Tfw there isn't a single anime or manga as good as Breaking bad

>tfw there isn't a single anime or manga as good as Breaking bad

>>tfw there isn't a single anime or manga as good as Breaking bad
>posts an anime that was better than Breaking Bad
What did he mean by this?

So should i watch breaking bad? Is it consistently good?

>tfw we've all got Satans in us

Konosuba was shit, though

Breaking bad didn't have a cute nopan goddess though

Japs just don't have the intelligence to write captivating storylines

>>tfw there isn't a single anime or manga as good as House M.D.


S1 and 2 are pretty boring but it gets pretty good season 3

>tfw there isnt a single anime or manga as good as Steven Universe

Season 5 felt rushed but otherwise fantastic series.

>What is Franken fran

code geas is better than break the bad

>What is Band of Brothers

Is leftist virtue-signaling really entertaining to your generation. or is profession of its enjoyment just a requisite for social acceptance?

>it's a "Sup Forumstard pretends not to be a millennial" post

I agree with this

Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199.
Also some fuckers friends spoilered me all the good stuff from BB so fuck it.

Of all threads the existence and integrity of which you could come to defend it has to be this one. Seriously?

>Breaking Bad

>breaking bad is good because muh character development!

muritards actually believe this

Yes but skip any scene involving a family dinner

>there isn't a single anime as good as The Leftovers, kino in it's purest form

no, BrBa is a comic book
watch The Sopranos

S3 and 4 are 9/10 the rest is ok

>tfw there isn't a single anime that is actually good

Apparently you've never seen 91 Days. Every single episode was great and the ending was amazing.

Ya're posting with a better show though.
I dropped Breaking Bad at S2 ep3

>tfw there isn't a single anime that was actually made


>tfw anime is an illusion caused by hormones in the water