They hacked our fucking election.

Votes were physically CHANGED.

Russia literally tweaked 80,000 votes in three backwater retard states and dropped Dems off the voter rolls to steal it from Her.

The evidence is there and it's irrefutable.

Just fucking ADMIT Asshole is illegitimate. He deserves to be locked up in Guantanamo, not in the White House ramming his fat fucked up sausage fingers at a Twitter screen to tell mote fucking lies.

He is not my fucking President! He's literally LITERALLY a sick demented usurper so fucking KEKED to a devious second world power he commits treason every second he refuses to resign and make this shit right.




Admit or have your shriveled white skinhead babydicks kicked the hell off when normal people rise the fuck up and end this fucking shitshow.

The Big Blue Wave is real and it's coming. I swear to fucking God if we fail to flip a single fucking seat blue the polls say we should, we will burn this fucked up, evil, Putinrat infested country the fuck down.


Other urls found in this thread:


Israel hacked our election and tried to give it to hillary but they got BTFO by white hats because good always overcomes evil.

present a shred of evidence


why is that art style so fucking dumb

More like democrats tried and got caught in Florida. The rest of the rig wasn't enough.

okay i admit it

Where's the evidence? If another country did hack our election, how do you know they changed the votes for Trump and not Hillary?

Source: shareblue.com

This picture makes me laugh every time.

Based Putin

With great pride.

But if Trump was installed by an enemy, why is he doing things that focus on the wellbeing of the nation, like protecting our borders, loosening regulation on business, getting jobs up, etc? Why would an enemy be trying to strengthen the nation and stir up patriotism? It would make more sense for them to try and get Hillary in...

>dumbocrats are mad russians can now prove dumbercrats have been busing in ((voters)) by comparing eligible voters from the voter rolls (which they hacked) to the number of votes casts (which they didn't)
so how afraid are you OP

>Votes were physically CHANGED.

What, like Russia sent over droves of people 60 years ago so that, in the year 2016, they would be geriatric enough to pass for legit old people volunteering to work the polls and after the polls closed they all erased Hillarys (who obviously got 100% of the popular vote) and replaced them with Trumps? Sounds plausible

Wtf #imwithher now I guess?!

>The evidence is there
Presents not a single fucking piece of evidence.

the pic is like a pic of a raging sjw. that's pretty funny.

Why would an enemy of America not want to install a globalist president to desolve the nation?
>Why would an enemy of America not want to install a globalist president to desolve the nation?
Why would an enemy of America not want to install a globalist president to desolve the nation?
>Why would an enemy of America not want to install a globalist president to desolve the nation?

Kys faggot, saged

When it comes to hacking, you can't ever tell with 100% certainty who is involved, even if you are NSA, CIA or whatever. For instance, if you have a Russian IP, it can be anyone in Russia - from Ivan the hacker, to Kremlin, to someone using hacked wifi there for some kind of false flag. That's why all those official reports will say stuff like "very likely", etc. But such details don't matter to the media if they have a narrative.

>The evidence is there and it's irrefutable
Then provide it, sage faggot!

I hope the did.

Rank and file leftist idiot's rationale:
>diversity is our strength and Trump wants to make American white again, which plays into the homophobic christian neo-fascist Russian's hands!

What smart leftists probably say behind closed doors:
>nationalism threatens global hegemony and if we arent firmly embedded up the asshole of every signficant event in the world we'll never be able to profit off the world's misery. Also, fewer immigrants means less people who are too dumb/jaded to care when we get exposed for corruption. Increased accountability = bad thing obviously

Yes. I did it. Personally. Me, Vladimir Putin has hacked your election. I would do it again, but its an another story...

I hope russians understand in the future that associating with leftist liberals in the west ends badly. These people always turn on their allies.


Sure. Show me some evidence of it.

>Listen to your witch leader

It's funny because even if it's true there's still absolutely no way Hillary will become president.

Welcome to the DNC

>dropped Dems off the voter rolls
that was the DNC rigging the primaries for Shilldog

Trump during campaign: "let's get along with Russia"
Hillary since at least 2014: "Putin is Hitler"

But if you want an example on why Putin wouldn't want someone from the swamp:
Coup in Ukraine:
Obama's sanctions:

And much, much more.

the fact you used that image is sufficient to conclude you are a faggot

>physically CHANGED.

This is a picardia thread now

hi newfag


kill yourself

>implying Trump isn't the Israeli candidate

Pulled DIRECTLY from some leftist fags cum drenched asshole.

