is there an anime whose criticism you just cannot tolerate? something whose criticism hurts YOU?
Is there an anime whose criticism you just cannot tolerate? something whose criticism hurts YOU?
No, because I'm not a thin skinned faggot
Shinsekai no yori because the criticism always comes with a particular episode by people who are uncomfortable with homosexuality in their Chinese cartoons. Although I wouldn't say it "hurts" me.
No, because I'm an adult and not a child that takes criticism poorly
Not really. Anything can be criticised, and there's nothing wrong with being critical of a show, even if you like it.
What bothers me are bad criticisms, though. People who hate a show because they think its fanbase is bad. People who hate a show bease they think the source material is better. People who dislike a show, and then try to justify thier dislike by making up criticisms about it that make no sense.
All of that is infuriating. Mind you, it's equally as infuriating as people who attempt to defend thier shows with idiotic claims as well. "Look how well it sold, it's a good show." "Look at the titties, it's a good show." "Look how much symbolism and lol, deep there is, it's a good show." etc.
A lot of Miyazaki criticism bothers me because, firstly I have a very high opinion of the guy and his work, and secondly because so much of it is based on misunderstanding and fallacy
>you didnt like this movie because you didnt understand it, not because of the virtually non existent plot or the cardboard quality characters, nono its because you didnt get it
Everything has flaws. So its not accepting the criticism itself but the form that is being given. And that, in a lot of chases in fairly hard. Especially when people claim for something to be generic because it was done before. If you really want to you can basically narrow down every single show in existence to being generic.
That's not what I said you nerd
The only time I get mad is when someone on /jp/ has the AUDACITY to defend DDC outside of the title theme
Yes, there's one, but I won't post it because then you'll start criticizing it.
Outstanding reading comprehension, retard. Going to go ahead and assume all Miyazaki haters are this dense.
It is. You claim that a lot of the criticism is based on misunderstandings. Whose misunderstandings? The viewers of the movies and there respective message. How else could this possibly be interpreted?
See above. Nice same fagging though. Probably posted from your phone to appear as a "new poster".
I meant more like, so many people have had their opinions of him coloured by stuff like "Miyazaki hates anime/moe/everything". People make stuff up all the time, actual quotes are twisted beyond belief, and so on.
All of them
Now THAT makes a lot more sense.
I've gotten about halfway through it but I'm not sure if I can finish it. I was really enjoying it while they were out on the trip with the molerat things but now it's just so god damn slow and half-way nonsense so it's just slow talking with little context.
Keep in mind I have very, very little patience while just sitting and watching something so I'm probably just a bad person to be watching it, but god damn. I just want to find out why people always say Squealer did nothing wrong.
This so much. I mean, I don't like certain stuff in anime, and I've got plenty of good, bad, or indifferent criticism to throw at any show I watch. Let's take KLK for example: I don't mind the fanservice, but I'm not going to get into a heated debate over the justification behind why Ryoko's and Satsuki's attire exists because they're the reason behind both characters' power levels. All media is subject to criticism, even the ones you like. And the media you don't like is sometimes going to make a damn good point about something and you can't always just disregard that point because you don't like the source.
Jojo. I can understand when someone says it's not for them but calling it shit flares my autism, especially since 99% of criticism is "It's gay." I admire Araki so much as an artist and writer, he's not the best at either, but he has a unique passion and style he puts into both that makes Jojo my single favorite series ever.
But like, you agree that it IS gay right?
Oh yeah it's totally gay. Gay as fuck. It's still amazing and I love it.
That's good, glad you're so passionate
Kick it like Beckham, like how can you hate that, what the fuck?
Did you get lost on the way to tumblr?
Because normalfags complain about it, i dont remember anyone here complaining about it
Normalfags dont complain about homos, they support them. Plenty of people on Sup Forums dropped the show because of it. I was close myself. Not because of the homosexuality itself, but because of the way it was shoved into the viewers face.
Behead those who insult Karen
It's just the plebian filter working as intended