I want more Mashiro.
Second season when?
And Benio, I want more Benio too.
I want a naked Mashiro in my bed.
No, no more Benio. She ruined season 1.
show was too dull for me, not even loli could keep me interested
Mashiro without Benio is not half as fun.
Mashiro was literally the only good part of the first season aside from the occasional kobeni fanservice shot. It isn't worth it.
Watch out you gonna trigger the mods.
Adding anything other than Mashiro to this story was completely unnecessary.
Mikakunin is one of those anime that isn't really standout in many ways, but I've fallen in love with it over the years. I'd do anything for a second season.
Why do you like Mashiro?
>s2 happens
>more Benio
Uh no thanks
Hard to put my finger on it.
She's small, she's adorable, she has a cute voice, she's a good girl, she has a fluffy hair tail. I want to buy her UMA figures.
I need more in depth explanation.
Nothing going on here.
Why the fuck are you guys freaking out?
This is Sup Forums.
i can't believe people fap to this......its disugsting
Sure is summer.
My wife Mashiro is so cute.
youre a pedophile you know that?
i want the second season to be about Benio baby sitting Mashiro while Kobeni and Hakuya are on honeymoon.
Whether you like loli or not, only a newfag would act like this is anything out of the ordinary. Fuck off back to wherever you came from.
I want to make Kobeni and her fat butt my wife.
kill yourself freak
>Second season when?
When you stop masturbating to Mashiro.
You are on Sup Forums you know that?
Want more Kobeni
ugh, shit taste
Please don't lewd Mashiro.
>Complaining about lolis
>On Sup Forums
Do you also go to gay clubs and complain that there are too many gays there?
Enjoy your ban pedo.
>That user didn't break any rules
>Announcing a report is against the rules
The irony
Don't be mean with the pedos, I just killed them four times after all.
I'm rewatching it and reading the mango now
>he doesnt know how many newniggers came along the past year
Theres far too many. Also Ban phoneshitposting.
Knowing that Mashiro-tan will always be a loli is great.
Boy I sure am glad Sup Forums welcomed an entire reddit board onto the site.
Is this animu good? the one of this thread I mean. Art look nice. Name?
She's friggin adorable.
Chill winter
Yea, I just got the name. Mikakunin de Shinkoukei, right? I might watch it later.
Thanks anyway, nerd, bye.
Breeding machine
>strawman MS paint comic
Every time
>im not a pedophile I swear dude!
>get home
>see this on the floor
>read rape manga
>Im not a rapist i swear.
>Play shooter
>I'm not a murderer i swear
I want to take her out to the woods, and hunt for bigfoot with her
Ask where her sexy and adorable sister-in-law is.
Seriously, how is she so adorable?
It's the sleeves.
And good voice acting.
...but Kobeni was the worst part of the series
That's not how you spell Benio.
lets just split the difference and agree that they are both shit
Reasonable enough. I only watched it to the end because of Mashiro.
I actually really fucking adore this series for turning the male protagonist into a background character. It really is the perfect anti-harem anime
>male protagonist
He isn't protagonist.
Just a protagonist's love interest
Literally the only reason this show should come back is so Kobeni can get the 10000000 doujins that she deserves
Who /usuallyonlylikespetitebutkobeni'sthiccnessstirssomethingdeepinyournutbladder/ here?
I want to motor boat those buttcheeks
I want to bury my face between Kobeni's fat, pale, silky soft buttcheeks and rub my nose against her butthole.
Just finished this anime. Benio might actually be legit the worst character I've witnessed in an anime. I started keeping tabs and there is not one scene she has that isn't her freaking out over either Kobeni or Mashiro. It got obnoxious in episode one and went on and on and on. Some episode would be literally 50% Benio just rambling on.
Kobeni and Hayuka were bland but still cute enough. Mashiro was fine I guess. The rest of the characters were just bad versions of character archetypes you can find in any other anime. Remove every Benio scene and you might have a decent anime.
Why does Umaru get a second season but not this?
she hates jews
Really wish this one had better VA's.
Kobeni was like nails on chalkboard, they really scraped the bottom of the barrel for this one.
Mashiro's is adorable though.
6/10, really nothing special but I guess it fit
> but I guess it fit
You sure have a small penis.
she is just the cutest thing ever. I want to hold her tiny body, and cuddle her to sleep, tell her how much I love her, and smell her hair.
Incestuous knot when? Goddamn we need more doujins
It's an inoffensive cute comedy SoL based on a 4koma that a dedicated group shitposted to death during its airing.
What's with all these second season threads popping up now?
Are the Sup Forums shamans onto something?
Remember when Dogakoba teased that they were working on a season 2? And it turned out to be New Game S2?
I'm still salty.
Can we ban lewds of Mashiro? Mashiro deserves the Yotsuba treatment.
I tried that personally, trying not to lewd her, but Mashiro is simply too sexy.
Benio made this show insufferable