>> 52,180 GRANBLUE FANTASY The Animation >> 41,970 idolmaster Gekijou
This has to be a joke, they are both shit.
Dominic Howard
Maybe your taste is shit, poorfag
Jacob Myers
Yes it is.
Idol stuff always sells a ton and granblue has exclusive game codes.
Hudson Stewart
Where are you guys finding the data for this stuff?
Kayden Robinson
Jaxon Howard
> *2,270 Re:CREATORS
Fucking hell.
Gabriel Green
Sub 6k to 2 weeks of the release is not good. It will finish at 7k or 7,5k at best.
Austin Carter
good post
Isaiah Lopez
Yes, a special SSR Katalina.
Hunter King
> 41,970 idolmaster Gekijou Why are you posting this misleading shit when the second volume sold barely 10k?
Gavin Smith
I don't keep track of this shit. How well did Sekaisuru Kado sell?
Colton Gomez
That ASMR audio is included in the BDs sold on amazon. Stalker accounts for that. The only time stalker fails is if the bonuses are in places that aren't listed on amazon.
Brody Roberts
>the second volume sold barely 10k No fucking way. That's only slightly better than aot
Parker Rogers
It comes out in 2 weeks but volume 1 only at 500 pts
Sebastian Jones
>> *1,674 Sukasuka Fucking nips and their shit taste.
Kayden Perez
I know. And? Nips like it, nips buy it. Don't worry about it is all I'm saying.
Nathaniel Garcia
>02巻 *9,623(**,746) The first volume only sold because it had an event ticket. Not a lot of people care about a low-budget adaptation of shitty comics, even if CG is popular.
Lincoln Martinez
If that was "Elf Yamada Sensei", it would sell 101,650 copies. And it would save anime.
Jace Gomez
It means we can predict sales from stalker rankings. V1 had an 8k estimate and sold 9k first week. V2 is at 5.7k and has only two weeks left.
Jonathan Walker
And id-0, does it even have a BD release?
Asher Ortiz
Yes user, I know how stalker works. Thanks for trying to explain it to me yet again.
Oliver Sullivan
>how dare they not buying Moeshit #1326, fucking gooks!
Michael Ortiz
Just proves that Love Live is better than Im@s How did Love Live's puppet show went?
Leo Robinson
Your post's implication was that the drop wouldn't be big. V2 will only sell 7k first week at this rate, and the drop will only continue for future volumes.
Jace Russell
>Sukasuka >moeshit Kill yourself.
Sebastian Ramirez
>LL is fantasy wish fulfillment shit >Idolmaster is gritty and realistic
Julian Gutierrez
You're retarded, first volume was more or less the same at this point, and sold only 8k in its first week, it will most likely be a very little drop, as expected.
Jason Murphy
I said not to worry about it, whatever implication you thought of is just in your head. And sales by volumes are not like a ladder that always goes down.
Ayden Rogers
>> *2,270 Re:CREATORS Thank god. Fuck wacky 4th wallbreaking
Bentley Ward
Shivers. I didn't even watch LL yet, but this convinced me, I fucking hated that cunt Mio. But Im@s 2011 is amazing.
Matthew Cooper
Bruh. Both of them are wish-fulfillment. Love Live had its focus on optimism. Im@s is well...their entire market value falls on how much they sexualize their characters
Thomas Reed
>I wouldn't worry about it. >Vol.2 comes with an ear cleaning ASMR audio featuring Sagiri and nips love that stuff. >>That's not how stalker and sales work. >Yes it is.
Nice backpedaling. You clearly implied V2 wouldn't sell like that.
Nolan Morris
More like >killing the only real cute girl Pretty sure most people dropped there. I know I did.
Nathan Moore
Dont watch idolshit, but idolmaster sounds more enticing
Henry Gomez
Nice lie. V1 was in the Top 100 for weeks before release.
Cameron Nguyen
Hot damn user, take your meds.
Dominic White
>maho shoujo faggot Top kek
Jackson Scott
But there is another cute girl, but it's easy to forget when she never appears.
Gabriel Nguyen
Idolmaster has 4 different franchises with completely different tones.
