So here's Kasumi's speech, translated by Evan of AlternativeProjects:
>January 1st, 2049 >Historical Yokohama Base Space Port >Operation Cherry Blossom Victory Commemoration Plaza >United Mankind, Founding Commissioner, Yashiro Kasumi >(or One Humanity Project, Mankind Unification Society, whatever.)
>Forty-eight years have passed since the destruction of the Original Hive. >As I stand before you now, here on these hallowed grounds where the Noble Seven and I first launched the Kashgar offensive, words cannot express how grateful I am to have lived >to see this auspicious day. >Until now, the course of human history has swung like a pendulum between unification and dissolution. >Times of peace give rise to distrust and strife among brothers, before inevitably dragging us back into the throes of war. >But when confronted with such atrocities, we have proven time and time again our capacity to come together as a species and find common ground in our desire to restore peace and order to the world. >It is a tragic cycle, the repetition of which is an innate propensity of our human nature…
>But we did not break out of this cycle through our own intellect, no — it took the invasion of an extraterrestrial race, the BETA, to compel us to change. >In the face of an insurmountable evil that showed no capacity for negotiation, mankind was driven to the edge of extinction in the blink of an eye. >But after a decades-long struggle and billions upon billions of sacrifices, the Noble Seven gave their lives to buy our species a few more decades of survival. >However, even after eradicating the BETA from our solar system and enjoying the recent prosperity that the G-Elements harvested from the Martian hives have allowed, we still >have yet to truly come together as a unified people. Instead, we have chosen to engage in fruitless intraspecies conflicts, and we continue to teeter on the verge of self-annihilation.
Our national, organizational, individual, racial, ethnic, and religious ties… Organic, genetically enhanced, artificial, or synthetic life… Our materialistic gains, those triumphs we’ve seized from the jaws of adversity… the will we’ve inherited from our predecessors. Our stubborn beliefs and refusal to let go of our vested interests are our greatest weaknesses, and have led us to falsely believe the vile notion that dividing ourselves from our brethren is, in fact, the proper way of being.
But five years ago, our entire body of delegates gathered in one room and finally came to an agreement that this infighting must come to an end. They each acknowledged these weaknesses, and decided to take the first steps on the road to coexistence and mutual prosperity by accepting one another’s differences and abolishing identity politics. We mustn’t forget, however, that there are still many who cry out in opposition to coexistence, and would sooner take up arms against us than join our cause. But we will accept their viewpoints as equally valid nonetheless. We must tolerate our differences… No matter how deep-seated our prejudices, we will move past them. Because that is the decision we have come to, of our own volition…
And as we speak, our young warriors are about to embark on yet another perilous journey. Their mission is of critical importance: to set off for the Siliconian homeworld, and make it known that mankind is indeed a valid form of life. Yes, this endeavor may ultimately lead us into an interstellar war. And to be sure, we could just as easily shirk away from that danger and continue to wait with bated breath, as we always have…
Nathaniel Hill
But the decision has already been made - humanity must start moving forward. Never again can we allow ourselves to commit the folly of entrusting our fate to the whims of others or to starry-eyed optimism. True peace and prosperity can only be obtained by those who would rise up to claim it for themselves. We have chosen to overcome our petty rivalries and coexist as equals… There is no reason we cannot do the same with them. I have every confidence in that.
Go now, brave youths. We entrust in you our sincerest aspirations, as a callow species that for so long could do nothing but fight amongst ourselves. We entrust in you the future that all our fallen comrades so dreamed of. May your journey lay the foundation for a universe in which all living creatures can live together in harmony…
(new scene, alone in field, to herself)
I’ll never forget you all… Who you were, and what you left behind…
Ethan Adams
Additionally, there's more. Introducing Yuuki, Yuuko's daughter from 2017 and only person capable of trolling the great Sensei.
