So in the end, Rokudenashi was the better battle harem, right?
So in the end, Rokudenashi was the better battle harem, right?
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Akashic went to fucking shit after the third episode. Glen was too good for that show.
>no batshit insane girls
Busou Shoujo was better.
>not batshit insane
More like after the second episode.
Both was shit though.
>Both was shit though.
Except they weren't.
Busou Soujo was better.
Amou Kirukiru was GOTS. GOTY, even.
>delusional Amoutard
Sorry, but it is hard to find a series with 5 best girls at once
>amou a shit btw
Busou was because it had /our/girl in it
This thread is giving me flashbacks, mayne.
Except that the one on the right is about 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000x times better than the one on the left.
Because it was made by actual human beings with a fucking soul.
no, busou shoujo it's a better show and has better girls
Excellent taste
Oni a shit
Yeah, no.
Kill yourself, Greenfag
Rokudenashi isn't a harem.
sisti, lumia, riel, and celica all want to fuck glenn
this is probably baito anyway
Machiavelli's characters were way more likeable, also it's is SHOCKING BLUE
best girl
Pink Houki a shit.
Meant to say it's op, also mary was best
>batshit insane girls
>lumia, riel, celica
Yeah, they have so many scenes teasing potential romance.
Wait, no they don't.
- two sensei-on-lumia ecchi scenes in ep 1 that resulted in Sisti tsun-intervention
- rest of scenes involve smiles of admiration at most
Riel: she literally treats him like an older brother in the not-eromanga-sensei sense.
Celica: treats him like a mother in the anime. Apparently in the LN they share a bath.
Meanwhile, Sisti steals ALL of the typical harem-tease scenes that we'd usually have spread across multiple girls. I can only see either a Sisti ending if it doesn't end in status quo or death.
Batshit insane is better than boring as fuck, although I really like celica but all her shit got cut or not adapted
>old hag
>best girl
>old hag
you better be about to say this
>not an old hag
Talk about being delusional.
Mary is a highschooler with a healthy interest in lewd stuff
>he likes old hags
Go back home old man, else I'll call the police for your disturbing oldman lust for children
>butthurt oldhagfag
>asspained pedofag
>implying implications
>butthurt this much
I'll oblige only cause I feel sorry for you, littlefag
>oldhagfags can't stand differences in opinions
Busou Shoujo was miles better
Battle harems don't have to be about saving the world from magical macguffins.
>shit animation
>shit direction
>shit fight scenes
>shit OST
>shit girls
>miles better
Riel says she wants to live with glenn forever in her character intro
Lumia wanted to suck his dick ever since he saved her life as a little kid
And Sisti gets all the main girl scenes like when he fights to marry her, etc
the >MC walks in on her changing bit is really just a gimme
does there exist a single harem or ecchi anime without that scene
it's a good OP
At least it was fun unlike roku which went to complete shit very early on.
I liked both of them
This was better than those 2