Also known as runner-up for shitposting anime of the season. First episode anytime soon.
The Rising of the Smartphone Hero
>Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomo ni. - 01 [720p]
>runner up
To what? New game?
>touhou clone haremettes
Gonna puke
There's already a thread up
PP is a strong contender, what with the non-stop threads since its first episode.
MC is so punchable
>polygamy tag on NU
How fast does he establish a harem that's fine with sharing? Will we see it happen in the anime?
>read description
Kill me now. Anime is forever dead to me.
For what purpose?
How's your first day on Sup Forums?
Isekai saving the harem genre
Just finished watching the first episode. MC has cheats from god making him basically onii-sama. The girls are kind of cute but the art feels pretty low quality and the comedy/tone don't seem to mesh very well. It's pretty bad desu though I'll still watch it.
>cheap adaptation of a bad LN
what's the point actually
MC is pic related
I mean "why the flying fuck did they put a full stop in the title", you shitstain.
>asking stupid rhetorical questions
What's the point actually?
So you can tell it's the first season.
Next season will be .., third ... and so on.
holy shit this was boring and bland.
AOTS incoming.
MC looks like a faggot way more than the average isekai.
At least the others get some inherent hax/cheat power, not a fucking smartphone.
Did you watch the episode? He also got some hax from God himself along with his smartphone.
I hope it flops so hard they won't make a second season and call shield and death march adaptations back while they are at it.
Noah translation when?
Well that was worse than I thought it would be
I stopped watching halfway through the episode
Having no budget makes it unbearable
This. Same feel was when i read ln, i just quit after half an hour.
3 threads already maybe it will take first place
I like the pacing so far
So apparently the first 4 volumes are just slice of life shit and it gets edgy after that?
Sounds fake. Gathering an audience with light-hearted adventure story and then driving them all away? nah.
Yeah, It kinda turns into Muv Luv. But it doesn't turn full grimdark though multiple countries do get destroyed. Most of the webnovel is actually an arms race between the invaders and the UN.
I don't expect it to get animated though. I don't think they have the budget to animate battles consisting of tens of thousands of giant crystallized bugs and hundreds of mechs.
Not that edgy though, but I think it gets more shit after he becomes king.
>becomes king
I know what to do with this anime then.
How is it anons.
Just when I thought Shield Hero was utter crap. something worst than it appears.
>girl with lambdadelta-like clothes
The isekai train is already here you cant stop it
I'm not seeing any Touhou here. I do see a Sakura clone though.
Where is this katana Reimu from?