Introducing Yuuko Yuuki. Well, her only real name is Yuuki. Her family name is kept secret so she uses Yuuko's name as surname. A human with the super genius intellect of "Alt(ernative)'s World", this sugest not Alternative timeline but that she's from parallel world SF girls and MC comes from. She has a pretty/cute face, but her personality is that of a ferocious lion. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree, I see. She might be a good pair with Daikuuji Ayu. It would seem that she wears gothic lolita dresses as a hobby. Has thus far, been confined in the base away from others due to unknown circumstances but fled at the end and causes tons of mischief for Yuuko. This chapter 23 is pretty much just hide and seek with Squad C trying to find her. After they succeed, scene leads to Yuuko trying to pull the whole parental routine on her, but it works just as well as you'd think (imagine your reaction to getting scolded by a much younger, less motherly alternate reality version of your Mom). She says that Yuuko is her mom and Yuuko says she's her daughter but nothing specific beyond that. Next chapter should be the explanation about who she really is.
Andrew Rogers
Henry Turner
Rumor via Zero (Chinese guy responsible for dumping SM and translating it into Chinese back in the day; also, many of his spoilers about SM were validated) about the next EF:
>Just from a private talk,in May Yosimune went to Shanghai,and he had a dinner with Chinese text translation team.He talked about a summery for next VN.
>In following VN,Katia got mentally disabled after being trapped by politicals who objected her idea,Theo found no methods to cure her.He needed a new one to take the place of Katia,and put his eyes on Ilfriede.After several months Theo who saved many people sixteen years ago started to save refugees by dirty methods.
So if this is true, Theo's looking to transform Ilfie into the next Katia (which lines up with his creepy monologue after seeing her in the Martyrs epilogue). Looks like Ilfie is going to get hit HARD by the character development hammer.
Charles Jones
And that's all I got for now.
Christopher Thomas
Hasn't it been almost 50 years? Kasumi should be nearing her sixties. Holy shit the little bunny is well preserved.
John Walker
They have cloning and life extension in the future.
Josiah Wilson
Jason Evans
>Bou's art actually gets good after Alternative >stops drawing for age VNs What a damn waste.
William James
I always liked his Yuuko and Marimo though. He still can't compete with Carnelian though.
>Katia now literally retarded >Theo turning more and more into the Master >follows the established timeline and turns the moderate "victory" more and more into ashes
Checkmate animeonlies.
Colton Wood
Yuuko's daughter really likes her ribbons.
Also, happy Birthday Gretel!
Eli Green
>Katia got mindfucked by the Party politburo
I bet Gretel was behind it
Austin Johnson
Uh, the spoilers also said that Theo saved many people with his actions, so that would seem to validate the rebellion and destruction of Beatrix's plan.
Charles Perry
He is no savior, his talents lie elsewhere
Jordan Rivera
Why does her head look like a penis?
Brody Bell
>rebel government falls apart, loses its figurehead >Theo slowly turns into the Master and Allegiance is born >Europe falls faster per Bake The Enemies
Lucas Rodriguez
Leo Thompson
>implying Theo didn't marry this after freeing Germany from Beatrix's grasps
Samuel Hernandez
>its just another of Katia's delusional dreams
Isaiah Kelly
They probably had sweaty victory sex afterwards, user.
Luis Parker
>hfw oniichan engages in bestiality with a literally retarded pomeranian
Nobody. The NVA is a failed state both in ML and RL.
Daniel Kelly
Time traveling wolf.
Parker Harris
>they actually think humanity united won't stagnate, falter, and die
Ayden Thompson
Farka is wonderful.
Nathaniel Rogers
Why go to war when you have nearly limitless energy from G-Reactors, can live forever, and have aliens that you could fight instead?
Jonathan Bell
Who is the father? Takeru?
Was it from a timeline where drunken sex happened?
Jason Phillips
Gabriel Morales
If she was born from Yuuko's womb, she'd most likely be from Extra circa 2017. So that'd mean that Extraverse Yuuko was inseminated sometime around 2001.
>That clothing shop >That space yamada Give me more Shimako!
Sebastian Roberts
>Carnelian Art is shit.
Luke Morgan
But she gave us Beatrix, Lise, Iris, and Theo.
Justin White
Too bad. Have another of Yui's dead friends.
Julian Myers
Shouldn't Iris be whiter than Beatrix?
Angel Powell
Why the fuck is the steam release taking so long? I want to reread it already.
Nolan Allen
Was it rape?
