The better girl
What would've happened if Moka said that she'd try kissing Honeybee to see if it made her heart explode?
Why do those whores keep trying to taint this pure kofun lover?
The even better girl.
Shes a cuckqueen
Why are everyone's eyes draw to retarded proportions?
I dont care who wins both are good
It's a style, called anime
What did she mean by this??
the ed to this show is rly nice holy fuck
Just have sex already.
This is on the next episode guys.
Why do they look even gayer than regular animes?
Here's a webm.
Can't wait for this scene next episode.
I'm hoping the show gets an actual ending instead of being a manga advertisement
Manga is not over yet
i think we should award aots by the number of post counts.
koi to kuso seems on top.
I hope everyone wins.
>tucks hair behind ear
>it falls back out
There's nothing worse than an eager cuckette who expressly tells you to cheat on her.
picked up
homo end needs to happen
That string of drool has been used so many times that I find it gross now.
Are you sure about that.
That's what I'm getting at. It'll be shit if the show ends with no one winning because the manga is still going.
read the manga then
You can read it all in a couple of hours or so
I don't get any of the characters in this show
I'm sorry, but Lilliana has already held hands.
They are teenagers.
Which means they should be humping like legally encouraged bunnies.
136 chapters in and I still don't get why Misaki wants to sink her own ship. she just keeps way too much to herself. at this point I don't even care anymore because Lilina is clearly the best girl for Yukari
She knows she's a used good and not worthy of Yukari.
While I'm all for Lilina winning. I want to know what the fuck is going with Misaki and what is she hiding.
Nisaka should win
Shoujo anime/manga should be banned and all female authors beheaded.
It's a good thing this one's a shonen then.
Not with those eyes.
Does this include ones who are illiterate, but pretend to have written a book that was actually created by Truman Capote?
I don't think it will be anything terrible or character ruining. The author just likes to bait the reader.
Cause it is gross. You're not supposed to swap spit from one kiss like that, that's bad form.
Well, girls are gross, so that's the way of things.
nisaka pls