ITT: Only best girls in their series allowed but they must be dead
ITT: Only best girls in their series allowed but they must be dead
Cool, all my waifus end up dying or deleted from existence.
They're all dead so it's not really hard.
Scratch that. All the dead sisters are best dead girls.
I couldn't protect her.
Mine is the main antagonist, so the hero kills her in every single route.
>tfw no route where you purify bae with your dick and save Germany
>fags still don't read 今 as ヘラ
also rip in piece tanechan
It sucks, it really does. She's like THE semen demon of the cast. The heroines are either super pure and/or moe (yes, even Lise adheres to the moe design even if she is a subversion of it).
Middle school waifufags gotta go.
Lise wants to be moe, but the Stasi won't let her.
Even Gretel?
Gretel isn't a choice in the VN. Katia has also been confirmed to be the main heroine and overall winner.
>Gretel isn't a choice in the VN
Well fuck I don't even care if it's translated anymore.
Play SMSF.
But user,she's likely back after FRESH was defeated.
am i doing it right?
No, that's not the dead one.
i agree
they are better than misaki
she did nothing wrong
That bitch was the worst girl behind of esdeath and mine
Chelsea was Best Girl
I Fucking Hate swimshit
Top Speed was a loveable waifu
>Death already burns a lot
>Author decides to roast you even deeper by showing that she would've been completely fine if she didn't kill herself
I swear he hates lolis.
Complete cunt and worst girl of Winter 2016. Would watch her getting a knife in her gut again.
Now this girl, this was a girl whose smile was worthy of protecting.
Misaki isn't dead but yeah, you're right unless you meant Misaka( as in the original) then nah.
Well you did said girls instead of girl. And the ones in the pic are all best
yes 100%
Holy crap I hope this is a lie.
The softest.