Gaiden soon
Boruto: Naruto The Next Generation
I want to marry Sumire.
This could have been a good arc if we didn't already know who the mother was.
Soon we're about to see the deep love of the Uchiha family and the strong bonds that tie them together.
Boruto was actually good even having awesome moments related to Sumire.
Then they're going to put sumire on a bus and put this shitty family's drama on spotlight instead.
I'm gonna skip all the "uchiha happily ever after" episodes
>inb4 you mad
I dont know the timeline of anime/manga/gaiden but if Sarada has her stupid assistant-san outfit I will skip it. Not even dadruto can save it
What is up with the naruto designers and adding unnecessary outerwear? Sasuke would like fine without the stupid vest
>What's up with adults dressing as adults
She has the movie outfit in the promo artwork for Gaiden. Lets just hope they keep that outfit after the movie recap arc.
Gentlemen, prepare your pitchforks. Sumire has to stay.
Gaiden is decent for Sarada's first development phase, but still not really good so they can span out the plot in more than six episodes. That would be a good number. And then please a Team Konohamaru bell test and a small mission involving all teams before the Chuunin exams. Because it's super akward for them to get Gennin and in the next episode there are already the Chuunin exams. The perfect way to expand the story in the anime.
I hope SP and the writer are aware of what a potential the anime (and the manga) currently have after the first arc. I mean Naruto also wasn't ment to be a super long running series. Some years yeah, but not 15 years.
Sorry your dad dresses like a dork
Do us a favor and go shove a cactus up your ass.
How is the power creep in this Anime compared to the original Naruto? Cause frankly the reason why i dropped Naruto was because of the immense power creep that took place after/during the Chunin exams.
Who the hell cares about Gaiden? This is now a Sumire thread. Episode in less than 12 hours.
I don't care about Sumire that much but I want her to stay so I don't have to worry about my shota king Denki being kicked off next. The synopsis for episode 16 is stupid anyway since Lee and Gai passed the exams without knowing any ninjutsu.
Too early to tell really. Don't know if this is just Pierrot scripting but Boruto is weak as fuck in the anime.
But this is no longer Lee and Gai's generation. You need an actual education to be a ninja now. Being good at brawling is no longer enough. I suppose it makes sense. Before during times of war, all ninja needed to do was to fight and kill other ninjas. Now in a more peaceful world, you'd need skills you can actually apply like diplomacy, knowledge of geopolitics, international relations and shit like that I guess. It makes sense for them to put that exam in.
Sumire needs some pearl earrings to go with that face...
its pretty creepy
The final evolution of the Sharingan didn't get introduced until WAY into shippuden for example, and there it was a major plot point because of how hard it was to awaken and how only Madara had done it in a 1000 years.
Boruto on the other hand was just *BORN* with a variant of the evolved form of the byakugan. The original series characters are still stronger than their kids (due to being fucking adults) but if you compare the kids at the start of their series to where their parents were at the start of the original series the kids win hands down
Tbh them failing despite Boruto helping them before sounds very anticlimatic to me. And there are still Namida and Wasabi to write of then and there's no episode title implying them being involved.
I want to kiss Sumire so bad. Since the closest I can get to that is having Boruto kiss her I'll be hoping for exactly that at some point in the future.
Sayonara purpleshit, even sooner.
>tfw a poor orphan won't be allowed to marry into Hyuuga money and hokage prestige
They won't fail. If they fail, they'll have to repeat and if so Metal Lee won't have his team. And the Konoha 12 of this generation won't be complete. I'm sure they're all passing. I think episode 16 will be dedicated to helping the weaker students get good in time for the exams and pass with Bort's help. Then Gaiden starts. Then movie arc. Then whatever the hell awaits us after that. Hopefully a good lead up to Kawaki.
Good, i want to see him suffer and watch his loved ones die. Naruto didn't spend enough time as a social pariah, which to be honest was my fav part of the show.
Even in Lee and Gai's generation you needed to be smart to be a powerful Ninja. Orochimaru always had a laboratory and constantly studied the corpses of dead Ninja to glean knowledge from them. Objectively teaching them more intelligent makes them better Ninja.
I hope Sumire stays so you can shove your stupid forced meme on your ass
>sumire makes twin tails look good
Da fuq..
>Implying Lord Hiashi wouldn't jump at the chance to get the power of a dimension hopping portable nuke as part of his clan's arsenal.
That orphan has nothing to worry about. Her powers and strategic value alone will attract said Hyuuga clan and Hokage prestige to her.
