Political alignment

About 2-3 years ago I was a progressive liberal. Now I'm alt-right. What the fuck Sup Forums

Go back to school and stay. Get a college diploma.

I am. Computer science.

Because you are no longer a retard. Congrats.

You’re kind of a retard if you can’t answer this “question” yourself. Congrats.

You must have met a nigger

Because the communist plot of the left has been exposed, and in many countries they were able to actually pass laws and arrest people for making nazi jokes with their pug.

A clear minded liberal from 2 years ago is now basically conservative. Welcome to 2018.

Everyone grows up sometime.
Good job on not being a complete summers eve douche.

Understand bud. Got redpilled with the Dutroux affair and the franklin scandal. Found out both parties are irredeemable. Need a new way forward, the true American way

It's cause leftists have made being anti-white a key component of their platform.

One of the most strategic thing Trump has done is making Dems and liberals side with illegal immigrants. Seriously, getting illegal immigrants in this country is originally Koch brother's idea to lower the minimum wage and make workers slave.

It's what happens when you keep using your brain.

That's a lie. People don't recover from progressivism.

How could you not be? So much of what was kept fairly quiet in the past has been pushed in your face in the Trump era... only a true cockgobbling cuck wouldnt be a little bit redpilled after that.

Same thing happened to me. I thought that I could just enjoy the Merchant Minute and Murdoch Murdoch ironically and read The Bell Curve and A People That Shall Dwell Alone as a curiosity. Not only was I wrong. I achieved levels of wrongness that shouldn't even be possible.

Become natsoc

Depends what you mean by "progressivism". In the sense it is used these days, you're probably right. In the sense it was used like 4 years ago, I'd say it's very possible to get over that shit. Like I said above, I think what was considered liberal and progressive a few years ago is now pretty damn conservative.

Shit has spiraled so hopelessly out of control so quickly.

I was libertarian
thanks to antifa I think we need to organize a resistance against communists and kikes that influence our society too much

Alt-right is in a sense progressive because they believe western modernity can only be preserved with white majority nations. It is the love of modernity and technology that justifies their love of white people and subsequently their preservation. Whenever the value of whiteness is questioned the immediate response is always the vast amount technological innovation white people have been a part of.

You were betrayed by the communists in liberal clothing.

>actually identifying as ((alt right))

Kek was always a right winged authoritarian fascist. Follow in his ways and you might be saved. Politics don't matter. Follow religion.

in couple years we will be full blown Trump nazis and race war

Welcome fag

Those are merely normie friendly answers, and in some countries prison-sparing answers. I' m not saying tech is not a valid reason. But to think we fight to protect "modernity" and keep this degenerate shit-show going is sheer lunacy. We fight to protect our peoples, unfuck the situation they are in, and eventually reverse their fortunes. Not to preserve roasties right to fuck random men in club bathrooms.

Great taste!
That is an awesome picture.

Leaf speaks the truth. If you come here, you're gonna slapped with that label by (((outsiders))) but embracing it yourself? Just no.

I remember when we all made fun of the alt right for being a made up term from the j-left.
Seeing people identify as that is really a litmus test for newfags.

I used to be pro EU anti conservatism in 2016. When i actually started reading the news it changed me.

Also, the DNC primary felt fake to me from the very beginning, and was boring as fuck. Their DNC convention was one big minority pander party. Thats when i decided to shill for Trump, at least the GoP primary was both hilarious and raw. From little Marco to Jeb ''please clap'' Bush. Good times

>Identifying as "alt right"

Wow, so you switched from the Left's identity politics to the Right's identity politics. What an amazing change! How about thinking for your own's sake and not submitting to group-think?

Dude that's such a stereotypical Jew response, shit like this is what gets people thinking

Same. I used to watch TYT, that's how stupid I was.

i got redpilled after occupy wallstreet when womyn and minorities tried to make it about themselves

do you even know what that is? It doesnt mean anything, find a real alignment

kek same.

Actually that was Obama's tactics to hijack Occupy Wall Street movement to divide and conquer. Obama single-handedly destroyed anti-bank progressive movements and Tea Party libertarian movements. The more you know...

In 2015 I was a democratic Socialist
In 2016 I became a republican
In 2017 I became an Ancap
I still am an Ancap.

>Leaf speaks the truth. If you come here, you're gonna slapped with that label by (((outsiders))) but embracing it yourself? Just no.

this. Richard Spencer is the only member of the AltRight

> (OP)
>In 2015 I was a democratic Socialist
>In 2016 I became a republican
>In 2017 I became an Ancap
>I still am an Ancap.

you need some game theory

No, you just sound like a kike shill.

I have underwear that have held political beliefs longer.

If you learn a little bit about history of wars, politics and economy you will grow out of ancap pretty fast.

Is it really a mystery to you that right wing identity politics is growing when our countries are flooded with 3rd world immigrants and our racial and historical heritage vilified constantly?

