Valkyrie Drive

Second season when?

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never user

When Destructoid apologizes for calling anime game players pedophiles.

why not?

A new game and season is actually on Honey Parade's to do list according to Takaki.

It didn't sell well

Sold like shit.


At least the OP and ED were good


Nah they're too busy forcing Senran Kagura to censor its stuff for western releases

I want Lady J to suffocate me with her breasts

The ED is literally the best song in anime

Buy Marvelous products

It's addictive

Stop giving these retards attention.

This is unironically the first anime I watched with Sup Forums.

I kinda want a new season, but it would be probably without Lady J and her gigantic cow tits, or Akira transcendental chest, or Kasumi and her erotic thighs.

I will even miss Charlotte and her angry bitch attitude.

The first season was so good because of how great the design of the girls were, the designs of the next season will have to be even better, or they should not even bother.

Can they even use the old girls after the retarded "Cure" virus ending?

>show is about yuri
>Virus is the excuse most girls have to lewd each other
>hurr lets cure the virus in the last episode and destroy any reason for a second season

Even aliens invading the world and the girls being forced to lewd each other even harder would have been better than the retarded ending we got.

But at the end of the show they said they were going out to cure more people. The studio has already proven they can create god tier character designs. They can probably do it again. And besides we'll still have Mirei, Mamori, J, and Rain since they were all on the boat to cure more people at the end.

I can't remember were Rain and J cured?

What about another island with new characters?

It shit bombed hard.
Litterally the only people who liked it were lesbians and queer chicks and they don't buy shit.

So was there ever any payoff with the lesbian tittymonster? She was the only reason I watched this shit

No lie, I had way too fun with the show. The ED was also dumb and catchy.


The game sold well, S2 and new game SOON.


But user, I've already bought UPPERS..


lady J had true cowtits
not like F-G cup "huge tits"

>0.03M copies sold
>almost nothing on the internet
>they slapped in Daidouji to sell the game
>fucking Dai
>the character that bottoms popularity polls
So, how is it?

It was pretty repetitive, but then again VD and SK were repetitive too. The story was essentially "Hey lets beat the shit out of people and become popular". The queens and panty shots felt pretty tacked on. It was fun for a Marvelous game, but I wouldn't recommend it though.

Who was best character and why was it Charlotte ?

C'mon now, we both know who was the best girl.

Was about to post her, God bless.

Mei Fong a cute

Impossible to dislike her.

We do indeed

I think you fucked up and posted the wrong picture.

Nah I don't think I did

You can't say you're posting best girl if you aren't posting Meifon

Oddly enough for a show that seemed like it would have little substance or memorable moments, it did a good job of having some pretty fun and enjoyable characters.

Went in for the ass and tits, stayed for the characters, and the ass and tits.

The game that had basically nothing to do with the anime or the subject matter of the anime sold not poorly, so that means that there must be a s2 of the anime!

man, so does the bank own her vagina now?

Charlotte was the Mana of Mermaid, supposed to be playing the role of the villain but not really doing anything too terrible to hate her for.

She was a jobber but always had some fun antics going on that made it interesting to see what she was up to. Tie that in with her haughty personality and she was one of the most fun characters of the show. She was villain of the week tier in terms of threat level but was always trying real hard to seem intimidating. Just a real over the top and fun character who in retrospect didn't really do all that much overall, but is still likable for what little things she did.