How come Brotherhood is comfy as fuck and ends perfectly but 2003 is uncomfortable and so edgy
How come Brotherhood is comfy as fuck and ends perfectly but 2003 is uncomfortable and so edgy
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Thats because 2003 is a fanfiction
both endings are shit, that sudden let's eat a god thing was butts.
03 was a shit year
Brotherhood follows the manga, 2003 veers off about halfway through and does its own thing. Also, Brotherhood had a bigger budget because it was able to build on the popularity of 2003.
2003 looks and sounds superior and has better OP/ED. Brotherhood is a shit adaptation of the excellent manga because it lacks the atmosphere that the manga had and that 2003 got down perfectly.
>2003 looks and sounds superior and has better OP/ED.
How can you fit so many incorrect statements into one sentence?
Nice buzzwords, buddy.
Brotherhood is just your standard shonen, at least 2003 is a bit different even if it has some major plotholes, like why would Envy's real face look like Hohenheim's current body if they are supposedly hundreds of years old
Envy in 03 was Hohenheim's son so they look similar and presumably the homunculi don't age. And besides, Envy can change his face to look like anyone anyway, so it could have just been a ruse.
>thinking any OP is better than Ready Steady Go
>or Melissa and Rewrite
Finally someone with taste. Brotherhood OPs were trash.
The most overrated shounen of all time. Brotherhood is boring as hell, humor is dumb and it's way too long. The story would be nice as 24 episodes, a lot of unnecessary development, a lot of totally pointless arcs.
I know, it's rated THAT high because it's a starting point for most of newfags (along with Death Note and other totally overrated series).
Brotherhood protraits war and death in a idealistic and safe way. 2003 is closer to what war and death actually are so you feel uncomfortable because of it.
But Hohenheim had different body when he had Envy so he should't look like him. But I guess he could have just made his face look vaguely like young Hohenheim to make his point or otherwise Ed would be like wtf
Either way it still worked, seeing as though half a second later he had his arm punched through Ed's chest. I haven't seen it in a while so I don't remember Hohenheim switching bodies, I know Dante did obviously.
I agree the 2009 adaptation was far better than the 2003 anime. Even though Edward in the 2009 adaptation was an idiot for rejecting Hohenheim's offer to sacrifice himself for Alphonse.
What did he use for the payment in the end? His adventures or something? I just remember that it got really cheesy and he started talking about friendship to the god or something
Both versions of the anime pulled that crap in the end. 2003 was Ed and Alphonse's shared experiences that brought Al back in the end without Ed actually giving up his life. In Brotherhood he scarified his own inner gate which pleased The Truth so he gave him what he wanted.
In 2003 he lost his body too though, or more like teleported to the other world or some shit
oh and something happened to the stone in al's armor too though they were supposed to be against using it because muh human lives, can't remember
2003 > manga > Brotherhood
His inner gate. What allowed him to use alchemy.
How the fuck did you not get this?
The patrician's preference.
I did get it back then you retard, it's just been like what, 8 years?
You have no idea what you're talking about. Arakawa's vision has always been about moving forward, optimism, and not letting your past get to you. The 2003 anime went the complete opposite direction with getting fucked by your past constantly, being unable to ever move forward, and is just straight up pessimistic.
Brotherhood might not have captured the essence of the manga as well as it should have, but it's actually following what Arakawa's vision for the story should be, not the bullshit fanfiction of 2003 version.
its better
yeah i agree
The end result is he paid with his alchemy.
Just in one he does so by moving to Nazi Germany where Alchemy comes from.
While this may be true, who cares about the author's vision? Following it closely or not, what matters is the end product and its own quality.
i agree