whats your show of the year so far?
Whats your show of the year so far?
I only finisheed Rakugou, ACCA and LWA so those 3. I also finished FlipFlappers but I wish I had dropped it.
LWA and Bahamut
LWA isn't Anime
you posted it op
too bad most of what is popular is just cgdct, waifu, meme, and fotm shit
>an anime isn't an anime
Seems legit.
Trigger belongs on Sup Forums
You'd have a point if we were talking about the Castlevania adaptation, but whether you like it or not LWA is anime. It was directed, written and had its music composed by japanese people. It just happened to also have westerners as the target audience, whcih is unusual.
Youjo Senki
Is ACCA-13 going to fulfill my smoking fetish?
if LWA is Anime then Hey Arnold is Anime.
its sad that I hardly hear peole talk about this show because everyone is like le eromanga sensei is kino meme
I fucking hate people
I don't what expect from Made in Abyss, but for the moment it seem nice
I hope something there will be somehting great next season
>Current show of the year
>Currently airing that I hope will compete
Made in Abyss
Princess Principal
>Could have been AOTY but dropped the ball hard
Seikaisuru Kado
>What will "most likely" end up being my true AOTY
Mahoutsukai no Yome
>Could have been AOTY
>Seikaisuru Kado
There's so much wrong with this show -- pacing, exposition, plot holes, but what bothered me the most is the tone. They failed horribly at mixing the serious nature and the comedic timing that it comes off manic, awkward, and sometimes just weird. I drudged through the first season in hopes the second season would have new writers and a better story. I was wrong. The only reason I went against my better judgement and ignore the two episode rule, was because Sup Forums hype. This happens every fucking year. I fall for a meme, then spend months following a show getting angrier and angrier every release. this isn't good for my mental state. I would say I won't listen to Sup Forums anymore, but I wouldn't even believe myself at this point.
fml and fuck the anime industry for shitting out these low effort, crash-grab turds that masquerade as quality to rope in brainlets and plebs..
ACCA had really nice visuals, but not much substance. Comfy though.
that depends/ how are you on good food and good wine?
are you fucking baiting?
ACCA was one of my favorite shows from winter but my AOTS was Akiba's Trip. As for AOTY it's would have been Akiba's Trip but the ending of Tsuki ga kirei made it a potential candidate for AOTY.
Love it. Is it a comfy, relaxing show, or something with a bit more action?
acca 13 was relaxing but it felt like the author got bored when the plot thickened and added cheese
Uchouten 2
I never finished ACCA having lost interest halfway through. It would have worked better as a film. My favorite show this year is probably Tsuki ga Kirei. It's flawed and receives undue praise in certain regards like directing, but I enjoyed and was engaged with it more so than anything I've seen in the last several seasons.
You posted it.
>>What will "most likely" end up being my true AOTY
>Mahoutsukai no Yome
Patrician foreshadowing, user.
Epic reaction image Sup Forumsermin, fuck off. And, yes, ACCA have great visuals, backgrounds and soundtrack, but that's it. They wasted 8 episodes building up to some coup that did not happen in the end. If the show was just about Jean traveling Dowa and exploring the different states while doing his work it would have been my AOTY hands down, but the whole plot was just a waste.
Kemono Friends
Without the world building and the rpetentious plot it would just be a SoL with food elements.
>I would say I won't listen to Sup Forums anymore, but I wouldn't even believe myself at this point.
there is your problem right there pea brain-kun, you spout this pseudo intellectual garbage but in the end you can't formulate an opinion on your own and rely on faceless people on the Internet.
LWA by far
ACCA13 is my favorite so far with honorable mentions to Youjo Senki and Maid Dragon
not him but, it baits you into thinking there is going to be action. I didn't dislike it, it was just that the whole show was building up to something that didn't happen
Youjo Senki.
but Sup Forums assures me with me with every release of an episode that this one redeems it and that it is the best one yet. What am I suppose to do, not listen?
>pretentious plot
There is nothing pretentious about ACCA, the only problem is that the ending was lackluster and it felt like nothing really happened, the twist was okay, I guess.
>would just be a SoL with food elements.
Impliying that's a bad thing.
>There is nothing pretentious about ACCA, the only problem is that the ending was lackluster and it felt like nothing really happened, the twist was okay, I guess.
Dropped halfway through so I didn't even get to the ending. It was interesting in the beginning but it went nowhere fast.
>Impliying that's a bad thing.
It isn't. But while comfy, shows like that feel pretty generic and tend to be forgetable. Isekai Shokudou would be a good example of this in the season.
no but it was OP of the year
why was Winter this year so based?
normally winter is a throwaway season of shoddy anime but now it's shaping up to be the best season in 2017.
Is it due to global warming?
no Sup Forums assures you "all recs go to "
yet you never listen to them
ACCA felt so unsatisfying at the end. And that one woman Jean liked ended up with that old guy with the long hair. The soundtrack is smooth as fuck though.
But this was last year, what the hell user?
I dropped around episode 3 because it seemed like it was turning out mediocre. Is it actually worth finishing?
Nothing particularly bad or exceptional. I guess it's well paced enough to maintain interest until the end? Insert typical mobster story ambigious ending trope.
I don't think there's been a "proper" good show or anything, so I pick Kemono Friends.
Not a huge amount of competition this year, not a lot of shows blowing me away.
I'd use Rakugo, but that was season 2 so it doesn't quite count.
The way Bahamut is progressing I'm holding out on naming it my personal AOTY. It's getting worse every episode now.
The first 75% of Seikaisuru Kado
>Julius Caesar is made into the antagonist of an anime.
>Also a part of a romance subplot that's about as mature as anime gets with the theme. It's not cynical or crass like scum's wish, nor is it unwarranted, contrived, or overly rosy. Charioce is a sweet guy, bound by his own sense of responsibility and perception of the world to embrace his most monstrous qualities.