Ethan Bailey
Wyatt Diaz
They were showing off Alternative at a recent anime expo
Thomas Jackson
Same question from /m/, but, how would you have rewritten Schwarzesmarken to improve its quality and better reflect the themes and qualities of the Trilogy (specifically, Alternative)?
Some of the answers, just for comparison to Sup Forums:
Kill Lise off. Give more of her traits to Katia. Make Theo not a fucking idiot with a blind hate boner and realize Beatrix is right and join her. He convinces Iris Beatrix's way is right. Beatrix lives. Theo and Iris get together and Katia becomes his surrogate imouto.
Basically Lise route where Theo opts to save in the name of tru luv and where Axmann is the more fitting personal villain for Theo to confront at the end. Give Iris and Beatrix a fitting one on one confrontation and end it with either one defeating the other or finding a middle ground they can work through together after reconciling.
Get rid of Lise, give Katia her personality. This makes the whole imouto connection more apparent and deeper. Get rid of Axmann, and roll his traits into Beatrix; have her responsible for Theo's capture and interrogation and his family's death. This would actually justify his hate of her, give him more skin in the game and conflict, and make the final arc where she's his main opponent all around better. Make it more obvious that the rebels are fighting to join with the West against the BETA, and are the rational ones while the stasi are roadblocking them because they're afraid that contact with the Western values will encourage their citizens to revolt. Actually elaborate on Iris's and Katia's methods/plans rather than infer that it'll just be better. I know it'll be better, but they barely touch on what their end goal is or how they want to achieve it, instead focusing on how bad the stasi are to justify the heroes. Also, don't make Theo so obsessive about Iris. He starts off as somewhat intelligent and pragmatic, but gets really stupid once he starts falling in love with Iris.
>all the ideas to make Schwarzesmarken better whether favoring the rebels or stasi include either making Lise the main heroine instead of Katia or turn Katia into Lise with her traits and character/personality. Well I suppose its true.
You're not really killing Lise off you're giving her more of the spotlight by turning Katia into her. In addition to that especially if you're going with a stasi victory and Beatrix being right it gives Katia even less reason to exist as a separate character given what she represents.
Same here, you're more getting rid of Katia rather than Lise in that scenario and effectively giving Lise Katia's role in the plot.
Jack Thomas
Brains in jars, etc.
Carter Perez
Holy shit
John Russell
>I think this is just a summary or an early version script.But my friend thought this may be a version which is nearly completed.Well,let us wait. Eh, it could literally be one possibility among multiple possible directions they might take the story. It also sounds terrible and I highly doubt they'd reveal the entire plot with its crucial elements this far in advance and this is how we find out about it. Whether he's bullshitting intentionally or otherwise about the rest I agree with him about waiting and seeing what really happens.
Josiah Smith
I know. Personally, I hope that they keep the hopeful, high note SM ended on, not try to subvert. Sure, bad things happen later, but show the rebellion to have been what was most moral and good for the world. Put to rest these endless debates we have about ideals. Even if Theo becomes the Master, just let the final events of SM. with Katia's rousing speech, the people taking to the street, and Beatrix and her stasi ideals being cast down be unequivocally good, a last light shining in the darkness.
Michael Carter
159688592 >this fucking post
Wyatt Perez
Happy birthday Gretel!
Evan Gonzalez
Stay mad.
Nathaniel Cooper
>But after a decades-long struggle and billions upon billions of sacrifices, the Noble Seven gave their lives to buy our species a few more decades of survival. >However, even after eradicating the BETA from our solar system and enjoying the recent prosperity that the G-Elements harvested from the Martian hives have allowed Holy shit it only took them 4 decades? God damn I thought it'd take them that long for the Moon but Mars too? Go Earth.
Levi Wood
Irisdina is my angel.
Ayden Rogers
James Lopez
>tfw Katia was right and everything worked out
David Peterson
It only worked because of Takeru.
Bentley Anderson
>>As I stand before you now, here on these hallowed grounds where the Noble Seven and I first launched the Kashgar offensive, words cannot express how grateful I am to have lived to see this auspicious day. >tfw their sacrifice is not in vain Truly making their death count This is a good ending
Christopher Cox
so are we expecting new MUVLUV in space now? But with this time fanatical war against the BETA?