Jason Perry
>their entire market value falls on how much they sexualize their characters fuck off
Gabriel Cox
None of Aniplex's originals have worked in a while, huh. Can Your Name Man save them?
Ayden Sanders
The increase will be low within 2 weeks compared to volume 1. At this date volume 1 was at the 77th place on amazon, volume 2 is only #311.
Jaxson Rogers
How did Re: CREATORS fail so badly?
Connor Murphy
>> 10,165 Eromanga Sensei >> *6,603 SnK S2
>lolicon bait beat titanshit
Tyler White
That's because you kept on thinking with your dick
prove me wrong
Leo Gomez
>Aniplex originals have so much effort put into making them look good >they flop >Aniplex LN adaptations are made on a shoestring budget >they succeed
What's even the point of originals at this point?
Nathaniel Smith
That's still assumption, but considering how "long" volume 1's tail was, I don't think Volume 2 won't sell a few thousands until release, and then again, even 6k isn't a particularly huge drop.
Nolan Evans
>Aniplex LN adaptations are made on a shoestring budget Eromanga has better production values than Re;creators
Luke Nguyen
>*9,378 Starmyu S2 Nice, hope it gets a new season.
Isaiah Cooper
Do you have any idea what your even talking about?
Logan Bell
Remember kids, don't drink before shitposting.
Michael Fisher
How did eroshit get so many sales when it's so trash?
Bentley Clark
Because it is so trash
Connor Foster
Nothing in Eromanga Sensei stood out while Re:Creators at least had some cool fight scenes.
James Ortiz
You just have shit taste
Joseph Brown
I guess japanese people dont get swayed by youtube celebrities like westerners do
Benjamin Bailey
Fight scenes? Epic!
Nicholas Morris
I cant say anything about im@s but that doesnt apply to love live, yeah they have some lewd sets but thats nothing if you compare it with im@s
Justin Bennett
>cool fight scenes That's what I suspected. Reminder to every sane user, that this is the kind of user that's in majority of Sup Forums anymore. DBS, One Piece, Naruto, Hero Academia, SnK threads and the likes dominate the frontpage, and are always the most active threads.
Still, I can tell you, My Little Shounenfag, that I couldn't give less of a shit about "cool fights".
Josiah Gonzalez
Abyss isn't going to be a big hit. Fate is going to btfo everything.
Kayden Kelly
because of the oreimo fanbase
Cooper Smith
This place has really gone down the shitter. Since when was naruto even allowed on Sup Forums.
Ayden Sanders
Im@s is called h@gmaster for a reason. It super-sexualizes its old hags (many of them with the kind of design that appeals to MILFfags, and look older than any 3D idol I've seen), whereas it has lolis, but only as stupid pets with their gimmicky or fluffy events, no lewd.
Lincoln Flores
Yes, fight scenes are so much easier to animate than the whole lot of nothing in Eromanga Sensei. You completely missed the point of the post.
Hudson Allen
Since self moderation was killed.
Angel Edwards
Isaiah Cruz
>*9,378 Starmyu S2
Goddamn, dancing boys putting in the work.
Henry Sullivan
imouto shit always at the top
Jacob White
>Eromanga selling more than SnK YES YES
Joseph Foster
It'll do 7k initially and land on 8k eventually.
Isaac Stewart
>people mad at Eromanga >Starmyu and GRANBALLS on the top 5 Sup Forums have changed.
Dylan Kelly
>kemono is still better than your favourite animu
Jackson James
That's because imouto are the best.
Owen Collins
there should be more imouto shit at the top, honestly
Juan Phillips
>*2,270 Re:CREATORS
>it hasn't moved at all
Alexander Thompson
If only the world were a better place user. If only.
Eli Richardson
It was shit before that literal who died
Isaiah Evans
RE:Wasted potential really, but cant stop watching it now
David Wilson
>> 52,180 GRANBLUE FANTASY The Animation
was this good?
Hudson Morris
It was Fun
Blake Cooper
It was serviceable, i pretty standard action fantasy setting with a decent budget and cute characters. The BD sold well because they came with codes that gave you in game items that are usually a pain in the ass to get.