Did normalfags kills this show or did Sup Forums always hate it?
Did normalfags kills this show or did Sup Forums always hate it?
Sup Forums love the show now that normalfags hate it.
Kind of okay premise murdered by a stupidly boring MC and his cardboard personality cutout girls.
SAOs are for contrarians, JATZ is the real shit
if other people liking a show can 'kill it,' thats rather embarrassing for Sup Forums.
The series has always been divisive. There were always people that hated, and loved it.
Sup Forums just became more toxic towards the show, because it turns out normies really liked it.
Go back to where you came from, normalfag.
It was bad but there have definitely been worse popular anime (Elfen Lied and Tokyo Ghoul for starters).
Hating SAO is cool now among more "mainstream" anime fans. This has led the more hardcore contrarians on Sup Forums to start defending the show.
fag detected
It was pretty meh for an isekai but hating on it became a meme like hating on PewDiePie was.
We had threads for the LNs a while back before it started airing and knew it would become popular when the anime started airing.
Most of the people in those threads also acknowledged the flaws that SAO had.
The new movie actually shows how much Reki Kawahara has grown as an author, given he was in charge of the script. The next arc of SAO after Alicization will be a chance to show how much he's grown as he will be creating a completely new arc for the story that is not based on the original web novel.
Sup Forums liked episode one, but then hated it after that. I specifically remember the threads.
The thing that I really hate about SAO is it could be good with some minor changes. The best example I can think of for a minor change that would improve things is from desu gun. Kirito and sinon are talking and kirito realizes desu gun is actually two people, one online and one irl to make it look like he's killing people in game. Have Sinon suggest this instead. There's nothing about this conversion that would give Kirito the last bit to put it together, while Sinon could offer a fresh perspective, and thus might come up with an idea that Kirito didn't. But naturally we can't have Kirito not come up with all the solutions.
It's amazingly crap.
>liking the shitty phone novel with retarded premises,an edge lord that is special snowflake just cause.
Only one person in the world can hold a second sword in a SWORD arts online, and only one person can use a shield .
I've enjoyed SAO Progressive a lot so far. Himura draws some nice facial expressions.
This this this. Ultra gary sue with every girl falling on his dick, and he just kept ending up in dramatic moments that either polished his dull edge or made it look shinier by making him able to do gary sue things.
And as much as this makes me sound like a fucking nazi-whale I disliked that they took the one grill that could fight and made her a tragic damsel caught in edgy mindrape bullshit.
>That episode where 5 guys are attacking him and he heals faster than he takes damage
If it was about Klein would you consider it better?
I mean, he did happen to be on a floor that was a third his level, so it's not like that's weird for a video game or anything.
You cannot kill what was dead from birth.
>Not playing Soggy Sao with your friends
Those look tasty.
It's been like that since the anime aired
I remember people complaining about it when it was airing, but others were still making threads. It's almost like Sup Forums is more than 3 or so people.
>hating SAO is cool
Only among contrarians.
Otherwise SAO wouldn't be the highest selling Light Novel, nor would its movie have done so well in Japan.
>appeal to popularity
Why do you even come to a place like Sup Forums if you have the mindset of
lots of people like it = good
You don't have to be contrarian to dislike SAO, people that are huge fans of it generally just haven't seen much anime.
>not Savoys
I think people are referring to American websites, I.e YouTube/Reddit/MAL(Tumblr too?). Not the Japanese audiences which actually really like it.
>Why do you even come to a place like Sup Forums
To piss off Sup Forumsnons, of course.
That said, my point still stands. If it were "cool" to hate on SAO, we wouldn't be in this position.
>people that are huge fans of it generally just haven't seen much anime.
This is a generalization that you can say about any highly successful anime, though. I personally only watch a handful of shows every season, but I know plenty of SAO fans that watch as much as possible.
"They have bad taste, because they don't watch as much as me," isn't an argument unless you have actual statistical information. There ARE going to be those fags that call it a masterpiece because they don't know any better, but that doesn't mean people that are big fans just haven't seen anything better.
hipsters cant handle the popularity, just look at reeeeeeeeeeeee:zero and memesuba. Both are worse than SAO but get a pass because lukawarm success.
Shounenshit (in b4 this is not exactly shounen) is always hated no matter the time. Moreso if it's popular.
I don't even think SAO is "dead" so no clue what you're talking about.
>There ARE going to be those fags that call it a masterpiece because they don't know any better
Yes there are, which is why I said "generally."
What point do you think you've made here? More importantly, do you even like the show?
their romance was so cringeworthy it made me drop the show twice
These are true, but what bothered me most was that even though the show felt rushed it still hate filler episodes for some reason.
This but what actually murdered it was not focusing on the psychological and in game aspects as well as basically skipping everything with years worth of fast forward, that and the focusing on muh power of love.
its the epitome of pandering to sadsac shit tho
there's nothing interesting about the concepts - they flat earth the world building and interactions between players besides the boogeyman (we can kill people) which was fleshed out poorly
I remember when it was airing and Sup Forums loved it, then hated it because it turned to be popular, and shit.
I can't say because i didn't watch all of it, just seemed boring end soulless. But i only watched like 3-4 episodes. Plot just didn't seem cool.
I want episodic shows with a general overarching plot to come back. Think Champloo, Dandy, Bebop, Outlaw Star. I get bored of plots these days. I mean no matter what the genre.
4/10 show, 8/10 abridged version
More like because it turns to shit after the third episode.
Sup Forums hated the ever-living fuck out of it when it was airing. I don't see any particular reason to change that course.
SAO is a bad show in a bad genre but I could forgive it for that. The real issue is that ever since that damn show came out SAO has stood for Sword Art Online rather than Shin Angyo Onshi which is much less convenient when discussing good series.
Sup Forums has hated since the anime came out
What people forgot or didn't know is that before the anime was a thing and SAO had like one LN thread a month or something, people that were reading it actually liked it.
Neither of those are worse than SAO, at least not Pre-Alicization SAO.
underrated mulch
We have always been in love with EastAsia.
the author is a normalfag.
so yea.
I don't hate Elfen Lied
Worst kind of mechanic to ever be in a game. That means that if youre high level, pvping low level players is easy as fuck, and the newbs cant do crap about it
Pretty much every game with a leveling system does that.
That's the whole point of having "levels" to begin with.
There are better systems to have than having everything hinge on who can grind the longest with less breaks, but this mechanic is still pretty widespread.
Why is it that there are no two people who seem to agree on how SAO was initially received by Sup Forums? Everyone tells a different story.
Season 2 put the nail in the coffin for all.
because the LN autists were in their generals doing whatever the fuck they do when they read their complete trash and couldnt tell the general atmosphere around here
Have you ever played a mmorpg?
>Be level 65 in a mmorpg
>Go to low level area to kill level 20s
Literally no good rpg has this pvp mechanic
B-but Season 2 has the best arc!
>that image
I-is this a hentai?