarely some richies drop out to live with the hoi polloi, but not enough to make a difference.

because most rich white fucks dont care about anyone except themselves.

Because they dont give a fuck about yoy aside from wanting to fuck your daughter for fun.

Because they're really no different from poor white people. They're still shitty.

Richfag here. I have better things to do. I just check here every so often in case of a spicy happening.

Unironically because Jews would destroy any wealthy white family that tried. Even kosher civnats like the Mercer family got shit bagged for being a little too edgy. Jews are about half the elite all to themselves. Do the math. This shit about wasps not standing up is roleplay. Wasps haven't had real power for decades. The old money families are all heavily Jewish and the ones that didn't marry into the tribe are suspect and under a microscope.

TL;DR: it sucks to watch your people suffer, but supporting them on the sly is the best we can do. Better than being destroyed by the Jews and having no resources to help with.

I remember tgere was this bitch in Phoenix named Beatrice Moore who was lije an heiress. She literally did nothing but make shit art all day that various ppl would tell ger was good so they could get jobs from her and what nit. Had a,massive douche biyfriend and thinks she owns the whole art scene in phx. In the end she just wanted ger property to appreciate in an "art area".

Because they don't think of non rich white people as "their people" at all. They believe society is a meritocracy and that if they're rich, it's because they deserve to be, they did something right. Those white people who aren't rich failed somehow, and are unworthy. They have no solidarity, not as you understand it.

>Why do rich white people do nothing for their people?

Because not all whites are the same you racist nigger.

The bitch in your picture....while hot as not of my Polish ancestry. She is most likely a Viking slut.

If this were the middle ages, I would burn her village, kill her elders, and take her back to Poland where she would be my slave until she gets too old.

>Why do rich white people do nothing for their people?
They're responsible for all this shit. All of you faggots are blaming niggers and kikes and it's your fellow white man that are selling you out.


>jews are 1.7% of our country
>half of them are in the top 1%
>they are all parasitic jobs like banker and financier

Because you being poor and stupid is how they got rich in the first place.

>oy gevalt it's not the kikes
Kys Schlomo

why? the rich and poor's interests are rarely aligned

>this much delusion

contrary to popular opinion, when your industries moved to china, it was perpetuated by OTHER WHITES. yes, kissinger opened up relations, but it was other whites that CHOSE to outsource.

Divide and conquer shill

But polish were the ones fucked all through history?

"Their people"

Nigga we ain't allowed to own niggas anymore.

>"my people"
poor whites are fucking shit
poor rural white communities are trashy and disgusting.

Honestly, I connect much better to an Asian, Indian, or black guy who's of my own social class than some poor white guy.