>He's all-around an interesting character for his merits and his flaws. He calls Kaisar naive, unworldly, because arrogance is one of his own flaws. It's not a mistake that the show has Kaisar disarm him a few episodes after that using the metal arm that Rita fashioned for him. It's a statement about who's actually the veteran in their relationship, who's properly disillusioned about the horrors of their world.
And that's just my favorite character from the show. The whole thing is intensely beautiful too. God bless the nips and the retarded amounts of money they blow on GBF.
I meant to download the OP when I was really into this but then it ended and I lost all interest. In the end it was nothing more than a comfy fashion and bread show, the actual "plot"/conspiracy was just kind of tacked on as an excuse to show hot guys being mysterious and sexy.
So I'm assuming this is "Hard mode: no Kemono Friends" thread, huh
I enjoyed Kemono Friends the most.
>google & yandex image
>"Anime Girl Smoking"
>comfy fashion and bread show, the actual "plot"/conspiracy was just kind of tacked on as an excuse to show hot guys being mysterious and sexy.
That pretty much describes ACCA. I enjoyed it for what it was, and the threads were comfy. But the ending was such a blueball. It was all building up to some shit going down, but shit barely goes down and in the end nothing has changed except for the fact Jean's love was unrequited and she was pretty much leading him on for information.
The implication of Rakugo's ending regarding Konatsu's child left a bad fucking taste in my mouth.
Definitely Acca-13. It doesn't have the terrible plot twist of Rakugou.
As of right now:
2. Kado (ep. 1-9, series ended at that point)
3. Frame Arms Girl
4. Made in Abyss
5. Magical Circle Guru Guru
But in the end Made in Abyss will end up in #1 for the year if not the half-decade.
ending sucked
Would not nominate for aoty
Wow you like Made in Abyss that much eh
>Rakugou, ACCA
>Youjo Senki
This was the year of great potential and terrible endings. I can't call an anime a masterpiece if it fails so badly during the ending
I am enjoying Atom.
Where have all of you ACCA bros been? I loved it because it was nuanced, character driven by actually likable people, and completely consistent. At first I was underwhelmed by the ending, but in the end it fit. Though, the princess promising her father that she would be useful to him one day really made me believe that Jean would return to be king. Oh, well.
Though, Kado surpassed it as AOTY for the first 7 episodes, then it backslid so far it's become a source of resentment. So much for political sci-fi.
Right now SnB:Virgin Soul. I liked ACCA a lot but like others said the ending was shit. That said it also depends on Virgin Soul's ending too. A lot of shows that have great potential usually have shit endings for some reason.
definitly not acca13, that shit was the biggest dissapoingment this year.
it was a big false alarm because the opening was a masterpiece.
if it comes to anime in general. snk s2 so far.. if it comes to original anime, kobayashi (yes, this year is so bad kobayashi has chances of being the best), but made in abyss, kakegurui and ballroom have chances of being better and better
If they adapt it faithfully (and the producers said they would), it's going to be on several AOTY lists.
If they ever do a second cour, it would be on some people's AOTD lists.
>Overrated shotacon edgy shit
Dont think so Tim
I liked all the different regions and scenery, I almost wish it was longer so they could explore each area better.
Weird, I read it last weekend. A bit too game-y and a bit too exploitative for my tastes.
>And that one woman Jean liked ended up with that old guy with the long hair
Wow lame
LWA, though that's pretty much the only show I've watched this year as I've mostly been working on my backlog
Youjo Senki's ending wasn't terrible, the story just wasn't completed
I really liked the guy they sent to Not Vegas.
Honestly, Acca-13 needs an sequel to actually show what the aftereffects of the coup were before I can consider it a masterpiece.
Gabriel Dropout, which is going to be replaced by New Game soon
>moeblob shows about moeblobs doing moeblob things are completely interchangeable
You have a very set taste in anime if those are your favorite.
Am I the only one that liked the ending? While I was watching I realized that they were spending a ton of time on world-building and that the show was not supposed to be about the actual operation of a coup. Seeing how they resolved it while simultaneously ensuring ACCA's future seemed pretty smart to me.
I like cute things and New Game is an above average moeblob show because it's also about video games
so what's this show's strong points? I watched a few episodes but got really busy before I could get a real feel for it
Mostly her.
She's only in half the episodes. And even then, she's mostly just there for damage control by the end.
No we watch this shit for Food, Wine, cheese and Nino.
Who? Homos?
Sapiens? yes
I don't think my favorite will change.
What did you think of S2 v S1?
I love both and the second one does a great job building on the first.
For me it would have to be ACCA LWA Uchoten Kazoku 2 and ATOM the Beginning, this year has had some really good ones for me at least the past couple of years have been a lot of hits and misses in my opinion maybe its just my taste and lack of time to watch though so yea. Can anyone confirm that 2017 has had some really good ones come out in comparison to previous years, and were only have way through the year?
what this user said
confirmed polesmoker
Interesting. I felt a bit dissapointed by S2. Somehow the world building of the first season felt ruptured. I felt that aside for the great impossibility of some of the locations, which was much more prevalent in S2, a sense of the magical realism within Kyoto was gone. Maybe it was due to a greater lack of familiarity on my part of Kyoto and it's traditions, but I felt that this was no longer grounded in the same realm as S1. That being said, I really enjoyed the second half of S2.
Eromanga obviously
Rakugo S2 and ACCA13 ended up being disappointments
Can't decide, but here's my list in no particular order:
>Tsuki ga Kirei
>Mahoujin Guru Guru
Spring: Tsuki ga kirei
Summer: Made in abyss, but found 18if interesting need to watch more episodes to decide
Kemono Friends