What went wrong?

what went wrong?

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duckduckgo.com/?q=Martin Shkreli&atb=v93-2_f&ia=about

He left the iron on.

>"get me a hair from Killery my dudes"
>what went wrong

didnt release wu tang album

anybody actually know if he did anything illegal? I'm not sure if enough info is public for people to decide for themselves, but it doesn't really seem like he broke the law.

he should hopped on a jet and fled to non extradition country

took on big pharma

When's he gettin out

We failed him.

He's a dirty albanian jew, that's what's wrong.

He literally did nothing wrong no joke he was the victim of a witch hunt

Rare Mix.

this. just another victim of the media to be honest.


He's the hero Pol deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll forget him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian. A watchful protector.

Pretty sure he's a kike and got what he deserved. He's a thieving Jew who raises the prices of medicines by thousands of percentage points to improve profits. Frankly, that alone gets him a big "fuck you" from me.

Add to that his general kikery in finance.

t. Bluepilled normie

He listened to nigger music

hehe meme'd too hard

Jews can get away with it though. His price hike only effected insurance companies. The company offered it for free to the "less fortunate". He brought millions of eyes on a everyday occurrence.

I’ve met Martin a few times and have been in contact with him up until just this past week. He definitely did some zany unethical shit (like tell former colleagues that he hopes to see them and their families homeless, make a number of dumb, flashy purchases, etc.) probably just due to a lack of self-control. His pride gets hurt easily but in person very sweet. Obviously he’s incredibly intelligent and has done extremely well for himself, esp. considering his background. Compared to the damage done by much larger corporations, he’s just an easy scapegoat for politicians to use as a tool for riling up constituents’ emotions about “Big Pharma”. He’s in jail right now for posting reptilian and DNA-fetching shit about Hillary Clinton and will likely be out at his sentencing in March or soon afterwards. Really interesting dude.

Plus it was medicine for poz faggots. So really no one would have been affected even if the insurance companies refused to pay it.

maybe he was just a douchcanoe all along and not the savior of the white race ya dumb fucks

Oh yeah, and he’s not a Jew.


“Thanks for playing, goy” was sort of the backdrop behind all this

True. How do we get him out?

That was one use. It is for anyone with a compromised immune system.

Lying to his investors and losing all their money in risky trades

back to r3dit normie

He was a bit of a selfish git. Buying up all the world's stock of a vital drug, then selling it for 2000% of the original price, meaning that many of the people who needed it, could no longer afford it. Nothing illegal in that, but was considered by some to be a bit unethical. Ethics doesnt seem to be studied much by capitalists, as capitalism is about maximising wealth for one, at the expence of everyone else. (que retards screaming 'Commie!' in reply)

Not gonna deny he may have been shady but I’m pretty sure both sides admit he actually *made* his investors money in the end. Evidence where any of his investors lost money? I haven’t seen any

I agree with you and he probably wouldn't even be in jail had he not acted like a dipshit this entire time

He honestly did nothing wrong, no-one lost money. Martin's mistake was fucking with the Clinton dynasty, and although they couldn't have him murdered outright because of his live streaming they took other avenues. I feel bad for the guy. He's our asshole.

he did a lot of bad things, he was manipulating the prices of small drug company stocks. Also he lost all the money investors gave him, like 100% loss in his funds. He DIDN'T go to jail for raising the price of medicine, that only hurt the goyim, he went to jail for stealing from the rich.

Yeah, agreed

Being the most arrogant asshole on the planet. That was mistake number one. No one likes a dick head.

Many other drug companies did and continue to do the same thing. One of them was brought before a House Committee because of what they were doing, but the investigation basically found that they weren't doing anything illegal, just kind of scummy from most individuals' perspectives. From a business perspective, it makes a massive amount of sense.

That being said, the company that went before that committee said that it would lower the prices of drugs which it hiked up, but it didn't.

I agree with you so I dont want you to look stupid- the word is 'cue' not 'que' in that context.

fucking normie trash

>people who couldn't afford the drug got it for free (not a single person died)
>he has hiked to cover costs to find a new safer drug because daraprim has grave side-effects - he already has at least one new candidate drug in the pipeline

fuck off to normieland dear Bong

That pissing contest he got into with Hilary tanked the biotech sector & it *still* hasn’t recovered.

Yeah he seems like it.

He should know better than to attempt and get dna samples from reptilians


Who is this guy? I'm clueless.

He can live stream from prison? Or, maybe the Clinton crime family is too busy at present ...I hope.

>His pride gets hurt easily but in person very sweet.
no, sugar. that's a manipulator's classic combo.

that's what happens when you're a thieving kike rat.
he'll be in prison until he's 50. Hope he had fun, now he'll never work again, and never be a father, or have a family.

Nah, there’s no doubt he’s sensitive and takes criticism very harshly/personally.

Don’t “sugar” me— I don’t need someone to tell me to keep an arm’s length from the dude

Pharma Bro. AKA: Martin Shkreli who is one of the more skilled high lvl trolls in existence.
duckduckgo.com/?q=Martin Shkreli&atb=v93-2_f&ia=about

>skilled high lvl troll
Yeah so skilled he got himself incarcerated

Tried to get Hillary scales and got rammed in the ass for it

That is the ultimate destination for hardcore trolling. What is your point user?

>1 Post
>Meme flag
Because both of those just scream any semblance of authenticity. Fuck off kike.

It was a very dangerous drug that only treated a very specific, rare disorder. He did what he did--which only affected insurance companies--to help fund research on a safer alternative.

It's all part of a long troll, you shitlord.
Also, I am unsure if trolling HRC to the point she imprisons you would lessen or increase one's power level, even in the short term, DESU.

He dropped the soap

Didn't pick his battles well