How can we save Lotte from complete irrelevancy? And don't mention "Super Lotte" since that was shot down once.
Little Witch Academia
Replace with a better character.
While we're at it, replace the show too.
Not shot down, just unutilised because they didn't know how to incorporate it in the story. If they ever make a S2, they can always dedicate an episode where Lotte goes out of the comfort zone and takes the spotlight for once and reveals that she can power up.
Cute rivals doing rival things.
Give her a rival.
Typical rival activities.
Give her an "upgrade".
More like Little Sales Academia
A Lotte focus episode where some magical shenanigans happen but Akko or Lotte aren't around, so she's forced to take the MC spot. Bonus points if Barbara and Frank become her sidekick for the episode.
Make spirits relevant in the LWA universe.
Super Saiyan Lotte lots hype as fuck. I don't care if we've seen in concept art I want it bad.
Did Bee-chan acquire a stinger?
I wish I had a rival like Diana.
Focus on her spirit powers instead of her stupid books.
Kengo totally draws Diana/Akko lewds.
>Lotte and Barbs hanging out at the magic cafe
>Frank walks in because he's curious about magic stuff and he wants a specific item
>Chum Lee doesn't have the item in stock but tells him that they can only get it at a haunted house or some shit
>Frank asks for Lotte's help and Barbs decides to tag along to keep an eye on Frank so he doesn't do any "funny business"
>turns out "haunted house" was a house that inspired a NightFall volume and was owned by vampires at one point
>Lotte accidentally grabs a magical artifact and becomes vampire-like and starts lusting over Frank and maybe Barbs
>hilarity ensues
Lotte's little ghost pal is cute as hell.
Fuck you man. Her obsession with NightFall is part of her charm.
That isn't lewd at all! He just accidentally drew a very rival-like picture, forgot to draw Akko's clothes on, accidentally flipped it 90 degrees and just said "fuck it" and added the text.
for all we know that pic could just be a crop
The only thing it really did for her as a character is give context to why she follows Akko around.
I mean, I'll be the first to tell you that Lotte was adorable in that episode, but don't pretend it couldn't have been done any other way.
>that cute Diana tummy
Make one more joke about Avery and I will cut off your balls and shove them right down your throat.
This. So what if an artist keeps drawing cute girls and constantly forgetting to put clothes on them? And so what if it looks like they're touching each other's genitals, it's not lewd!
You're an angry elf!
bless the people that draw her in out of character clothing that shows her stomach
>she likes a fucking leaf
Shut up bubble-butt.
Stawp nawt wanning Twigger to go bankwump.
Stop not blowing my belly, Amanda.
Making people understand that she is a true american icon.
How can Amanda even compete?
I actually find it kinda crazy how prolific Yoko Hikasa is. She might not be playing lots of protagonists like Hanazawa did a few years ago but she plays at least 4-5 regular characters per season.
Stop watching trigger related media. There is no saving lotte and there is no saving trigger from themselves.
Amanda's family owns Not Wal-Mart, so she's got American Lotte in the palm of her hand.
I'm surprised too. I've been hearing her everywhere recently.
>ywn be Akko
>ywn pick surprise Diana from behind and throw her on her bed
>ywn pull her shirt up, exposing her tummy and cute navel
>ywn hear her protest but never give any sort of resistance
>ywn start tickling her soft and smooth but taught abs
>ywn hear her breathless laugh when you go in for the kill and start tickling her on the ribs and her armpits
>ywn be taken aback when she gives off a cute but short moan
>ywn stop and stare at each other awkwardly and realize that you're both in an extremely compromising position.
>ywn help her straighten up and get ready to leave but feel her tugging on your sleeve
>Let's d-do this again sometime right, Akko?
Why even live?
American Lotte is in cahoots w/ the president, though.
>Akko gets to be smashed by this every night
>Diana gets to ravage this eleven year old body every night
It's not fair...
If Akko has the same body type as 11 year-old Diana, does that mean that if she touches Akko, it would feel like she's masturbating to her own body a few yeas back?
>Yoko suddenly stops starring in anime
>No one in the industry hears from her for a very long time
>When asked, Megumi just smiles and says that Diana and Akko are perfect for each other
>ywn be Diana
>ywn marry Akko
>ywn have a nice house together
>ywn have to care for Akko when she breaks a limb trying to do reckless shit as usual
>ywn have to help her shave her legs while her body recovers from her injuries
>ywn have to help her as she struggles to get out of bed on her own
>ywn have to help her down the stairs in front of your house
>ywn both come home exhausted and flop down on the same queen-sized bed after a few hours of sitting on the couch, rewatching your honeymoon videos
>ywn see her eyes light up as she tells you about her new job as a metamorphosis professor
>ywn work out a new budget for the house and start saving up for a vacation to NotFrance
>ywn get to braid her hair while she tells you about Chariot for the 100th time in the morning, but it doesn't matter because you love seeing her yay
>ywn have a daughter who inherits Akko's red eyes
>ywn watch as Akko teaches your daughter basic metamorphosis magic at home
>ywn have to provide emotional support when the other kids at school start bullying her for being a witch
>ywn get to see your daughter leave to go to Luna Nova
>ywn get to see your daughter become the next shiny chariot and revive the spirit of magic again
why even fucking live
>Glasses hardly visible assuming they are even there at all
>instantly becomes a sex goddess
I mean if you ever needed more proof that glasses are shit, there you go
hey waiter, did you change the sauce in this pasta?
