Yuri on Ice nostalgia? Nah. It reminds me of Hajime no Ippo and I like it.
Ballroom e Youkoso
don't even compare yaoi to the ballroom manga
The ballroom manga existed long before YOI. I agree that the start of the series does seem like a tribute to Hajime no Ippo.
I'm not comparing that shitty anime to Ballroom manga. Lots of fag are trying hard to make it look like fujo
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that.
When do they compare dicks?
Shit. OP is correct for once.
wtf i hate ballroom now
I like this anime
I love all 3 of them.
>a show for faggots reminds you of another show for faggots, and you like it
OP, you just admitted that you are a faggot.
wtf i hate faggots now
The new chapte ris out.
I know right? The premise is that of a typical sports manga, but with a character design that really stands out and a superb OST.
Ballroom dancing is fuckin crazy mann
I noticed there are a bunch of Ippo anime, is it best to start with the original series or is there anything important to know first?
>but with a character design that really stands out
In a bad way.
start with the original
I thought it was nice.
The original Ippo is really, really good. The sequels don't even come close to its greatness.
Don't think and start watching it.
Necklet detected.
necklet libcuck found
>In a bad way
Nah. It's fine.
The manga's art is better than the anime's. I feel like the anime goes too hard in distorting the human form to make them animate well, like there's one still with Shizuku where her feet are super tiny.
I don't think any manga with good art that's been translated well to anime
picked up
Damn, OTP confirmed.
that's 1000 yards stare makes me uneasy
What about Shokugeki no Souma or Lotte no Omocha? Their artstyles fit really well.
And Bleach managed to do really really good at capturing the style of the manga in the first couple episodes before the Soul Society arc.
I'm not watching this because its seems blatant fujoshit, I'm perhaps mistaken?
you are mistaken
Fucking Japanese Truck. When will he be stopped?
Well, I mean "good" as in detailed. Soma has good art, but it has very little linework. Bleach too, aside from some moments. Compare it to say, Jojo. The anime might have done well enough to imitate the art style, but it doesn't look as good as the manga. You couldn't ever imagine Japan making an anime out of Vagabond, could you?
It's got the most sexual tensions I've seen in a manga.
So its just another fujobait manga/anime as I expected? Bullet evaded I guess.
This is not an innocent look
>Soma has good art, but it has very little linework.
because they can't.
But an example for what you say could be MOB, it looks good and translates perfectly the web comic style.
>when you're this far in the closet you assume sexual tension means between guys
Yeah, we evaded a bullet with you.
Wow OP two sports shonen share tropes with each other. Nice catch!
kek. also dubs.
More like, when you see the premise of the show and it seems so obvious. Gonna give it a shot and judge for myself.
> when you see the premise of the show and it seems so obvious
user, the premise of the show is a sport that literally requires heterosexual interaction. More specifically, it requires that men and women in dedicated partnerships hold each other close and move in tandem while sweating a ton. You're nuts.
>manga with good art
>manga with detailed art
Are you even reading what that guy's typing?
Is there a plug-in to just auto-dump images?
>in this manga: how to make certain people approve of you by making waaaaaay-too-happy-looking faces
>whereas normal people would look at you like you've grown another head or were on drugs
Mob Psycho basically discarded the web comic style because the web comic mostly looks bad, aside from when ONE gets serious
As in, without captcha? Buy a pass. As in, with captcha but you can cache all the posts at once? I think all the basic mods have that. Also, I believe if you switch to text captcha you can just fill them all out ahead of time and they won't expire.
That's how it goes in ballroom dancing. If you watch any competitions all the dancers always have forced smiles through their dances
How creepy; and tiring, I'd imagine.
I have a pass, I just want to tell some plugin to accept a zip/rar and just post automatically with more images.
Figure skating its suposed to be between guys and girls too.
>OTP has a chance
Yes. Leave megane to the autist.
Not really. If you think they are going to end up together romantically simply because of their chemistry on the dance floor then Shizuku and Hyoudou should be passionately fucking each other every single day by that logic.
