UQ Holder!

By the Emperor, she won.


She won for THAT MOMENT.

Nigga we far in the future, who knows who TRULY won.

What the actual fuck. I haven't read much of UQ but I don't remember them having much chemestry way back when.

Well, not really.

Reread it before reading all of uq last couple weeks. Their main development happens during magic world. Looking back on things it makes sense.

That said nee san Asuna is still best girl eternally

I don't follow UQH, is this a Negima retcon or some shit?

Picked up.

She was his main confidant and source of advice for the vast majority of the magic world arc.

I thought it was ridiculous while reading Negima, but it makes a lot of sense in hindsight.
I'd almost call it well done.

It's set in the future of the same universe and refers to Negima so damn much it's only borderline wrong to call it a sequel.

It's set in the alternate timeline that Asuna woke up in in the future, before she gets whisked back to the Negima ending timeline.

It's still going to be her. Unlike everyone else, she was the only one to actually give their supposed relationship any real thought. Everyone else was too focused on the confession itself to actually think about what happens if they had hooked up with him. Watch, after everything is said and done, he's going to confess to her exactly the same way but older, and she'll accept it this time around.

>future of the same universe
>alternate timeline

God damn it.

Why didn't Ken just reveal this in Negima?

Remembering back I'm actually not sure I finished the whole series. It's been too long since I read it.

Because he's a hack.

I've been wondering for a while how that's going to turn out.

Will there be no Asuna at all in this timeline after she leaves? That would be really strange.
On the other hand at least she gets her happy ending and doesn't have to stay in this shithole of a timeline.

So Chisame won in the end? I don't read this but I'm glad that was finally cleared up after like 10 years or something.

I can be satisified with that, Chisame was great.

Because she's basically a naru clone and ken has a thing for violent tsunderes.

Negi confesses to her, but she rejects him since he is 11. She then says come back in five years, which is where the current chapter ends.

Well go read it. Its time for a healthy reread.

Somehow I don't think it's gonna work out well then, but who knows.

Thats a great way to simplify her character and ignore anything else in there personality. The more you people call her a naru clone the less I can see it

Congratulations Chisame, you threw Negi into the path of becoming a true Wizard.

Should have picked class rep.

Her glasses form is very reminiscent of Narusegawa. I wonder if Akamatsu has just been writing his waifu fantasies for some 25 years.

I don't even read negima and I feel like alot of people got cucked. Wasn't the love interested meant to be the red haired girl with the really long pigtails? Wasn't she introduced as the main character?

>I wonder if Akamatsu has just been writing his waifu fantasies for some 25 years.

she was just an older sister figure

She is Naru. Trips speak truth.

There is something off about Narusegawa's face in this pic.

At least he'll have surpassed his father.

Chisame is great but honestly should have just taken both Yue/Nodoka for immortal threesomes.

Where the fuck is Evangeline?

Are you shitposting?

Did you skip the Magic World arc?

Just because she's the female lead doesn't mean she has to end up with him.

Besides they turn out to be related, though the specifics remain unknown, and they work much better with her as his nee-san figure.

She was upgraded.

No fuck you. Even the old adult Eva is better because her hair style wasn't this garbage and kept normal Eva's hair style.

I dropped UQ long ago but really, did chisame win? fuck yeah, she was my absolute favorite. Not violent when tsun nor a moeblob when dere and is never a bitch about anything is the best, she's in the top tier tsundere from all time

Considering Naru et. al is based on his wife, it's more like he's sharing his marital role-play fantasies.

Negima is trash. really used to like it till they decided /everyone/ should be a melee-type fighter. fights got boring, fanservice got samie, not enough girls got development.

>2nd best girl won
I'm fine with that.

I loved how the final fate fight had a shit load of blastinf eachother with spells and incantations while they were punching eachother. Sums up the whole "at high levels theres little difference thing

So when are we getting another hiatus?

never got that far, I got to the point in the Magic World arc where Negi catfishes Short hair small tits "i'm not the main character" character with Negi's alter ego, Rico Suave.

I feel that "high levels being identical" really makes Wizardry and Magic less special. Like, in FMA all the science wizards had a fairly unique style, in Negi it felt like everything was a variation of Magic Missile and enchant weapon.

Mars arc when? Or even a Venus arc.

Still Chisame.

Best girl.

As soon as he tries to make another woman the lead. His wife will make sure he has the time away to correct the error in his thinking. May or may not involve beatings and drugs.

Hey Im all there with you I love magic being incantation, magic circles runes and the likes. But you should check out the fate fight. They are constantly doing spells at eachother while zipping around.


