Why did you ordered ACE, user? ACE isn't even on the menu.
Gochuumon wa ACE desu ka?
Other urls found in this thread:
no thanks i'll have a steaming hot hoku instead
Every order until I win nationals.
The real OTP.
Zakuro was sexually abused as child.
I sense a pattern.
Ace? more like second plACE
I want to look exactly like Sasorida.
You'll never be smug enough.
And then what?
I want to play exactly like Sasorida.
>Sasorida has no manga chapter for her match but an episode instead
>Kumami has many manga chapters but will never have episodes
it keeps happening
Zakuro is such a cool name
Isn't very fitting.
Why is Koyori so best?
It means pomegranate
I still have no opinion of her despite her being the MC, can't wait for her back story to be revealed.
Season 2 when?
>not afraid to smash, takes bongbong seriously
>knows sweet spot, feels good
>shy but it gets better, manly af
>good friend, gives you new moves and plot armor occasionally
>doesn't wear wanko panties
My daughter PRE ACE is so cute.
I can't decide who's the worst mom, or pic related.
POST SCORP (with friends)
POST ACE (with lover)
why does lover look embarrassed
You mean true Ace and her mascot (Agari).
Kohime flashback soon
Did Takkyuu Musume give you a sweat fetish? Or did you already have one?
>Takkyuu Musume
What's that? Some extravagant coffee?
I want to drink a Takkyuu Musume!
Gween tee-uh
Choose one: A full adaptation is released the instant the manga finishes or you and only you get to read the full complete manga right now.
What's the point in reading it if I can't share it with my friends?
>follow the manga and have fun with it every month, then have fun with the anime
>spoil myself all the fun alone and no anime
it's not even a choice
Already liked sweaty girls but this anime just made me more thirsty. Too bad there is not many cute girls doing sweaty sports animus.
Caw fee.
Just hurt myself lifting, so no training for me today. Sad!
Some user told me it's in the same universe as MIlky Holmes.
Does not surprise me.
>strength but no technique
You'll be an easy opponent.
It's a very short takkyuu related post, I didn't realize Ace was such a downer.
>looking down on hard work and just lazing around
Should have expected it.
_____ with ACE!
>muh technique
There's no fun if you dont get to smash your life out. Koyori's dokidoki isnt just a meme. Break that fucking ball.
Why are all the girls very likable? I wanted to see more of the kouhais too.
Tampopo cutest Chimame.
Why is Komoma so shit? She ruined the whole manga.
I'd like to hear you say that after I've made you run around like a trained puppy blowing all your stamina on smashes, you'll fall victim to the desert heat like all the rest.
Desu◎Storm > Hi-Speed><Attacker > Smile@Wind > Aim for the Top↑↑↑ > Always○HokuHoku > Fairfight乂fielding > The sound of a dream
Then she just needs to become cooler to match her name!
Who's better? Hi-Speed or attacker?
Funny guy
Some very powerful ping pong girl keeps cursing the ACE fandom into turning into a circlejerk that keeps making ACE threads or turns other magical girls threads into ACE generals.
Who could it be?
It was probably Ace's real secret admirer.
>turns other magical girls threads into ACE generals.
I don't understand, isn't ACE a magical girl?
I can't believe ACE has secret admirers when 98.65% of the population likes ACE.
That's the important word.
Maybe it's not such a secret then.
Ace hides in magical girl threads because she knows Kumami wont find her there.
coffuck off Kumamifag ACE is omnipresent.
Kumami is too busy in the evilfus and "did nothing wrong" threads?
How long until season 2? Next year maybe? I don't think I can make it.
Don't get ahead of yourself because we got the OST.
We still have to wait for BDs, proper subs, manga translations for the remaining specials, manga translations for chapters 2-6, an ACE Nendoroid, a dog Nendoroid, the manga to get to a good S2 stopping point, an Sup Forums sings of the OP, /spa/ to come back, hoku and hanabi to get married, and for all the anons to finally face each other in Nationals. Then we will get season 2.
What cool chops.
No I want mune mune.
This scene right here killed me.
That wasn't a very good dess pun.
Makes no sense. Kumami hasnt done a single evil thing since her appearance.
She did.
She let Ace get a point.
Too focused on her face and not on the ball.
Seriously though, "Ace" needs to fuck off and give doggo more screen time.
How about no
Fuck you
ACE needs more screen time
You want COW fee?
She did in S1 since doge got the biggest match. And it's going to happen again when Kohime steps in
>tfw no boobs pillow
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Can someone with gold account tell me what does it say?
You need a Sup Forums gold account to see this content.
how di i even get gold acc???!??
You have to beat the ACE.