Open borders for Israel then. Your attitude will change quick enough.

Liberals hid their hate for White People until about 2012. And then they really let it show after 2014

Because America is not a real country, it’s a Judeo-Masonic empire.”

Oh, don't get me wrong. In this regard I agree with you completely "Diversity is strength" is the stupidest thing the left have ever come up with. And Europe is literally committing mass suicide.
But there is a difference between being anti immigration and a conservative right winger, and identifying as "alt right".
The latter is pro individual while the former is too reliant on group identity. Just like the left.

*the other way around
But yea.. you get my point

Let me ask you this: Do you identify yourself with at least one of these three groups: liberal, Zionist, Orthodox? If so then you already fall into group think.

13-22: whatever democrats do is ok
22-24: muh syndicalism
24-25: muh green anarchism
25-26: reads bob black once, is post-left anarchist
(5,000 hits of acid later)

it just means you are gullible impressionable individual who adheres to whatever ideology is edgy at the moment. Next stop for you is 'woke' centrist libertarian that calls himself a 'classic liberal' and makes sure everyone you meet knows the distinction.

2008 - dude weed lmao
2012 - Paleo-con
2016- Constitutionalist
2017- Absolute Monarchist

after cryptos crash this year and wipe out trillions in monopoly money you'll be back to sucking dick as your ideology

Classical liberal. almost full scale libertarian
Zionist is a strange title for me, growing up in Israel, Zionism here is pretty much synonymous with Israel national patriotism. So I am very much patriotic I served in the military and am an active draft member. So in my definition I am Zionist, but I'm not sure we share that definition.

I am not Orthodox. I am not religious at all really. I am first and foremost ethnically Jewish.

These are all group identifiers, not group identities.
I don't want special treatment because of my group, I don't claim credit for my group's achievements I don't force other groups into guilt over ancestor crimes (I don't support the reparations from Germany or the foreign aid from the US)

My group doesn't define me. But my beliefs sometimes align with a simple title you can easily claim. That's it.

2013- moderate liberal, not really understanding politics as only 14
2014- centrist with extreme anti-feminist beliefs
2015- libertarian
2016- ancap
2018- slightly more moderate ancap that's alright with being in just a libertarian society

The world changed.

If you think clasical liberalism will ever be edgy then you have no fucking clue how any of this works.

Well ok. But imagine this: If you are born in, for example, America, would you still be a Zionist?

I'm not even Westerners but I can kinda understand why groups like Sup Forums exists. I think Sup Forums has no problem with Jewish people living in a country and completely put that country first, similar to how Indian and Chinese immigrants migrate to America. But Sup Forums hates people that stay in Western countries and then drain resources and destroy culture just to serve Zionism and globalism.

If you guys Israelis would be more vocal in protecting other nations' culture and borders and against shit people like Soros, similar to how Breitbart (another Jewish-owned newspaper) is doing, then I don't think the backlash from whites would be that much severe.

ancap has the best memes though and in the end isn't that what really matters?


Lol true. But I think commie has better meme though

Totally agree. These globalist Jews who are mostly non-religious and a lot of the time actually anti-Israel (I think they want to be Israel's saviors so when Israel does well on its own it pulls the rug from under them and they become worse than our worst enemies)
They are really what's wrong with Judaism (not a true scottsma.. I know...)

You asked if I was not living in Israel would I still be a Zionist. Well. I think I would be pro-Israel, because I am a Jew. I think we do need a national state even as a fallback if I'm not there.
I wouldn't, however, change my mind about not wanting any reparations and foreign aid from other countries. And I would defiantly be against the leftist agenda that is destroying western civilization like that insane immigration policy.

2013- anti white SJW.only good position is opposed to muslims
2014- library who thinks racists of any race should be jailed
2015- conservative civic cuck nationalist
2016- minarchist libertarian
2017- anarcho capitalist supports ethnonationalism of other white countries but not my own.
Now- monarchist fascist supports ethnonationalism everywhere.

You have grown mah boi. I cri evertim

Yeah, I think it's very reasonable to you guys to have some influences for Western countries to have aids and ally with Israel. But what the leftist global Jews want are much more: destroying western cultures and borders, racial divisions an chaos. It is not only irritating but also stupid: What is Western world gonna do after dumbing down the nation and be against China and Russia? How can Westerners even protect Israel after the racial mixing and IQ-lowering stuff?

And actually there were a number of Jewish scholars already point out the danger of white genocide: Race-mixed people and other ethnicities will not have as much tolerance and sympathy towards Jewish elites, people and Israel.

I think what Breitbart and other right-wing Jewish people like Ben Sharpiro are doing is literally saving Western nations and saving Israel and Jewish people in the long run.

Youre a loser larper permavirgo contrarian. Grow the fuck, “nazi”.

> implying that being a progressive liberal in 2015-2016 was a contrarian position