When did you realize that Hifumi is the most beautiful girl in the world?
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If Hifumi is so great, how come she hasn't made an honest woman of Aoba yet?
She working up to it.
Impossible to turn a succubus honest.
Isn't the no male employee policy illegal?
They're all in a separate department.
Moments before seeing the actual most beautiful girl in the world
Do men not exist in this show?
You're right, Yun was introduced not much later.
Exist, but not exactly featured.
Why is that gay leading a gay team?
Because she worked hard to create her lily garden.
We can all agree that tomboys are best with big tits.
Tomboys with feminine features are good, but it doesn't need big tits in particular to do so.
Hajime is in the same caliber of tomboy as Kanbaru.
when I saw her vagina
My pair programming sessions are never this cute.
mine where.
We need a scene like this with the two softies, Nene and Yun this season.
Except she's more of a cute dork.
What do you guys think of Nene's "potential"?
Yeah, Sawashiro's deep voice and those damn thick eyebrows render Kanbaru's much less cute than Hajime.
I would need to examine her more for that, starting with her cute little butthole.
So basically the guys do all of the heavy lifting while being molested by their boss while the girls get to sit around designing stuff and looking cute?
I agree Kanbaru isn't as cute, but she's sex on legs. Hajime's appeal is less raw sex and more a mixture of cute and sexy.
Looking cute while getting shot 24/7 by a PTSD-ridden sperg is harder than anything the guys are doing.
The code monkeys are kept locked in their cave and once in a quarter they can come out and ogle the qt art team during staff meetings.
Well, neither is really my ideal type, but find them pretty hot regardless. Wouldn't know who to pick though.
I'm more for small and extremely girly/cute girls.
But only Aoba is for anal!
I never realized that because she has a disgusting tit mole that is totally unnecessary.
Is this an OVA? Do not remember this at all
I'm more of a lolicon so girls who look like Aoba are more my type most of the time. But I just have a particular weakness for genki tomboys that makes me break ranks from the flat chest team.
Yeah, but Nene's butt looks like it's more ready to gape wide.
>New Game S2 is finally here
>amazing first episode, lots of Nenechi-Ahagon cuteness and Hazuki
>working on deving a game in real life
The future is bright.
I need you to post proof of that
Your game is shite m8
I get you, bro. Aoba's butt seems top notch as well, but Nene is shorter and softer, pretty sure her butt spreads wide on regular basis when she orgasms.
It is, it even has my wife's butt.
Sexy boy
Just look at how perky it is.
During this scene.
>not ganbaruzoi
>no Kirara jump
I want to be the code monkey in their company and rape the whole art team.
Hifumin a cute, A CUTE!
Cutest baka
Nenecchi for no reason at all
It's not rape if they are both girls.
Oh yes
I literally got tears on my eyes hearing her speak again, such a soothing voice after a long tiring work.And she is already cute as fuck visually.
>Rin wishes Kou was eating her tuna.jpg
>I'm more of a lolicon
Aoba or Yun,choose one
Mother fucker you've both got me
>posting your wife's butt for a bunch of virgins to jack off to
You've made a terrible mistake today my friend
Tough call. I'm not really a fan of goth loli style but Yun's got a really plush booty and is really soft in general thanks to packing away those sweets, so in terms of body type alone Yun is better. But Aoba's got a naughty side to her I find irresistible.
This is your new harem
Who let that Nene into my harem?
>yun getting shoved out of the frame
Wait a minute, who are the other girls? What did I miss?
I want to cure hifomi from her alcoholism.
Sex slaves for Aoba.
Which chapter is the raw at?
She's a true deviant
proves it all
Oh, and all the Hifumin bullying. That's at least 25 to life in prison
Are they going to remind us Rin is a hopeless gay every episode?
>spend entire adult life in love with best friend
>never have the courage to confess
>she leaves you
>she goes to France
>she immediately gets a brown girlfriend who can please her in ways unthinkable
>Kou marries her
The cutest
Me on the left.
Don't know exactly when, it just happend.
I'd like to be Hifumi's husband.
I'm not cute enough to pull that off.
Go back to work on your characters, Aoba.
Some are.
My little sister has one of those.
>game company only hires cute lesbians
Is this why Japan makes the best games?
Is she cute?
I used to think nenecchi was an annoying cunt but she was kinda cute this episode.
Nenecchi is the cutest.
Aoba looks like such a fucking loser in that suit
I really like the color scheme on Yun's outfit this season, though S1 got better gothic style, green and white lace fits her healing voice more.
Yun is barely a character, please stop talking about her
This is why Japan has low birthrates.
>using that literal faggot ass elementary school meme.
also fuck you
>you will never etc
>wanting to self-insert into cute girl anime
Fuck YOU.
Yun a best and most cutest
relax nenechi
Prepare to be bullied!
Just can't get enough of her Kansaiben
All girls team even in the IT world exists in real life
The security team in our company is where all cute girls are filtered too. It always feels like bliss when I get to go into their booth and it always smells nice
Never what?
Her voice heals my heart