How dare you impersonate me!
Shorten the Akko screentime, for one.
Nana will save her, she needs her to voice her favourite bully victim octopus cat in her personal self insert anime after all.
so do i
I had to for context.
why not share it instead
But is she strong enough to overcome Megumi's YAY?
I wonder what she smells like.
Got a problem with that, fatass?
What the hell is up with yurifags infesting these threads? Andrew is the main love interest yet you idiots continue to ship shit that will never happen.
>Chariot isn't a natural wonder woman, she's constantly magically enhancing herself and needs glasses
>Holbrooke knew who she was the entire time
>Croix was arrested by magic cops
>Chariot still goes by Ursula to the other staff and students
>Diana and Akko see each other as rivals
>Hannah and Barbara started paling around with the dweeb patrol before Diana was formally invited to their gatherings once a month
>Diana kinda overdid her first outing with the dweeb patrol by learning to make snacks that included everyone's favorites and providing the silverware and table.
>Now that Akkos learned to fly she now has to learn how to land.
>The backstories for Sucy,Amanda,Constanze and Jasminka are true to an extent
>Lotte originally could take spirits into herself to access the ability of said spirit,such as taking a sword spirit into herself would make her a swordsmen
>There's a book coming out later this year with short stories, interviews, artwork and backstories for all the mob characters.
>The video game will get a western release, it takes place within the Television continuity right before Croix appears.
>There is going to be an OVA in edition to the video game
>Shoehornfag was absolutely right about Andrew, the only thing stopping it from actually happening were the producer,writer and director realizing that Akko would have been defined by her desire for his dick rather than her own character and scrapped it last minute.
>They wanted to show more of sucy's kindness and some of the other character's backstories but ran out of time.
>Among the staff the most popular LWA characters are Diana,Chariot ,Akko, Croix and Sucy
>Hannah and Barbara's last names are Parker and England, both are british.
I come back to these threads after a month and find this, where was all of this information given? Announcements or Tattun got another interview with the producer for us?
Q&A and panel stuff
I want to shitpost all over this leaf's face if you know what I'm sayin.
What are the backstories for Sucy,Amanda,Constanze and Jasminka then? Lotte's original power sounds more like a desperation tactic than something she would do normally
you sound upset about something
>Shoehornfag was absolutely right about Andrew, the only thing stopping it from actually happening were the producer,writer and director realizing that Akko would have been defined by her desire for his dick rather than her own character and scrapped it last minute.
This part is actually the other way around. They didn't want Andrew to like Akko because they felt like he doesn't come to appreciate magic in his own accord, but it would look like he only appreciated if because he likes Akko.
does avery like flube?
>ywn be this comfy with your rival
It hurts.
Beautiful witch.
From the AX panel:
>Amanda's family became very rich due to a powerful witch as the family head, who is Amanda's grandmother. Now that she is getting old, they need a new one, which is why Amanda was sent to Luna Nova. She doesn't want to be family head, and is trying to get kicked out to basically tell them to fuck off.
>Sucy was abandoned as a child with a bottle of poison, the reason she is so obsessed with poisons is that she one day hopes to identify the poison she was abandoned with to find her parents.
>Constanze was very sick when she was young and the only way to cure this sickness was to remove her soul from her body, the soul is kept in her little robot buddy. This is also the reason she never talks. She could talk if her soul was put back in her body, but the sickness would come back as well.
And finally, Jasminka:
>The reason she eats so much is because her body contains the souls of the 4 million Ukrainians starved to death in the Holodomor and she eats to keep them sated. There was originally an idea for an episode where she goes on a diet and bad shit happens as a result.
Just rival things.
Smelly, stinky NEET with unwashed, greasy hair!
Cute dork.
So much rivalry!
Sexy nerd.
They can easily do a Lotte focused episode for S2 and hopefully a better executed one this time.
Post the hottest witch right now!
this maple syrup/vanilla scented witch
Lotte loves Akko!
God bless Sup Forums
All of you failed to post the hottest witch.
I really want another season of LWA. It wasn't what I expected after the OVA's, but I still often had a big dumb smile on my face throughout the series.
"Going back to that other country"
You guys are the reason why I love that leaf so much
Her existence was barely noticable in the anime
After it finished I didn't stop smiling for 2 hours.
i think had it right temperaturewise.
You must be a dianafag so just post her already
>tfw you should have taken up that offer to be the new author of your favorite novel series
>tfw you should have returned back feelings to a rich, handsome statesman boy who genuinely takes interest in you
>tfw you should have been the hero witch of your family and home town instead of this one retard who gets everything her way
Being Lotte is truly suffering.
You are a perceptive little boy, although not perceptive enough or else you wouldn't be a Leaffag
"It's Magic! (I Ain't Gotta Explain Shit)"
>tfw you will never be Yoko tied up by a crazed and addled Megumi
>tfw was in the Lotte bandwagon last week but in the Avery bandwagon this week
>tfw slowly realizing that all the little witches are the best witches
She suffered from her own lack of motivation. It could've been an interesting character arch but instead they just made her not wanting to do anything with her life the be her arch.
>tfw no Lotte smut fics