Lord Hiashi doesn't discriminate about your origins. As long as you can provide good genes into the family pool, he will welcome you into the family. Naruto was a poorfag and look at him now. All thanks to Lord Hiashi.
Sumire can make any kind of fashion look good. For a 10 year old, she is almost criminally attractive. I can only imagine how much hotter she'd be when she grows up a bit more. Bort needs to realize what he can potentially have soon before it's too late.
Yeah but I was saying that back then you CAN become a ninja without a proper education. It just helps if you have an education. For example, I doubt Gai or Zabuza had any kind of formal education yet since they are big, strong and can fight well they are considered excellent ninjas. But in this generation, I think that's no longer enough. Bort and friends will actually need education plus combat skills to pass. Look at Iwabe, he's a very good fighter yet since he can't into education, he couldn't pass.
Well if ChouChou passed despite her being lazy as fuck when it comes to homework and really needed to ask Denki for the homework in episode 1 then Iwabe and Denki should pass too.
Trust and believe in the power of Hiashi eugenics
>sayonara purpleshit
Still not a thing, pinkshitfag
Boruto can already do a Kumai light.
Power inflation is going to be insane.
Sumire posters are even worse than Caulifla posters.
At least Caulifla isn't a child.
Can you resist her? Protip: You can't
Some also want Sumire visiting the Uzumaki for dinner in tomorrows episode where they discuss about their future, but Himawari befriending with her and in later parts of the series calling her "big sis"?
>Sumire visiting the Uzumaki household.
I never knew I needed this until now but now I do. Studio Pierrot make this happen. There's even a legitimate plot excuse to make this happen. Have Naruto call her over for dinner to discuss her future in the village. Her actions with Hinata and Himawari would be very interesting. Hinata would probably silently and subtly approve.
I would actually like if she gets to live with the Uzumaki for a while at least. It would make her bonds with her familiy stronger, and I am sure Naruto would be able to give her good advice about the future, given that he had a similar life.
her bonds with the family*
9 hours to go.
I pray for her to stay.
Sumire, Iwabe, and Denki are probably safe since they appear a lot in side works and ads for the series.
Wasabi and Namida on the other hand feel like they aren't even in this series most of the time.
If Sumire stays, so do Wasabi and Namida. They are one team.
this needs to happen.
Wtf kinda ponytail is that
>Two watermarks
That's just obnoxious
Well TenTen and Shino also were outright there for the most time without doing much and by this time in the manga we barely knew anything from the other teams.
Maybe those three were intentionally made to appear in the series and the other two existing to fill in the last two spots for the Konoha 12 and to fill in Sumire's team if she stays.
Apparently its called a "chonmage"
the fuccboi kind
I tried going to 2ch to see what the nips thought but didn't understand shit even with google translate. Anyone knows what are the nips saying about next ep?
what is up with japanese and their obsession with male pattern baldness?
Goddamn, that is one of the most horribly dysfunctional and awful family in all of Naruto.
Yes this is as bad as Gaara's family.
This would have worked so much better if Sarada was Sakura's adopted daughter and Sasuke and Karin had a veggie and bloomers type affair that resulted in her conception.
But OOOH NO fucking jump editors weren't fucking having it. And a story that could have been really deep and moving and redeemed Sakura as a character and gave Sasuke, for the first time ever real pathos and depth was thrown out because the editors are fucking retards.
Could have even had a crouching tiger hidden dragon type slow romance grow between them over the course of Boruto that lets them both come together and have Sarada play the matchmaker.
Know what? Sakura being a fucking cuck(which is retarded when it's all but stated that Sasuke didn't even care if she lived or died and in many cases TRIED TO KILL HER and succeeded almost so there's not logical reason for them to ever get together as a couple or even fuckbuddies)is BETTER then what we have now. That's how poor this all is.
I don't know if they're willing to get this dark early on, but I think it'd be great if Boruto broke Shojoji's arms, legs, and neck, before finally feeding him to the bear-panda from the movie.
People would never call him a Naruto clone ever again.
it's her family user, it's just a matter of time
Do you actually not know where to find a better size version of that image? Have you checked pixiv or twitter lately you stupid nigger?
i haven't payed attention to this franchise since the final chapter of Naruto manga and some fights in the anime, is Bort worth watching?
Yes, you asshole. Why don't you just go watch the first episode and judge for yourself? It's been out for like 3 months now.
Momoshiki and Kinshiki confirmed for making their debut appearances this episode. Sasuke and Toneri might too, apparently. Maybe they'll adapt that scene from the Boruto novel where they meet on the moon.
