Who is your favorite character in anime or manga with this body type?
Who is your favorite character in anime or manga with this body type?
the last thread was fine until you dinguses started posting porn
Are loli threads getting deleted again?
irrelevant, this is NOT a lo li thread
Why is she shaking?
She was scared by the mods.
Lolis shouldn't be scared of such pathetic creatures
My loli is scared that I'm not going to be able to post her anymore! What do I do?
Lolis are naturally afraid of bullies.
It is your duty to protect your loli.
hotpockets can't be bullies though, they exist solely to be bullied
I told you I would destroy you, but you didn't listen! Your pedo tears are only making me more stronger!! lololol nothing like a little of "destroying your enemies" before bed.
Don't post Garry in this thread, asshole
Good job and now because of you there is like 4 loli threads up right now instead of one.
get raped juju
Just don't reply to that idiot
Who the fuck is juju? You guys having discord fight or some shit?
>several loli threads up everyday
>they all either reach bump limit or get close to it
Seems like your lack of IQ isn't just a meme
Either a really, really dumb shitposter or an unfunny troll who keeps posting the same retardation in every loli thread. Either way we shouldn't give it attention.
You're right but this is still stupid. I don't want discord tripshit drama or whatever on Sup Forums.
I just wish anime had lolis that pronouncedly sexualized
He isn't a tripshit, just a dumbshit who got a nickname out of his sheer persistence in being retarded.
A shitposter. Just ignore her.
>its a girl
Of fucking course.
>implying girls can't like loli
Clearly this 3DPD doesn't and is just shitting up every loli thread.
Sakura isn't cute.
Would you prefer her friend?
Please delete this image, I do not want to have lewd thoughts about Sakura but I am weak to sweaty lolis.
YES loli NO touch
Everyone prefers her to Sakura
I too am quite a fan of women of petite and nubile stature. Just wanna rip their tiny cunts in half.
Use should use the proper term for loli's vagina user.
You have to be kind and gentle with loli. You sound to violent, user.
Potato out
Short stacks out
Oppai Out
DFC out
Stop ostracizing lolis user! All lolis deserve to be loved
Armpit slut out.
Though I love medium girls too.
sweaty loli armpits are a gift from God though
So are lolis.
I want to pull her straps
Do not expose her nipples, it's cold out there.
>it's cold out there
Who let the baka run wild again?
Why are lolis so sexy?
you wont fuk children
There are as many reasons as there are lolis.
Don't post such a fat Cirno ever again.
That butt really needs a good sniffing. It's almost like a crime to be out there and not even one user feeling its smell
Cirno butt was literally too much for poor newfag janitor.
I was about to defend that picture when I saw that Cirno had big tits in it which somehow eluded me before. I have thusly deleted the picture from the thread and from my hard drive.
Oh nevermind.
Would you drink loli's piss Sup Forums?
I apologize for any undue disappointment. Hopefully another Cirno will make up for it.
>Short like that
>Those hips
>That ass
>those loli tits
This is too much. I can't take it anymore
This is my cute daughter. Lewd comments are welcomed, but only if they're not rude. Thank you.
user, that's a submarine
I'm going to have very RUDE sex with your daughter.
I want to marry your daughter and make lots of loli children with her so that I can have my own loli harem
I want to hug an oppai loli and tell her she is beautiful the way she is.
I'm rewatching Ichigo Mashimaro right now. Nobue might be the luckiest onee-san in anime.
Lying is wrong.
>not liking oppai
She can't help being the way she is and all lolis deserve love.
Lolis should only be completely flat or have budding breast. Anything bigger than that is disgusting.
Even defective ones?
Violence against lolis is wrong user!
Unless your loli is a bitch an adult penis is going to do some ripping whether you like it or not. What's the point if you can't appreciate the beautiful deflowering of something so tender and pure?
Getting a cute loli to call it something vulgar and dirty like her cunt is very arousing, especially when contrasted to her vagina itself which is so cute and beautiful that it feels wrong. But it isn't.
What part of all lolis don't you understand? In fact sometimes these "defective" lolis as you call them require more love as they get bullied by heartless individuals like yourself.
I want to be the boyfriend she wants so badly.
A shame so many artists tend to draw her as a hag.
Undead zombie get gone, only sake distilleries now.
You've never had to deal with a mentally defective loli I see.
Lolis can be all sizes user. Tits are acceptable as long as they aren't cowtits
What is Sup Forums's opinion of 18-year-old lolis?
Suika is a bad influence, she keeps getting me and the other lolis drunk.
This loli is not defective, she is an aborted fetus.
But user, defective lolis are meant to be bullied. It is the only thing they are good for.
Oldhags have cunts user, lolis have cunnies. I find the latter lewd and vulgar in its own way. Maybe because the term itself implies something wrong?
Disgusting. Lolis are to be cared for and loved.
>Bullying lolis
You pig. Lolis are for loli. They can bully you, but you cannot bully them
No user, lolis are to be punched very hard in the midriff, it is the natural order.
I want to buy a loli wife
for love*
I thought she was a suicidal rape victim.
That's in the game user, in the LN Poniko is her mother.
I don't know whether the manga has ended yet, but translations seem to have given up a long time ago.
Did Gommensai do official art for Yume Nikki or is that fan stuff? It looks a lot like his art style and I know nothing about Yume Nikki
Being punched very hard in the midriff IS the way lolis are meant to be cared for and loved.
>sadism with lolis
Congratulations, you actually manage to be worse than toddlerconfags
What's wrong with the JY user?
It's fan art from his pixiv.
Only the bad ones.
I just have a hard time understanding how one can find babies or 4 years old children sexually attractive. Nothing really against the people who like it though, at least you don't get off on harming them.
I didn't even know there was an LN, what the hell. Well let me guess, uboa is supposed to symbolize child abuse? Keep flicking those lights on and off and mommy will eventually get pissed and beat the shit out of you?
Also that manga was outright cringeworthy, but I'll give them this page. It was about the only good thing about it..
Stop hating on cute girls.
user, stop posting this girl. I cannot fap right now.
>This panel
That's absolutely gorgeous, holy shit.
My cute wife Chino, of course.
Ok, sorry user. Won't post her anymore today.
never heard the saying that no=yes user?
>zombie reimu meme
having fun grandpa?
Aren't we forgetting that one girl, the one from that Kyoshit dragon show?