Danganronpa 3

It has now been one year since Danganronpa 3 started to air, so why not post some of your favorite moments in and outside of the series while it was running?

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Best Girl

>favorite moments
i think you mean favorite meme

My favorite moments outside of the series while it was running was all the time I didn't waste while not watching it.

They should have made DR3 a game.

>1 year
What the fuck
It seems it was just 16 hours ago

hahaha what the fuck, what a baby


Indeed. Best girl made DR3 watchable.

Muh Juzo

I don't think its possible to create an anime more disrespectful to its source material than dr3. The OVA especially shat the bed and basically undid the strong ending of the 2nd game.

Remember when she died
Yeah I'm still angry too


>During the big fight the fucking camera girl just runs in and uses her flash to blind a sniper
I had assumed that she probably spread despair through control of media propaganda using her photography. But maybe she was actually on the battlefield, fighting with that camera flash.

kek that part was the fucking worst. There was no reason to have all the non combat characters use their powers for dumb shit. Anyway where is bully-kun?

something something Juzo Boys

Dubious boobious!

anyone got the webm of that guy who freaked out at asahina's death?



SHSL Wage Slave




>Punched Naegi in order to defend his bro
>Knee'd the fuck out of Anxiety fag because he knew that he was the traitor all along
>Had a misunderstanding with the Gozuboys
>Saved Hinata from getting killed by HPA
>The master of chair throwing, that one miss on Kirigiri was because he was a merciful hero, and not just to flex his muscles and check dat ass (because he only want's Munakata's ass)
>Went full ham on the evil old man mastermind and crew to save the FF
>Roundhouse kicks the everlasting shit out of Monaca's puppet in order to stop the second coming of Junko Enoshima
>Unable to stop some mentally deranged kid from blowing up half the school because he was too busy being a hero
>Had a misunderstanding with the donut but spared her
>Survived 2 missile barrages by an evil robot bent on destroying all hope
>Called out Monokuma's bluff with his cameras, recording his mad-ass pecs and didn't give a fuck in general about any of these plebians
>Became the world champion in boxing, becoming the undisputed best with bare hand combat before even leaving high school
>Too Alpha to mess with the bitches and instead neglects his own feelings as being the third wheel to protect his love no matter what
>Only took a 2 episode rest before kicking the shin of everyone again
>Took a fucking spear to the shoulder, impaled into a wall and shrugged it off like it was just a mosquito bite
>Was not seduced by Ruruka's sweets because he was so loyal to Munakata
>Has enough consideration to the normies to use them as a coatrack
>Even at the world's end, he was still gunning for a piece
>Such a straight forwarded bro, he bends his own sexuality
>Saves the manlet when he's in need, cutting of his hand to be the savior he truely is! Saving everyone with the power of determination
>Single handedly stopped the killing game, physically and literally


This was the best time I ever had on Sup Forums

Pretty shit

>not showing us what Class 76 did as Ultimate Despairs. That's what I was hoping for at least in one episode

for plebs

Danganronpa's only appeal is as a murder mystery game and quirky highschool waifu simulator
That's it
The anime was terrible apart from seeing a quick shot of best girl

Didn't we get the gist of that in the first 2 minutes of Future?

He still scores Sonia at the end tho

>writing out :3 and

Millenials are writing like this.

don't be lazy

Not gonna lie: I missed this.

This reminds me of how much I fucking hated Seiko. She was such a bitch to Ruruka for not eating my sweets. That's literally all she wanted and Seiko wouldn't do it. Glad she got rekt

>It has now been one year since Danganronpa 3

Oh man I almost forgot how much of a wild ride it was around here

>an evil robot bent on destroying all hope
I still love this phrase.

I'm still mad

Threadly reminder that the dub is hilarious and worth a watch


Press F to pay respects

Its time to admit on the year anniversary that Kirijunko woulda been a better outcome than Tengan and Ryota

Her death episode was pretty tense, the VA did an excellent job


Still woulda wanted to hear how they'd handle Ryoko. Would she still have the Vally Girl accent

Holy shit is this the official dub? My sides are gone and I stopped at 1 minute. Might just have to pick this up

it was funny when kirigiri died and people in comment section went so apeshit crazy that animetors got scaried and decided to bring her back

No, her other personalities change the tone of her voice


>Kirigiri's last line


That's an outtake that was accidentally left in the original release


I guess you're joking. Kyoko used an antidote that had been introduced a lot earlier.

I think we can all agree that literally anything could have been better than what we got.

It's perfect though.

>my sweets
Fucking kill yourself Ruruka

I think she did


yeah we coulda had anything but we had shit

I was prepared for a bad show. I was not prepared for them to go back and ruin the previous entries with retcons.


Was Danganronpa 2 just a fluke?

How is Komaeda so intelligent

Really? I thought Mikan Tsumiki made antidote after Kyouko died (She talked about it with Naegi at the end). That made me think she cured death which would be absurd.

The antidote she took kept her barely alive then Mikan finished the treatment when she found her.

>don't get in my face like I'm some kind of basic bitch


Name a better trio

Sonia's harem.

>locked in a building
>only way to win is to kill the others
>somehow every time this happened no one got raped

My suspension of disbelief only goes so far

hope gains

Danganronpa 1 was also fun, but the cast of characters were less likable

Time to dig up the old memes

Yes, V3 was bullshit too



>On the plus side, she can't escape from you before you rape her.
>On the other hand you can't escape from her and her white knights once you've raped her.
No one is stupid enough to rape unless they're ready to forfeit their lives by doing so.


I think he's talking about rape+murder but then again if you raped someone while they were conscious, chances are that they'd resist and inflict some minor injuries on you that could easily be used to prove you did it. All it would take for others to do that would be to notice that the corps has some blood+flesh stuck in their nails and then demand everyone to strip.


I get what he's saying. The VN was massively better than the first season adaptation. So I can only assume it would have been better for Danganronpa 3.

It was fun to watch with friends and talk about on Sup Forums but ultimately was just a pointless addition to the series that reminded me of the Star Wars prequels and after DR3 it left a really sour taste in my mouth for brainwashing plots.
>dude, they're evil now because their friend died in front of them, rather than banding together to take the big bad down they were uh..brainwashed!

Punished Narukami

Hinata's harem

She was best girl after all.

This ED un ironically brings me to a good every time and fills me with hope


This was probably my favorite moment of any anime to witness with Sup Forums

I want to enter that loli

The best comedy series I've ever watched
Reminder that our boy Juzo died thinking Munakata stabbing him while saying "You know why" meant "because you're gay"

Nah, this segment ruined her character and with the shit that we got, it would have been better if she was the final boss.


V3 anime when?

Really makes me think

I watched both s1 and s3
yes, s1 is terrible
and no, s3 is great
and i can't imagine it being on a videogame model
it doesn't have the same model as the other games (killing -> debate -> killer found out -> restart)

V3 had the best trials in any of them imo
it's the endgame twist that's bullshit

Worst girl

Literally perfection

in /drg/

Let's summon bully-kun here


Class 74