>Yes, you asshole
user, that's not the Sup Forums brand of hospitality we're known for. He was just asking a question.
I like it but it's not that action oriented yet so you may not be into it if you enjoyed the fight scenes from Naruto (though ep 9 and ep 14 have nice fights).
That was a random outburst
Where is the confirmation? The NARUTOtoBORUTO twitter is usually where these thing pop up first and I haven't seen them yet.
Yup, he looks like he's going to a prom.
People would probably start to call him edgy if he did that.
There would undoubtedly be retards comparing him to Kaneki because he broke that guy's entire body once.
>People would probably start to call him edgy if he did that
Probably, and that's because it is, but that's what fatso was going to do to him.
YonkouProductions, stupid.
>it's not that action oriented yet
i don't have a problem with that, going full DBZ is what ruined the final arc of the Shippuden era, so i will give it a try then
eat shit, nigger
stop shitposting in db threads because your series sells like shit.
cant even get to top 10 in japan might as well cancel it
This is the manga right? If it is, who cares, it's terrible anyway. The anime is miles better.
>inb4 muh db is still in the top 10
Not a fair comparison considering that DB has been airing for more than 2 years.
I don't even look at DB threads because I'm not interested.
Holy shit, I need to see this too. It would solidify BoruSumi as the true patrician ship.
I would imagine her living with Sai and thus creating a kind of brother-sister bond between her and Inojin.
Nothing too crazy, Sumire goes to the Uzumaki household for dinner and stays the night, probably sharing a bed with Himawari.
Then, when everybody goes to sleep, she sneaks into Boruto's room where he sticks his dick inside her all night, holding onto her ponytails while he bends her over and fucks her from behind while calling her "Inchou", waking the whole house with erotic cries of "HAWAWAWA...!!!"
Literally nobody likes the manga mate, it's fucking horrible.
>Borutards and Superfags going at each others throats
Is this going to be like the HxH vs One Piece faggotry that's been going on recently?
>Borutards and Superfags going at each others throats
Nobody even talks about Super in these threads, I don't even know what that guy came here for.
I can't wait for you Sumirefags to get BTFO when she leaves for the sound villager academy in 9 hours
You must be one of the "fuck off narutard" anons
Welcome back, pinkshitfag
>still no second child
Is Sakura so dumb that she can't hold him down and ride his cock? She had a perfect opportunity when he was bound and gagged
Also one user said how Shikamaru wanted two kids a boy and a girl, anyone have sauce on that from the manga or was it from his novel?
>manga is shit so it doesnt count
sad isnt it when the manga is the closest to being canon. congrats on having the superior filler show
If she does, I will post her every tuesday until you like her.
So you want sumire to replace mitsuki.
Reminder that both the anime and manga are canon because Kodachi writes for both. Thank god for that so we don't have the cancerous anime v manga bullshit that the DBS threads do.
>when the manga is the closest to being canon
>filler show
Hello person that doesn't know what he's talking about.
>when user-kun feels the need to hide his insecurity by shitting on another show
These Chinese cartoons aren't real, user
He probably has another child, just not her.
>Sarada and her live in a shitty house that isn't paid off
>Despite Sasuke having an entire clans worth off wealth and hidden resources at his disposal
>Owns a huge chunk of land in the leaf village
>Doesn't help the two of them
The only logical explanation is Sakura and Sarada isn't his main family.
The world wants more sasusaku. Will they deliver?
Waifu fags are cancer
Nobody wants that.
>The world wants more sasusaku.
Does it?
New ending looked more like a standby and closure to her story and arc. We might get more of her in the future because her popularity but consider her out.
No one likes that family user. I hope they don't deliver anything. They will ruin even Sarada's character.
>The world wants more of the horrible love story between the least liked heroine of a major shonen series and the edgiest rival who was pardoned for his unforgivable crimes and refuses to have any part of his own marriage or child's upbringing.
Nah, we're good.
Her arc is over but not her character, they already said last week that the ED was special.
I just want more Uchiha, pure blood Uchiha and not any by name
I would like it but it would be too ballsy for thm to do
>Gaiden soon
You mean Gaiden not for another month
No, what the series needs is to move on and leave the Uchihas behind. The entirety of Naruto was Uchiha related. We don't need more of them. We need something new.
>I just want more Uchiha,
Goddamn fuck, the Uchiha were everything wrong with Part 2. Stop asking for more fucking Uchiha
Can you faggots stop being retarded for 5 minutes?
Seriously, you people are awful and it shows.