Connor Lee
If the siliconians turn out to be a race of immortal lolis I'm switching sides tbqh
Connor Garcia
>still nearly flat as a board life must be hard for Kasumi
Henry Gray
I wonder if Kasumi was ever fighting in the front lines after Ouka.
Camden Perez
I don't get it weren't the eurofront girls still lolis when sm was happening? when is this new game supposed to take place?
Ryan Phillips
Daniel Lewis
is that before the original eurofront game? I like ef but hate sm so I don't want it to be ruined with stupid sm shit.
Luke Gonzalez
And Sumika, don't forget her. Without Sumika, no Takeru.
Hudson Kelly
Right right, my bad.
Lucas Wright
Very unlikely. As the sole 'survivor' of Ouka she has immense value as a symbolic hero.
Wyatt Brooks
But what if she wanted to fight?
Jacob Martinez
Too bad, you are getting JK eurofronts and Theo turned master.
Cooper Lee
From everything we've seen, Kasumi is not a fighter like Takeru, Meiya, or Eishi in general were. She realizes her limitations and even laments about it, I doubt she would waste Takeru's "gift" by charging headlong into battle.
Asher Jackson
>mutual prosperity by accepting one another’s differences and abolishing identity politics. What did they mean by this?
Thomas Collins
>Never again can we allow ourselves to commit the folly of entrusting our fate to the whims of others or to starry-eyed optimism.
Oh, burn. BURN!
Alexander Gonzalez
SJWs get BTFO in the Muv Luv timeline
Bentley White
Beatrix reminds me of Velvet
Elijah Powell
I just finished the part where Takeru returns to the Beta world after running away because of Marimo's death. Damn this whole part fucked with me. Anyways how much longer is the VN and what's the next thing in the franchise I should get into after Alternative?
Alexander Flores
There's Sadogashima, Yokohama, and Ouka arcs left to play for you in MLA so about a third?
Joshua Jones
You are probably around halfway done, give or take a few percent.
Lucas Kelly
You still have story left. After Alternative you could do TDA and watch the anime spinoffs if you're interested.
Matthew Martin
Kinda interesting they didn't lead into Takeru waking up with Meiya and Sumika. Maybe an extra chapter?
Well, that's why Schwarzesmarken is it's own thing. It subverts a lot of what Muv-Luv is about. It's the pragmatic utilitarian who is shown to be evil and wrong, while the good guys are people willing to be compassionate and actually have hope. It actually makes the story more grey, by showing that Yuuko's way can be wrong in the hands of another person.
Nolan Sanders
My uncle who works at Degica said that they're putting in some extra scenes from the manga adaptation. But seriously, even if it's pretty much out of the question I'd still love it if they did that.
Evan Wood
>who is shown to be evil and wrong, Not at all, nobody in-story has any counterargument to Beatrix's plan, they simply dismiss it on the basis of her occupation. And that extends into the meta. The only counter ever given is that its heartless and evil, based on her attributes, and most of the time not even on those, not on the plan itself.
Luis Watson
Just coming in now, but I didn't read nor watch SM. What was Beatrix trying to accomplish and what was her plan?
Levi Wilson
She was trying to become dictator of the DDR and initiate a rule of terror through her stasi. Once the BETA fucked them up, she then planned to throw them under the bus and flee to Australia with Axmann and a couple of her other followers. Basically, what any tinpot dictator would do.
Tyler Stewart
Wait so why do people defend her then? Did she at least have a good reason?
Zachary Nelson
Not really. She says she does, but all of her actions and actual plans are pretty much the opposite. To me, she was just in it because she got off on power and terrorizing people. And they defend her because she's the hottest girl in and out of story and voiced by Yukarin.
Blake Roberts
>She was trying to become dictator of the DDR and initiate a rule of terror through her stasi. Once the BETA fucked them up, she then planned to throw them under the bus and flee to Australia with Axmann and a couple of her other followers. Basically, what any tinpot dictator would do.
Ethan Cox
I see so thinking with their dicks. I'm glad MLAfags aren't like this and all are patricians who know Marimo is the hottest girl.