If bet if they hadn't come in she might have taken it back and accepted out of guilt. When she first turned around it seemed as if she was hoping for him to follow after her.

She got the lead near the end of the school fest arc, early magic world arc was literally all Chisame and Chachamaru, where Chisame rose to the partner in crime status, and never went down.

She and Chachamaru were almost Negi's right and left hand for a good chunk of the series, and even in one ending you can see that Chachamaru and Chisame are still with Negi.

This. She''s probably the most reasonable person in the harem and all I assume Sup Forums's favorites Nodoka and Yue cared about were having Negi nail both of them because 3way memes

Pretty much

>dumping the two best girls

Yue ruined it by corrupting Nodoka's pure love for Negi into a threesome meme.

Nodoka was the best for a short period then Yue jumped in and ruined everything. Dammit that girl is dry

NotPatchouli ruined it for both of them

Eva's current hair is the same as her mother's

The mother that wasn't even thought of in Negima.
She exists so Ken could justify the awful hairstyle.

Oh shit finally move on about Negima's ending. And she choose the best girl too.

>you will never take responsibility and marry Ayaka instantly

That manface is really a downgrade.

>a cute anime girl will never whisk you away from your problems

Nah. If anything, she would've tried to placate him by explaining her entire reasoning to him.

>asuna in for the incest route

I could barely even read this chapter once Chisame showed up. Fucking stupid shit.

A lot more satisfying than who Hayate chose

Yue is a mistake

Honestly, I would have put Nodoka in the lead as potential winner up until when Yue entered the harem. At that point, she pretty muuch became a guaranteed loser because she consistently pushed the threesome end.

I actually like Chisame but I'd be lying if I said I'm not butthurt it's not Nodoka or Nodoka/Yue.

Who scanned this?

They're official scans.


Man, Its like, chisame is in the right but that negi face hurts

>Not Eva
God fucking damn it negi. You're a fucking monster, and monsters should stick together.
Also you confessed to her (in a way) in MSN!? base. But I also like Chisame. I'm both happy and filled with incandescant rage and also immense disappointment. Fuck.

Jesus they are about ready to tie him down a and fuck him right there.

>Nodoka thought up the threesome idea
>Yue is pushing it despite not knowing about it until the very end


>The violent moody girl wins again

Naru, Chisame, Kirie.... All the exact same girl.

Eva is for Tota you fucking heathen.

Eva's too hung up on the Negi dick and he's all in on Kirie anyway.

Because Eva wanted Touta to go for Kirie.

Yeah, she did. The chances of her and Touta ending up together are very slim at this point.

Remember he was stabbed by her in an alternate world

Should have tapped Nodoka when she was extremely wet and wasn't open to sharing.

so this is the timeline or whatever where Asuna has already been brought back in time right? like a pick up of where negima manga was.

How was this not obvious like 10 years ago?

It wasn't.

Negi was literally a eunuch during the final chapters.

And then alternate Chisame became the Chisame of the main timeline.

Trips of truth

Nodoka was being set up as a love interest and would have been a perfect match for Negi. They would have read together and had tea and been adorable, but Ken is a fucking faggot obsessed with naru-clones that beat you because its all he's ever known groping women on the train. Fucking nip monkey shit I will always be mad.

They really thirsty right there. 5P doujin where?

Chisame made the right decision in hindsight. That said, still sucks hard. Also, Yuuna and the cheerleaders really pounced on Negi fast.

Chisame is a way better character than Naru, the "violence" is played off in a much different manner and her personality when it comes down to it past the tsundere is pretty different, or at least far more developed.

That said loving all the girls in the series there's no way to win because there's still all the losers you came to really like.

The purple haired chick has a boyfriend.

Madoka should have won Kotaro. The other airhead cheerleader is a literal who.

Yuuna went full 180 and starting lusting over shota despite being a dadcon.

It's been so long since I read that doujinshi. I only remember the huge boner I got when Chisame found out Asuna was writing her fake emails with Negi's account after he died.

>implying Ken would cheat on his beautiful wife that cosplays for him in kinky sex with other ugly women on trains

It was pretty ambiguous whether it'd be her or Nodoka, or maybe Asuna through some Akamatsu bullshit. But I don't think anyone is really surprised that he picked Chisame. Negi's harem was gargantuan but he only had romantic interest in very few of the girls.

It was under my nose but I just didn't realize it this whole time. As an Asunafag I understood that she took the role of best big sister long ago but I didn't think about all of the time negi and chisame were together during magic world.