Or proxies. Anyone remember a few years ago when Snowden or Wikileaks or someone revealed that the CIA can essentially cover their tracks when they are hacking by leaving some kind of digital marker that makes it seem like it came from another country?


Hey cunt.

Illinois only state that had the action full breach. And it went heavily for Hillary.

You seem a little deranged.
You must mentally prepare for what's coming. It dos not look nice for the democrats.


>reddit spacing


The only reason Russia hacked us for Trump is because Soros hacked us for Clinton.

Hillary was a safe bet for the Russians

They couldn't predict Trump


Jesus Christ you (((cucks))) never give up




You really sat there and typed that out.

For what?

Sort yourself out

>Votes were physically CHANGED

Actually, some states (Georgia included) watched in real-time as the Department of Homeland Security tried to hack into their voting systems. The DHS then first claimed they dindu nuffin, then backtracked when GA showed the logs and said it was a test, to which GA said "lol fuck no, the law says you need to schedule that shit forever in advance", then the media buried it.
Some people watched in real-time as their Trump/3rd candidate votes were switched to HRC. Ain't that just neat-o?

go back to the mueller, niggerfaggot.


OP OP OP quick before the thread dies, I recently got an invite to the 4ch /leftypol/ board here! It's not on the board list because you have to have an enlightened IQ to participate in the discussion. It is invite only, but since this will archive shortly I figured I would share my knowledge with a fellow great mind. Follow instructions in image and I'll see you there Comrade

Illinois had a full breach. State went heavy for Hillary


CIA, how come the drugs don't do this to me?

and you won anyway

Fpbp strikes again......
The collective has spoken,and we will havw prosperity and peace. Per usual 0p is a ((you)) faggot

Really makes you think.



Upset we have the proof now, and that Treason charges are moving forward? I understand.

Just keep in mind, if you're paid to be here, Treason charges can apply to you as well.

You may have just killed yourself.

Dare I say, further beyond.

Activated the ol' almonds

>Not getting people to sysprep you poor faggot.

Really makes me drink, to be desu


That's a fair response to the situation, considering the people who shout the loudest have the most to hide.

Also 57.6 million people to 80,000

Proofs scum bag. Cause you ain't got none. Next time try killing yourself. Instant results, or your money back.


what is this larp?
ive seen it in a few threads and its always a 1 poster

if these are the same voting machines payed for by Soros ill be VERY suspicious

OP suffers from Trump derangement syndrome.


theyre covering up for the millions of illegals who voted for shillary

Did the one word Putin speech actually happen or just editing?

Why did the "Intelligence Community" allow this to happen? We pay the IC billions a year and they lie about WMDs in Iraq to get us in to war in the Middle East and now they lie to get us into war with Russia.

Just someone being a faggot, as always.
Anons make memes and shill them as if they can take the board by force.

Goddamn this picture is scaring the fuck out of me

You mad bro?

Sage this turd right down the shitter.

Oh yeah? Hillary had tons of lawyers ready to file suit. Why didn't she take it to court?

Russia is a poor backward country with a minuscule military and an even weaker intelligence agency. You've been made to believe through sheer suggestion that it is on equal footing to Israel's Personal Military.


>using the same file name for image for alot of posts.

even if they did, im glad it happened. fuck democracy and fuck you fag

Top kek, nice find leaf.

Holy shit you're right! We need voter I.D.s to stop this from ever happening again! Who's with me!

How do you hack a paper ballot?

Woah I went there and it was hella sw@g

We funded ISIL to fight the Taliban, now we're funding the Taliban to fight ISIL.
We saw vast fields of untapped oil, filled to the very brim with savages (at least, that's the narrative), and our only hope to save the world was to give them drugs, guns and money, then point the media at their doorstep and say "LOOK, THESE PEOPLE HAVE GUNS AND EXPLODY THINGS, BETTER GO SAVE THE WORLD!", then proceed to convert their persons to carbon ash and install a new McCaliphateâ„¢, just to make sure they remain friendly and keep our pockets all oiled up, if you catch my drift.

Bullshit. Show the proof. Oh you can't.

Russia is our ally. Russia is our friend. They would never harm us.

You are a deep state traitor. You must be killed.

>1 post by this id

I always scan for this type of shit.
You should not expect lefty pol to be that smart.

OP will die from a stroke before the end of 2018 and burn in hell forever if this post gets dub$

I'll take things you can also say about HRC, Alex.