Cute girls and shogi, here.
Cute girls and shogi, here.
More boring trash, no thanks.
I don't even care about shogi but will watch this solely for the lolis.
Great, more light novel garbage.
>male mc
>he likes girls
haha look at this faggot
If you're gonna make something like shogi with lolis you have to go full Saki or it won't be interesting. So unless that male character is a Kyoutarou this is a no-no.
Those character designs are good.
>male MC
Lolicons, rejoice.
>The newest work from creator of Norin - Shiratori Shirou, this time on shogi (japanese analog for chess) scene! Kuzuryu Yaichi is youngest shogi champion - Ryuou (dragon's king) - in history. And here is a girl - Hinazuru Ai, who ask him to become his disciple. Too yong for his title, Yaichi is going to revive his shogi trough passionate disciple.... wait, Ai-chan is 9 y.o.? She is an elementary schoolgirl! And... is she going to live with Yaichi? All night until morning? What? Officer, can we have you here, please! A comedy about shogi-holic live-in disciple.
This would be top tier without the fag in the middle.
They look like the same generic shit we get every season, though.
fuck off /u/
>creator of Norin
Wait a minute. I'll give it a chance.
>harem trash
It's always the same shit. The girls are just cardboard archetypes and the guy will be a passive cunt.
>he likes boy
What a fag
Oh, it might go towards the parental or broth-
Atleast make him middle age salaryman
Any series that has this type of promotional art with cute girls surrounding a bland guy who looks either distant or annoyed is an instant drop for me.
Reminder that this series win this year Kono Light Novel ga Sugoi!
>Nourin author
>people thinking this is actually going to be about shogi
>light novel
What's the Japanese word for oxymoron?
No one thinks that though?
Nice "comedy". Haha panties are pure very funny.
Cute gir-
>male protag teen catering crap
No thanks.
First Loliband and now this
That show thought us very important lessons in life. Give respect.
This isn't exactly loli though, or am I missing something?
How can people over the age of 14 find this funny at all?
Isn't she a loli?
God I forgot how fucking stupid and puerile that show was.
I miss it. ;_;
who do you think you are?
It's a male thing
You wouldn't get it
I need to see her more in context, looks like a generic cutie anime girl for me, not loli.
>ctrl+f shion no ou
>0 result
I'm disappoint
A prepubescent male thing
Later c/u/cks
A lot of people find toilet humor funny for some reason.
>hurr durr if people dislike generic bland MC that means they're yurifags!
Fuck off self-insert shitstain.
Still a male thing. It's not aimed at you
No, normalfag, no. Just not teens, like you.
Fuck off landwhale
Not everyone kills their inner child for the sake of being "mature".
Get out you disgusting yuritrash lovers.
/u/dykes btfo
This cute little girlie is going to take the dick
You're right pal. Btw, enjoyed that latest filthy frank and pewdiepie video?
>liking yuri (that is natural for an adult male/seinen otaku)
Fuck off tumblr/homo.
Literally your kind is the only retard trying to push males not liking girls.
Don't forget to tip your fedora on your way out
Fuck off fujo shit.
Stop trying so hard to be mature mate.
Is that Chiya from Gochiusa?
You retards have your own shithole of a board, go there and never come back here.
>gets called out on being the teen fag he is
>"gotta pull some meme shit"
Nice show.
Loli harem
Stop posting any time.
My wife Ai is so cute.
>Both of them have Ahoges
Why is this allowed?
/u/fags BTFO
Because they are OTP
Yes yes bye now.
>self insert meme
Go back to fucking saki to get your fix. Not everything needs to have yuri.
>yuri meme
Go back to fucking seasonal haremshit to get your fix. Not everything needs to have male self insert.
>shit that matters to Sup Forums: does it have a female MC, mainly female cast and female author?
>if no to any of these questions, it's a boring droppable flop
Well, this isn't yurishit, so get the fuck out of here. You can watch shit like NTR trap from this season and fap over how bad yuri is.
>another shogi cartoon
I fucking told you 3-gatsu is popular in Japan and it will never flop but you fags didnt listen. Whos laughing now?
Why are you under the impression that if people complain about male MC, that means they're yurifags?
Left or right?
>post implies heterosexuality
>fujo shit
Buddy, I think you got the wrong site, tumblr is two blocks down.
The difference is this show might actually be good.
Us retards, as in heterosexual males who like girls, and don't need teen-self-insert, shounen shit style?
Yes, we have a board. It's called Sup Forums, My little homo/fujo.
Why's Sangatsu not good?
>implying this trash could be a fraction as good as 3-gatsu
I choose the nine (9) year old girl.
>girl hater, dick needing fags/fujo being ass blasted that Sup Forums is not their nurutu shit/tumbrl
Your really pushing this self insert shit real hard. Get over it. Out of the thousand CGDCTs (with yuri elements) coming out of the wood work, you decide to bitch over one that has a male main character.
What makes you think that this is a shogi anime and not generic haremshit?
>calls yurifucks out
>their only attack they can think of: FUJO
And this is why no one likes dumb yuri posters.
Neither looks 9.
>Your really pushing this self insert shit real hard
Not harder than faggots who assume people complaining about male MC means they're yurifags.
Great, more Chiya!
There's no CGDCT anymore with a budget.
We're not on your tumblr.
Why are you under the impression that if people don't complain about male MC, that means they're self-insertfags?
You yurifags have no real argument for that every time. Just look at this post
It does mean they're yurifags though, normal people don't complain about this type of stuff.
My wife Ai is the cutest
>self insert meme
How about not having a problem that both sexes exist in a show?
>ITT: two sides who think they aren't part of the same coin
When will you fags realize that?
But that would get in her way of gay shipping
I can finally have the reason to use this reaction.png
The problem is not with both sexes existing, but how it being "many girls x main guy" will reduce the show to haremshit, with harem antics literally catering to teen fags and coat everything normalfaggotry as consequence.