Speaking of which I don't think my dick is ready for their latin dance.
Fuck off moeblob fag
>Shizuku and Hyoudou should be passionately fucking each other every single day by that logic.
Tatara's lucky in that regard. If Kiyoharu wasn't an absolute dance autist and actually interested sex then he'd be pounding Shizuku every night. Granted Shizuku herself is obsessed with dance too. Their drive and their own little rivalry with each other is what makes them such a good dance pair.
>Shizuku and Hyoudou should be passionately fucking each other every single day by that logic.
Except that's not true, reread the first few chapters.
What exactly do you want me to see in those chapters? I was just saying that chemistry on the dance floor doesn't equal romance. Obviously It's up to the author at the end of the day, but people who think that Tatara and Chinatsu are going to get romantically involved as of now are delusional and probably skimmed through the manga.
Chinatsu is literally the Chisame of the series who pushes our MC to reach beyond his limits. It took 10 years for Chisame to win Negi, but she did, and Chinatsu will too.
I agree with you user. I think you misread my initial post or maybe I just worded in in a shitty way. I still think Shizuku is the endgame both in terms of being Tatara's partner and being his romantic interest.
Except I'm saying that Chinatsu will be the final endgame. In UQ Holder, it was revealed that Chisame was the girl Negi fell in love with.
Disregard my post then I'm retarded and mixed up Chinatsu and Shizuku for whatever reason.
That aside, why are you comparing this to UQ Holder? That's an utterly fucking retarded comparison. The romance in Ballroom is barely a secondary plot point. None of the characters care about it. They all have goals pertaining to dancing. Both are completely different genres with different character arcs. Shizuku is the endgame as shown in the very first chapter and Chinatsu is a stepping stone toward Tatara's progression to get to Shizuku's level. I have no clue where you are getting that Chinatsu and Tatara are going to fall in love.
>people who think that Tatara and Chinatsu are going to get romantically involved as of now
>as of now
Meaning "get involved right now," or "people who think that right now"? Because obviously we're not hitting any romantic developments at the moment, but I think the amount of fucking buildup and innuendo and hints between them is enough to pretty confidently say they're endgame. I mean, for fuck's sake Sengoku, Chiduru, Shizuku, Marisa, Akira, Mine, and Chinatsu's damn dad have all paired them up mentally.
Even Mako can't help but feel jealous about it.
Yes, they paired them up as dancers. Everyone can see that they both bring out parts of each other that is going to help them reach higher levels. I'm still not seeing the supposed romance between them. Take the shipping goggles off for fuck's sake. We are 40ish chapters in and absolutely zero romantic development has happened between any characters. To say that you are "pretty confident" they are endgame is literally your own head canon.
>retarded shipperfags infesting this series too
Is no series safe from these delusional fucks?
>Yes, they paired them up as dancers
No, I mean romantically. Those people are all prodding them about their relationship or comparing them to married couples or getting mad about them flirting and so on.
>no series
user, this is like the most likely series to attract shipping, what are you on about?
But Tatara only interacts with literally 4 girls.
>the other series ended with this pairing so it's probably the same in a COMPLETELY different series that is also written by a different mangaka
I'm not a shipperfag myself but comparisons like this are always fucking retarded.
>arguing about who will win
Wasn't this already settled with the power rankings including heroine points?
btw Gaju is best girl.
>I was just saying that chemistry on the dance floor doesn't equal romance
This. Sengoku and Hongou are literally perfect together in the dance floor yet she doesn't end up with him.
Only paired figure skating is like that.
By that logic, Hyoudou should be pounding 3 or 4 girls after throwing away Shizuku since she can't compete.
I really want to see my boy Hyoudou getting puss left and right.
Tatara can have his love story with whoever he wants, Hyoudou's gonna be that guy that was socially autistic in HS before becoming a gigolo after graduation.
He's still a faggot though.
So can we expect the MC's coach to tell him to use footwork and magically make his dancing better?
There is Mushishi, you know?
the insecurity kek