>"Hey user, I just picked up these new high-tech condoms. Care to try some out with me?"
"Hey user, I just picked up these new high-tech condoms. Care to try some out with me?"
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No way, fag.
Wouldn't she weigh like 400lbs?
Why would a cybord need that?
Cyber aides from CIAniggers
Is there a more perfect girl than the Major?
Sure, why not? You're an android anyways.
No thanks. That's too small for me. I'll just go in raw since why would a cyborg even need condoms?
They're high-tech, so they could probably expand for the right size.
But anal doesn't need one!
What if it drips from the ass into the puss?
>in SAC the majors ass is flat half the time and huge the other half
No, but there is no more perfect woman.
Who would refuse?
Maybe later.
Clearly she had an inflatable cyberass.
Sure, but what's so high-tech about them? Do they make my dick dance?
I went gay for dicks
Art inconsistency is a big thing, the phat ass is clearly the canon version though.
You're a cyborg right ? If I have sex with you, I won't lose my mana, so let's go.
Accept that you've had a cyborg child that will save the white race. Don't be a fucking faggot shit idiot.
No, thanks, I think I'll wait for a mass naked child event to test them out.
>implying that's not a good thing
>not Cyber Condoms™ that protect you from trying to extract your ghost key
>pork in the shell
no way fag
>ywn have the fuck you cowgirl style and destroy your pelvis in the process
>12 replies before anyone says this
For shame
damn straight
Motoko you don't have a fertile womb, we're going bareback.
>Ghost in taco bell
>300 lbs and feeling swell
>living in bullet hell
But how will I dump several years worth of semen into your womb?
>After sports I smell
No way, fag.
You don't have a womb you robo dyke. You don't even have a real snatch.
And I already told you, I fuck straight real cis pussy only. I know you're a tranny dude.
It's okay, I just wanted to let you know what was up.
By the way, you're kind of insulting me with that tiny condom bruh.
>body shaped like a bell
>Diet plan? Do tell
>android lipid cell
>perky tits farewell
How the fuck is someone supposed to fit in that condom comfortably, we ain't all pencil dicks sweet heart.
Mai waifu but Motoko is pretty close
Fun fact. Motoko has a boyfriend in the manga in section 6, and he didn't have prosthetics. It was implied that they went at it quite a few times and made a lot of noise.
I always pictured the "noise" being the sound of his girlish screams as he is hard ridden by a 1000+ pound combat cyborg
Hell no, I got it for my collection
The fuck is that?
You see user.
So when she do the deep pounding she be doing squats over you with pelvis uncrushed.
Care to find out?
nope they ruin sex for me and you don't care.
I would rather have sex with my self and a lot of porn rather then deal with your insolent nagging and bitching, you will never give me children any ways so why put up with you and fake sex?
I get nothing out of this situation you are no benefit to me.