All i ever wanted was those unfuckablr cunts to have a relatively normal, happy life. Is it too much to ask? Why must they suffer?
>Is it too much to ask
>Why must they suffer?
because the master demands it.
They are not real
The suffering is what makes the show unique.
Also Rei is best girl
You are not real
>Why must they suffer?
Dumbass hedgehogs won't retract their needles
Shinji and Asuka as mostly responsible for their own misery due their terrible life decisions.
Rei and Kaworu were born ill fate, although they both seem to have died satisfied in the end.
Because they try to parade themselves around as mecha and scifi when its really just haremshit.
>Shinji blushing at Kaworu
>Rei blushing at Kaworu
>Asuka angry at Rei for blushing at Kaworu
Kaworu as secret harem protag confirmed?
I'd make Rei suffer real bad :^
with my bad jokes
Broken people love to share their misery.
>Not torturing the eva girls with hugs, kisses and tickling.
user, its been pretty clear that kaworu have the eva harem
>Shinji lusts for him
>Asuka and her mother got fondled and raped by the Eva series
>Pic related with rei.
Too lewd. Way too lewd.
If it all fails, submit them with a tactical cuddling.
Did anyone else ever wish they could be friends with these guys? I'd like to help them out anyway I could.
Nearly everyone wish they could help those crazy guys. Waifufags specially, but not only them.
look at this faggot
High time for another Kaworufag to off themselves.
This is different from waifufaggotry, I genuinely want to make their day better.
Also a lot of people hate the Eva characters, I don't see much love for them oustide of waifufaggotry.
If shinji ever got hammered with misatos booze, would things go different?
pic related would probably happen
Stop posting.
Angry, or mopey, or he starts something like that philosophy of mind dialogue he had with himself while he was dying of hypoxia.
well it's their problem for being autistic cunts , if they were normal people they would've lived a normal life
I really just want to pick up injured Rei and put her back in her hospital bed in episode one, and find Asuka when she is in the bath tub in the broken down part of the city and carry her back/
what a loser